DynamoDBDataFormat - AWS Data Pipeline

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Applies a schema to a DynamoDB table to make it accessible by a Hive query. DynamoDBDataFormat is used with a HiveActivity object and a DynamoDBDataNode input and output. DynamoDBDataFormat requires that you specify all columns in your Hive query. For more flexibility to specify certain columns in a Hive query or Amazon S3 support, see DynamoDBExportDataFormat.


DynamoDB Boolean types are not mapped to Hive Boolean types. However, it is possible to map DynamoDB integer values of 0 or 1 to Hive Boolean types.


The following example shows how to use DynamoDBDataFormat to assign a schema to a DynamoDBDataNode input, which allows a HiveActivity object to access the data by named columns and copy the data to a DynamoDBDataNode output.

{ "objects": [ { "id" : "Exists.1", "name" : "Exists.1", "type" : "Exists" }, { "id" : "DataFormat.1", "name" : "DataFormat.1", "type" : "DynamoDBDataFormat", "column" : [ "hash STRING", "range STRING" ] }, { "id" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1", "name" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1", "type" : "DynamoDBDataNode", "tableName" : "$INPUT_TABLE_NAME", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "dataFormat" : { "ref" : "DataFormat.1" } }, { "id" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2", "name" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2", "type" : "DynamoDBDataNode", "tableName" : "$OUTPUT_TABLE_NAME", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "dataFormat" : { "ref" : "DataFormat.1" } }, { "id" : "EmrCluster.1", "name" : "EmrCluster.1", "type" : "EmrCluster", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "masterInstanceType" : "m1.small", "keyPair" : "$KEYPAIR" }, { "id" : "HiveActivity.1", "name" : "HiveActivity.1", "type" : "HiveActivity", "input" : { "ref" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1" }, "output" : { "ref" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2" }, "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "runsOn" : { "ref" : "EmrCluster.1" }, "hiveScript" : "insert overwrite table ${output1} select * from ${input1} ;" }, { "id" : "ResourcePeriod", "name" : "ResourcePeriod", "type" : "Schedule", "period" : "1 day", "startDateTime" : "2012-05-04T00:00:00", "endDateTime" : "2012-05-05T00:00:00" } ] }


Optional Fields Description Slot Type
column The column name with data type specified by each field for the data described by this data node. For example, hostname STRING. For multiple values, use column names and data types separated by a space. String
parent The parent of the current object from which slots will be inherited. Reference Object, such as "parent":{"ref":"myBaseObjectId"}

Runtime Fields Description Slot Type
@version The pipeline version uses to create the object. String

System Fields Description Slot Type
@error The error describing the ill-formed object. String
@pipelineId The Id of the pipeline to which this object belongs. String
@sphere The sphere of an object denotes its place in the lifecycle: Component Objects give rise to Instance Objects which execute Attempt Objects. String