Using AWS Data Exchange with the AWS Marketplace Catalog API - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Using AWS Data Exchange with the AWS Marketplace Catalog API

This chapter contains supplemental information for using AWS Data Exchange and the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. The AWS Marketplace Catalog API service provides an API interface for you as a provider to programmatically access the AWS Marketplace self-service publishing capabilities.

The API supports a wide range of operations for you to view and manage your products. You can extend your internal build or deployment pipeline to AWS Marketplace through API integration to automate your product update process. You can also create your own internal user interface on top of the API to manage your products on the AWS Marketplace.

You can use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API to update your AWS Data Exchange products. To view your products, you can use the ListEntities and DescribeEntity API operations. To update your AWS Data Exchange product, you need to create a new change set, which is the Catalog API resource that represents an asynchronous operation used to manage products. For more information, see the AWS Marketplace Catalog API Reference.

Keep the following in mind when working with the Catalog API:

  • Each AWS Data Exchange product is represented in the Catalog API as an Entity.

  • AWS Data Exchange products have DataProduct as the EntityType.

  • Each product can have only one concurrently running change set at a time. This means that you can't create a second change set until the first one has finished running.