CreateSessions - Amazon DCV Session Manager


Creates a new Amazon DCV session with the specified details.

Request parameters


The name for the session.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of the session owner. This must be the name of an existing user on the target Amazon DCV server.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The session type. For more information about the types of sessions, see Introduction to Amazon DCV Sessions in the Amazon DCV Administrator Guide.

Valid values: CONSOLE | VIRTUAL

Type: String

Required: Yes


Supported with virtual sessions on Linux Amazon DCV servers. It is not supported with console sessions on Windows and Linux Amazon DCV servers. The path to custom script on the Amazon DCV server to run for initializing the session when it is created. The file path is relative to the init directory specified for the agent.init_folder Agent configuration parameter. If the file is in the specified init directory, specify the file name only. If the file is not in the specified init directory, specify the relative path. For more information, see see Agent configuration file in the Amazon DCV Session Manager Administrator Guide.

Type: String

Required: No


The maximum number of concurrent Amazon DCV clients.

Type: Integer

Required: No


Indicates whether the virtual session is configured to use hardware-based OpenGL. Supported with virtual sessions only. This parameter is not supported with Windows Amazon DCV servers.

Valid values: true | false

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The Base64-encoded contents of the permissions file. Defaults to the server defaults if omitted. For more information, see Configuring Amazon DCV Authorization in the Amazon DCV Administrator Guide.

Type: String

Required: No


Indicates whether to queue the request if it can't be immediately fulfilled.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Required: No


Supported with console sessions on Windows Amazon DCV servers and virtual sessions on Linux Amazon DCV servers. It is not supported with console sessions on Linux Amazon DCV servers.

The path to a file on the host server that is to be run inside the session. The file path is relative to the autorun directory specified for the agent.autorun_folder Agent configuration parameter. If the file is in the specified autorun directory, specify the file name only. If the file is not in the specified autorun directory, specify the relative path. For more information, see Agent configuration file in the Amazon DCV Session Manager Administrator Guide.

The file is run on behalf of the specified Owner. The specified owner must have permission to run the file on the server. On Windows Amazon DCV servers, the file is run when the owner logs into the session. On Linux Amazon DCV servers, the file is run when the session is created.

Type: String

Required: No


Supported with virtual sessions on Linux Amazon DCV servers. It is not supported in console sessions on Windows and Linux Amazon DCV servers. Command-line arguments passed to AutorunFile upon its execution inside the session. Arguments are passed in the order they appear into the given array. Maximum allowed number of arguments and maximum allowed length of each argument can be configured. For more information, see Broker configuration file in the Amazon DCV Session Manager Administrator Guide.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


Indicates whether to not retry the create session request after it fails on a Amazon DCV host for any reason. For more information about create session retry mechanism, see Broker configuration file in the Amazon DCV Session Manager Administrator Guide.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Required: No


The requirements that the server must satisfy in order to place the session. The requirements can include server tags and/or server properties, both server tags and server properties are retrieved by calling the DescribeServers API.

Requirements condition expressions:

  • a != b true if a is not equal to b

  • a = b true if a is equal to b

  • a > b true if a is greater than b

  • a >= b true if a is greater than or equal to b

  • a < b true if a is less than b

  • a <= b true if a is less than or equal to b

  • a = b true if a contains the string b

Requirements boolean operators:

  • a and b true if a and b are true

  • a or b true if a or b are true

  • not a true if a is false

The tag keys must be prefixed by tag:, the server properties must be prefixed by server:.The requirements expressions supports parenthesis ().

Requirements examples:

  • tag:color = 'pink' and (server:Host.Os.Family = 'windows' or tag:color := 'red')

  • "server:Host.Aws.Ec2InstanceType := 't2' and server:Host.CpuInfo.NumberOfCpus >= 2"

Numerical values can be specified using the exponential notation, for example: "server:Host.Memory.TotalBytes > 1024E6".

The supported server properties are:

  • Id

  • Hostname

  • Version

  • SessionManagerAgentVersion

  • Host.Os.BuildNumber

  • Host.Os.Family

  • Host.Os.KernelVersion

  • Host.Os.Name

  • Host.Os.Version

  • Host.Memory.TotalBytes

  • Host.Memory.UsedBytes

  • Host.Swap.TotalBytes

  • Host.Swap.UsedBytes

  • Host.CpuLoadAverage.OneMinute

  • Host.CpuLoadAverage.FiveMinutes

  • Host.CpuLoadAverage.FifteenMinutes

  • Host.Aws.Ec2InstanceId

  • Host.Aws.Ec2InstanceType

  • Host.Aws.Region

  • Host.Aws.Ec2ImageId

  • Host.CpuInfo.Architecture

  • Host.CpuInfo.ModelName

  • Host.CpuInfo.NumberOfCpus

  • Host.CpuInfo.PhysicalCoresPerCpu

  • Host.CpuInfo.Vendor

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the path to the folder used for session storage. For more information about the Amazon DCV session storage, see Enabling Session Storage in the Amazon DCV Administrator Guide.

Type: String

Required: No

Response parameters


The unique ID of the session.


The session name.


The session owner.


The type of session.


The state of the session. If the request completes successfully, the session enters the CREATING state.


The substate of the session. If the request completes successfully, the substate enters the SESSION_PLACING substate.



The following example creates three sessions.

from swagger_client.models.create_session_request_data import CreateSessionRequestData def get_sessions_api(): api_instance = swagger_client.SessionsApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(get_client_configuration())) set_request_headers(api_instance.api_client) return api_instance def create_sessions(sessions_to_create): create_sessions_request = list() for name, owner, session_type, init_file_path, autorun_file, autorun_file_arguments, max_concurrent_clients,\ dcv_gl_enabled, permissions_file, requirements, storage_root in sessions_to_create: a_request = CreateSessionRequestData( name=name, owner=owner, type=session_type, init_file_path=init_file_path, autorun_file=autorun_file, autorun_file_arguments=autorun_file_arguments, max_concurrent_clients=max_concurrent_clients, dcv_gl_enabled=dcv_gl_enabled, permissions_file=permissions_file, requirements=requirements, storage_root=storage_root) create_sessions_request.append(a_request) api_instance = get_sessions_api() print('Create Sessions Request:', create_sessions_request) api_response = api_instance.create_sessions(body=create_sessions_request) print('Create Sessions Response:', api_response) def main(): create_sessions([ ('session1', 'user1', 'CONSOLE', None, None, None, 1, None, '/dcv/permissions.file', "tag:os = 'windows' and server:Host.Memory.TotalBytes > 1024", "/storage/root"), ('session2', 'user1', 'VIRTUAL', None, '', None, 1, False, None, "tag:os = 'linux'", None), ('session3', 'user1', 'VIRTUAL', '/dcv/', '', ['argument1', 'argument2'], 1, False, None, "tag:os = 'linux'", None), ])

The following is the sample output.

{ "RequestId": "e32d0b83-25f7-41e7-8c8b-e89326ecc87f", "SuccessfulList": [ { "Id": "78b45deb-1163-46b1-879b-7d8fcbe9d9d6", "Name": "session1", "Owner": "user1", "Type": "CONSOLE", "State": "CREATING" }, { "Id": " a0c743c4-9ff7-43ce-b13f-0c4d55a268dd", "Name": "session2", "Owner": "user1", "Type": "VIRTUAL", "State": "CREATING" }, { "Id": " 10311636-df90-4cd1-bcf7-474e9675b7cd", "Name": "session3", "Owner": "user1", "Type": "VIRTUAL", "State": "CREATING" } ], "UnsuccessfulList": [ ] }