Enroll accounts that have existing AWS Config resources - AWS Control Tower

Enroll accounts that have existing AWS Config resources

This topic provides a step-by-step approach for how to enroll accounts that have existing AWS Config resources. For examples of how to check your existing resources, see Example AWS Config CLI commands for resource status.


If you plan to bring existing AWS accounts into AWS Control Tower as Audit and Log archive accounts, and if those accounts have existing AWS Config resources, you must delete the existing AWS Config resources completely, before you can enroll these accounts into AWS Control Tower for this purpose. For accounts that are not intended to become Audit and Log archive accounts, you can modify the existing Config resources.

Examples of AWS Config resources

Here are some types of AWS Config resources that your account could have already. These resources may need to be modified so that you can enroll your account into AWS Control Tower.

  • AWS Config recorder

  • AWS Config delivery channel

  • AWS Config aggregation authorization

  • You have deployed an AWS Control Tower landing zone

  • Your account is not enrolled with AWS Control Tower already.

  • Your account has at least one pre-existing AWS Config resource in at least one of the AWS Control Tower Regions governed by the management account.

  • Your account is not the AWS Control Tower management account.

  • Your account is not in governance drift.

For a blog that describes an automated approach to enrolling accounts with existing AWS Config resources, see Automate enrollment of accounts with existing AWS Config resources into AWS Control Tower. You'll be able to submit a single support ticket for all of the accounts you wish to enroll, as described in Step 1: Contact customer support with a ticket, to add the account to the AWS Control Tower allow list, which follows.

  • The account can be enrolled only by using the AWS Control Tower workflow for extending governance.

  • If the resources are modified and create drift on the account, AWS Control Tower does not update the resources.

  • AWS Config resources in Regions that are not governed by AWS Control Tower are not changed.


If you attempt to enroll an account that has existing Config resources, without having the account added to the allow list, enrollment will fail. Thereafter, if you subsequently try to add that same account to the allow list, AWS Control Tower cannot validate that the account is provisioned correctly. You must deprovision the account from AWS Control Tower before you can request the allow list and then enroll it. If you only move the account to a different AWS Control Tower OU, it causes governance drift, which also prevents the account from being added to the allow list.

This process has 5 main steps.
  1. Add the account to the AWS Control Tower allow list.

  2. Create a new IAM role in the account.

  3. Modify pre-existing AWS Config resources.

  4. Create AWS Config resources in AWS Regions where they don't exist.

  5. Enroll the account with AWS Control Tower.

Before you proceed, consider the following expectations regarding this process.
  • AWS Control Tower does not create any AWS Config resources in this account.

  • After enrollment, AWS Control Tower controls automatically protect the AWS Config resources you created, including the new IAM role.

  • If any changes are made to the AWS Config resources after enrollment, those resources must be updated to align with AWS Control Tower settings before you can re-enroll the account.

Step 1: Contact customer support with a ticket, to add the account to the AWS Control Tower allow list

Include this phrase in your ticket subject line:

Enroll accounts that have existing AWS Config resources into AWS Control Tower

Include the following details in the body of your ticket:
  • Management account number

  • Account numbers of member accounts that have existing AWS Config resources

  • Your selected home Region for AWS Control Tower setup


The required time for adding your account to the allow list is 2 business days.

Step 2: Create a new IAM role in the member account

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console for the member account.

  2. Create a new stack using the following template

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Configure AWS Config Resources: CustomerCreatedConfigRecorderRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: aws-controltower-ConfigRecorderRole-customer-created AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - config.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWS_ConfigRole - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess
  3. Provide the name for the stack as CustomerCreatedConfigRecorderRoleForControlTower

  4. Create the stack.


Any SCPs that you create should exclude an aws-controltower-ConfigRecorderRole* role. Do not modify the permissions that restrict the ability for AWS Config rules to perform evaluations.

Follow these guidelines so that you don't receive an AccessDeniedException when you have SCPs that block aws-controltower-ConfigRecorderRole* from calling Config.

Step 3: Identify the AWS Regions with pre-existing resources

For each governed Region (AWS Control Tower governed) in the account, identify and note the Regions that have at least one of the existing AWS Config resource example types shown previously.

Step 4: Identify the AWS Regions without any AWS Config resources

For each governed Region (AWS Control Tower governed) in the account, identify and note the Regions in which there are no AWS Config resources of the example types shown previously.

Step 5: Modify the existing resources in each AWS Region

For this step, the following information is needed about your AWS Control Tower setup.

  • LOGGING_ACCOUNT - the Logging account ID

  • AUDIT_ACCOUNT - the Audit account ID

  • IAM_ROLE_ARN - the IAM role ARN created in Step 1

  • ORGANIZATION_ID - the organization ID for the management account

  • MEMBER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER - the member account that is being modified

  • HOME_REGION - the home Region for AWS Control Tower setup.

Modify each existing resource by following the instructions given in sections 5a through 5c, which follow.

