Release: App Runner adds new service level metrics for CPU, memory, and concurrency on February 17, 2023 - AWS App Runner

Release: App Runner adds new service level metrics for CPU, memory, and concurrency on February 17, 2023

AWS App Runner adds new service level metrics for CPU utilization, memory utilization, and concurrent requests.

Release date: February 17, 2023


AWS App Runner now provides service level metrics for CPU utilization, memory utilization, and the total number of concurrent requests in the App Runner console and the Amazon CloudWatch.

Earlier, App Runner only displayed metrics for CPU and memory utilization at the instance level. Now with App Runner support to display these metrics at the service level, you can gauge CPU and memory usage related to your service. Use the new service level concurrency metrics in conjunction with CPU and memory utilization metrics to derive data to set your auto-scaling configuration for improved service efficiency. Use these metrics to improve performance of your service by making better decisions when defining compute configuration (CPU and Memory) and auto-scaling configuration (concurrency). For more information, see Viewing App Runner service metrics reported to CloudWatch in the AWS App Runner Developer Guide.