Amazon DataZone quickstart with AWS Glue data - Amazon DataZone

Amazon DataZone quickstart with AWS Glue data

Complete the following quickstart steps to run through the complete data producer and data consumer workflows in Amazon DataZone with sample AWS Glue data.

Step 1 - Create the Amazon DataZone domain and data portal

This section describes the steps of creating an Amazon DataZone domain and data portal for this workflow.

Complete the following procedure to create an Amazon DataZone domain. For more information about Amazon DataZone domains, see Amazon DataZone terminology and concepts.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at, sign in, and then choose Create domain.


    If you want to use an existing Amazon DataZone domain for this workflow, choose View domains, then choose the domain that you want to use, and then proceed to Step 2 of creating a publishing project.

  2. On the Create domain page, provide values for the following fields:

    • Name - specify a name for your domain. For the purposes of this workflow, you can call this domain Marketing.

    • Description - specify an optional domain description.

    • Data encryption - your data is encrypted by default with a key that AWS owns and manages for you. For this use case, you can leave the default data encryption settings.

      For more information about using customer managed keys, see Data encryption at rest for Amazon DataZone. If you use your own KMS key for data encryption, you must include the following statement in your default AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRole.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
    • Service access - leave the selected by default Use a default role option unchanged.


      If you are using an existing Amazon DataZone domain for this workflow, you can choose Use an existing service role option and then choose an existing role from the drop-down menu.

    • Under Quick setup, choose Set up this account for data consumption and publishing. This option enables the built-in Amazon DataZone blueprints of Data lake and Data warehouse, and configures the required permissions, resources, a default project, and default data lake and data warehouse environment profiles for this account. For more information about Amazon DataZone blueprints, see Amazon DataZone terminology and concepts.

    • Keep the remaining fields under Permissions details unchanged.


      If you have an existing Amazon DataZone domain, you can choose the Use an existing service role option and then choose an existing role from the drop-down menu for the Glue Manage Access role, Redshift Manage Access role, and Provisioning role.

    • Keep the fields under Tags unchanged.

    • Choose Create domain.

  3. Once the domain is successfully created, choose this domain, and on the domain's summary page, note the Data portal URL for this domain. You can use this URL to access your Amazon DataZone data portal in order to complete the rest of the steps in this workflow. You can also navigate to the data portal by choosing Open data portal.


In the current release of Amazon DataZone, once the domain is created, the URL generated for the data portal cannot be modified.

Domain creation can take several minutes to complete. Wait for the domain to have a status of Available before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2 - Create the publishing project

This section describes the steps required to create the publishing project for this workflow.

  1. Once you complete Step 1 above and create a domain, you'll see the Welcome to Amazon DataZone! window. In this window, choose Create project.

  2. Specify the project name, for example, for this workflow, you can name it SalesDataPublishingProject, then leave the rest of the fields unchanged, and then choose Create.

Step 3 - Create the environment

This section describes the steps required to create an environment for this workflow.

  1. Once you complete Step 2 above and create your project, you'll see the Your project is ready to use window. In this window, choose Create environment.

  2. On the Create environment page, specify the following and then choose Create environment.

  3. Specify values for the following:

    • Name - specify the name for the environment. For this walkthrough, you can call it Default data lake environment.

    • Description - specify a description for the environment.

    • Environment profile - choose the DataLakeProfile environment profile. This enables you to use Amazon DataZone in this workflow to work with data in Amazon S3, AWS Glue Catalog, and Amazon Athena.

    • For this walkthrough, keep the rest of the fields unchanged.

  4. Choose Create environment.

Step 4 - Produce data for publishing

This section describes the steps required to produce data for publishing in this workflow.

  1. Once you complete step 3 above, in your SalesDataPublishingProject project, in the right-hand panel, under Analytics tools, choose Amazon Athena. This opens the Athena query editor using your project’s credentials for authentication. Make sure that your publishing environment is selected in the Amazon DataZone environment dropdown and the <environment_name>%_pub_db database is selected as in the query editor.

  2. For this walkthrough, you are using the Create Table as Select (CTAS) query script to create a new table that you want to publish to Amazon DataZone. In your query editor, execute this CTAS script to create a mkt_sls_table table that you can publish and make available for search and subscription.