Step 5a. AWS Config recorder resources

Only one AWS Config recorder can exist per AWS Region. If one exists, modify the settings as shown. Replace the item GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING with true in your home Region. Replace the item with false for other Regions where an AWS Config recorder exists.

  • Name: DON'T CHANGE


    • RecordingGroup:

    • AllSupported: true

    • IncludeGlobalResourceTypes: GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING

    • ResourceTypes: Empty

This modification can be made through the AWS CLI using the following command. Replace the string RECORDER_NAME with the existing AWS Config recorder name.

aws configservice put-configuration-recorder --configuration-recorder name=RECORDER_NAME,roleARN=arn:aws:iam::MEMBER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:role/aws-controltower-ConfigRecorderRole-customer-created --recording-group allSupported=true,includeGlobalResourceTypes=GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING --region CURRENT_REGION

Step 5b. Modify AWS Config delivery channel resources

Only one AWS Config delivery channel can exist per Region. If another exists, modify the settings as shown.

  • Name: DON’T CHANGE

  • ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties: TwentyFour_Hours

  • S3BucketName: The logging bucket name from the AWS Control Tower logging account



  • SnsTopicARN: The SNS topic ARN from the audit account, with the following format:


This modification can be made through the AWS CLI using the following command. Replace the string DELIVERY_CHANNEL_NAME with the existing AWS Config recorder name.

aws configservice put-delivery-channel --delivery-channel name=DELIVERY_CHANNEL_NAME,s3BucketName=aws-controltower-logs-LOGGING_ACCOUNT_ID-HOME_REGION,s3KeyPrefix="ORGANIZATION_ID",configSnapshotDeliveryProperties={deliveryFrequency=TwentyFour_Hours},snsTopicARN=arn:aws:sns:CURRENT_REGION:AUDIT_ACCOUNT:aws-controltower-AllConfigNotifications --region CURRENT_REGION

Step 5c. Modify AWS Config aggregation authorization resources

Multiple aggregation authorizations can exist per Region. AWS Control Tower requires an aggregation authorization that specifies the audit account as the authorized account, and has the home Region for AWS Control Tower as the authorized Region. If it doesn’t exist, create a new one with the following settings:

  • AuthorizedAccountId: The Audit account ID

  • AuthorizedAwsRegion: The home Region for the AWS Control Tower setup

This modification can be made through the AWS CLI using the following command:

aws configservice put-aggregation-authorization --authorized-account-id AUDIT_ACCOUNT_ID --authorized-aws-region HOME_REGION --region CURRENT_REGION

Step 6: Create resources where they don’t exist, in Regions governed by AWS Control Tower

Revise the AWS CloudFormation template, so that in your home Region the IncludeGlobalResourcesTypes parameter has the value GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING, as shown in the example that follows. Also update the required fields in the template, as specified in this section.

Replace the item GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING with true in your home Region. Replace the item with false for other Regions where an AWS Config recorder exists.

  1. Navigate to the management account’s AWS CloudFormation console.

  2. Create a new StackSet with the name CustomerCreatedConfigResourcesForControlTower.

  3. Copy and update the following template:

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Configure AWS Config Resources: CustomerCreatedConfigRecorder: Type: AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder Properties: Name: aws-controltower-BaselineConfigRecorder-customer-created RoleARN: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/aws-controltower-ConfigRecorderRole-customer-created RecordingGroup: AllSupported: true IncludeGlobalResourceTypes: GLOBAL_RESOURCE_RECORDING ResourceTypes: [] CustomerCreatedConfigDeliveryChannel: Type: AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel Properties: Name: aws-controltower-BaselineConfigDeliveryChannel-customer-created ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties: DeliveryFrequency: TwentyFour_Hours S3BucketName: aws-controltower-logs-LOGGING_ACCOUNT-HOME_REGION S3KeyPrefix: ORGANIZATION_ID SnsTopicARN: !Sub arn:aws:sns:${AWS::Region}:AUDIT_ACCOUNT:aws-controltower-AllConfigNotifications CustomerCreatedAggregationAuthorization: Type: "AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization" Properties: AuthorizedAccountId: AUDIT_ACCOUNT AuthorizedAwsRegion: HOME_REGION
    Update the template with required fields:
    1. In the S3BucketName field, replace the LOGGING_ACCOUNT_ID and HOME_REGION

    2. In the S3KeyPrefix field, replace the ORGANIZATION_ID

    3. In the SnsTopicARN field, replace the AUDIT_ACCOUNT

    4. In the AuthorizedAccountId field, replace the AUDIT_ACCOUNT

    5. In the AuthorizedAwsRegion field, replace the HOME_REGION

  4. During deployment on the AWS CloudFormation console, add the member account number.

  5. Add the AWS Regions that were identified in Step 4.

  6. Deploy the stack set.

Step 7: Register the OU with AWS Control Tower

In the AWS Control Tower dashboard, register the OU.


The Enroll account workflow will not succeed for this task. You must choose Register OU or Re-register OU.