How can administrators review compliance? - AWS Control Tower

How can administrators review compliance?

Compliance with detective controls is determined according to data retrieved from the AWS Config aggregator in the AWS Control Tower Audit account. You can review compliance status in the AWS Control Tower console, by subscribing to SNS topics that send email messages to the Audit account, or both.

Detective control status

To view the compliance status of detective controls in the AWS Control Tower console, select Controls in the left navigation, choose the control name from the controls table, and then scroll to the Accounts section on that control details page. Accounts may show a control compliance status of Unknown if any detective controls are misconfigured. For example, status Unknown often can appear due to account drift, such as Moved account drift. The Unknown status also can appear as a result of SCP drift.


AWS Control Tower displays the compliance status of all AWS Config rules deployed into organizational units registered with AWS Control Tower, including rules that were activated outside of the AWS Control Tower console. To view the compliance status of all your Config rules, navigate to the Account details page in the AWS Control Tower console. You will see a list showing the compliance status of controls managed by AWS Control Tower and Config rules deployed outside of AWS Control Tower. You can identify any non-compliant AWS Config rule.

Preventive control status

The compliance status of preventive controls on an OU may be viewed on the OU detail page, by scrolling to the Enabled controls section. If any preventive controls are misconfigured for an OU, the State field for that OU may show the state of Registration failed, in the Details section near the top of the page. Preventive control misconfiguration is caused most often by SCP drift, which can occur if the control's SCP is modified or detached from the OU by means of the AWS Organizations console.

Proactive control status

The control compliance status also can be viewed on other pages:

  • On the AWS Control Tower Dashboard page, by scrolling to the Controls section near the bottom of the page.

  • On the Control details page, which you can view by selecting the name of a control on another page.


The State of a control, as viewed in the AWS Control Tower console, reflects only the enabled or de-activated state of the control for a specific OU. This field does not reflect any information about the framework compliance status or the drift status of the landing zone environment. The control State and Status information is available in the console only. It is not available from the public API. To view the control status, navigate to the Control details page in the AWS Control Tower console.

Nested OUs and compliance

When an OU shows a status of Noncompliant, it means that one of the accounts directly under the OU contains noncompliant resources. The compliance status of an OU is not influenced by the compliance status of nested OUs under the OU, or the compliance status of any accounts that are not directly under the OU.

Other resources

If an account has any non-compliant resources, that account may be shown with Noncompliant status on the OU or Account page in the AWS Control Tower console. Details about the specific resources that have caused the non-compliant status are shown on the Account details page.

If an account shows Compliant status, that means it has no resources that are non-compliant; therefore, no resource details are shown on the Account details page, only an empty table.

Receive compliance status updates

To receive updates about compliance, you can subscribe to SNS topics that send notifications when resource compliance status changes. See Compliance notifications by SNS in the audit account, later in this chapter.

For more information on how AWS Control Tower collects information about resources, see the AWS Config Aggregator Documentation.

Drift changes the compliance status for OU and account resources

Drifted resources may be shown with status Unknown in the Compliance status field of the AWS Control Tower console. The Unknown state indicates that AWS Control Tower cannot determine the compliance status of the resource, because drift is present. Drift is not necessarily a detective control compliance violation. For more information about drift, see Detect and resolve drift in AWS Control Tower.

In another case of this type of drift, resources may be shown as compliant when they are not. If you delete an AWS Config rule, or if you turn off the Config recorder, compliance status may be reflected inaccurately in the console, because compliance no longer can be evaluated. For example, if you turn off the Config recorder, the last evaluated status continues to appear in the console. Similarly, if you delete an AWS Config rule, the resources covered by that rule always show to be compliant. In this situation, your environment could have some non-compliant resources that are not reported. Avoid deleting or turning off your AWS Config resources.