    CREATE TABLE mkt_sls_table AS SELECT 146776932 AS ord_num, 23 AS sales_qty_sld, 23.4 AS wholesale_cost, 45.0 as lst_pr, 43.0 as sell_pr, 2.0 as disnt, 12 as ship_mode,13 as warehouse_id, 23 as item_id, 34 as ctlg_page, 232 as ship_cust_id, 4556 as bill_cust_id UNION ALL SELECT 46776931, 24, 24.4, 46, 44, 1, 14, 15, 24, 35, 222, 4551 UNION ALL SELECT 46777394, 42, 43.4, 60, 50, 10, 30, 20, 27, 43, 241, 4565 UNION ALL SELECT 46777831, 33, 40.4, 51, 46, 15, 16, 26, 33, 40, 234, 4563 UNION ALL SELECT 46779160, 29, 26.4, 50, 61, 8, 31, 15, 36, 40, 242, 4562 UNION ALL SELECT 46778595, 43, 28.4, 49, 47, 7, 28, 22, 27, 43, 224, 4555 UNION ALL SELECT 46779482, 34, 33.4, 64, 44, 10, 17, 27, 43, 52, 222, 4556 UNION ALL SELECT 46779650, 39, 37.4, 51, 62, 13, 31, 25, 31, 52, 224, 4551 UNION ALL SELECT 46780524, 33, 40.4, 60, 53, 18, 32, 31, 31, 39, 232, 4563 UNION ALL SELECT 46780634, 39, 35.4, 46, 44, 16, 33, 19, 31, 52, 242, 4557 UNION ALL SELECT 46781887, 24, 30.4, 54, 62, 13, 18, 29, 24, 52, 223, 4561

    Make sure that the mkt_sls_table table is successfully created in the Tables and views section on the left-hand side. Now you have a data asset that can be published into the Amazon DataZone catalog.

Step 5 - Gather metadata from AWS Glue

This section describes the step of gathering metadata from AWS Glue for this workflow.

  1. Once you complete step 4 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose the SalesDataPublishingProject project, then choose the Data tab, and then choose Data sources in the left-hand panel.

  2. Choose the source that was created as part of the environment creation process.

  3. Choose Run next to the Action dropdown menu and then choose the refresh button. Once the data source run is complete, the assets are added to the Amazon DataZone inventory.

Step 6 - Curate and publish the data asset

This section describes the steps of curating and publishing the data asset in this workflow.

  1. Once you complete step 5 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose the SalesDataPublishingProject project that you created in the previous step, choose the Data tab, choose Inventory data in the left-hand panel, and locate the mkt_sls_table table.

  2. Open mkt_sls_table asset's details page to see the automatically generated business names. Choose the Automatically generated metadata icon to view the auto-generated names for asset and columns. You can either accept or reject each name individually or choose Accept all to apply the generated names. Optionally, you can also add the available metadata form to your asset and select glossary terms to classify your data.

  3. Choose Publish asset to publish the mkt_sls_table asset.

Step 7 - Create the project for data analysis

This section describes the steps of creating the project for data analysis. This is the beginning of the data consumer steps of this workflow.

  1. Once you complete step 6 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose Create project from the Project drop-down menu.

  2. On the Create project page, specify the project name, for example, for this workflow, you can name it MarketingDataAnalysisProject, then leave the rest of the fields unchanged, and then choose Create.

Step 8 - Create an environment for data analysis

This section describes the steps of creating an environment for data analysis.

  1. Once you complete step 7 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose the MarketingDataAnalysisProject project, then choose the Environments tab, and then choose Create environment.

  2. On the Create environment page, specify the following and then choose Create environment.

    • Name - specify the name for the environment. For this walkthrough, you can call it Default data lake environment.

    • Description - specify a description for the environment.

    • Environment profile - choose the built-in DataLakeProfile environment profile.

    • For this walkthrough, keep the rest of the fields unchanged.

Step 9 - Search the data catalog and subscribe to data

This section describes the steps of searching the data catalog and subscribing to data.

  1. Once you complete step 8 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose the Amazon DataZone icon, and in the Amazon DataZone Search field, search for data assets using keywords (e.g., 'catalog' or 'sales') in the data portal's Search bar.

    If necessary, apply filters or sorting, and once you locate the Product Sales Data asset, you can choose it to open the asset's details page.

  2. On the Catalog Sales Data asset's details page, choose Subscribe.

  3. In the Subscribe dialog, choose your MarketingDataAnalysisProject consumer project from the dropdown, then specify the reason for your subscription request, and then choose Subscribe.

Step 10 - Approve the subscription request

This section describes the steps of approving the subscription request.

  1. Once you complete step 9 above, in the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose the SalesDataPublishingProject project with which you published your asset.

  2. Choose the Data tab, then Published data, and then chose Incoming requests.

  3. Now you can see the row for the new request that needs an approval. Choose View request. Provide a reason for approval and choose Approve.

Step 11 - Build a query and analyze data in Amazon Athena

Now that you have successfully published an asset to the Amazon DataZone catalog and subscribed to it, you can analyze it.

  1. In the Amazon DataZone data portal, choose your MarketingDataAnalysisProject consumer project and then, from the right-hand panel, under Analytics tools, choose the Query data link with Amazon Athena. This opens the Amazon Athena query editor using your project’s credentials for authentication. Choose the MarketingDataAnalysisProject consumer environment from the Amazon DataZone Environment dropdown in the query editor and then choose your project's <environment_name>%sub_db from the database dropdown.

  2. You can now run queries on the subscribed table. You can choose the table from Tables and Views, and then choose Preview to have the select statement on the editor screen. Run the query to see the results.