Identify your landing zone - AWS Control Tower

Identify your landing zone

Calling ListLandingZones can help you determine if your account is already set up with AWS Control Tower. This API returns one landing zone identifier (ARN) across any commercial region, regardless of the landing zone's home region. Landing zone ARNs are regionally unique.

aws controltower list-landing-zones --region us-east-1

For opt-in regions, the ListLandingZones API only returns the landing zone identifier if you call the API in the same region as the API's home region. For example, if your landing zone is set up in af-south-1 and you call ListLandingZones in af-south-1, the API returns the landing zone identifier. If your landing zone is set up in af-south-1 and you call ListLandingZones in ap-east-1, the API does not return the landing zone identifier.


{ "landingZones" [ "arn": "arn:aws:controltower:us-west-2:123456789123:landingzone/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H" ] }