Die vorliegende Übersetzung wurde maschinell erstellt. Im Falle eines Konflikts oder eines Widerspruchs zwischen dieser übersetzten Fassung und der englischen Fassung (einschließlich infolge von Verzögerungen bei der Übersetzung) ist die englische Fassung maßgeblich.
Berechnete Standardattribute in Amazon Connect Connect-Kundenprofilen
Amazon Connect Kundenprofile bietet sieben out-of-the Standardattribute, die auf Kontaktdatensätzen basieren. Die Attribute lauten wie folgt:
- New customer
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_new_customer", "DisplayName": "New customer", "Description": "Returns true or false for new customer profiles created.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "TIME_DIFFERENCE_FROM_NOW", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": { "Value": "30", "Operator": "LESS_THAN" } }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "createdAt" } ], "Expression": "{_profile.createdAt}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Most frequent channel
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_most_frequent_channel", "DisplayName": "Most frequent channel", "Description": "Returns customer's frequently used communication channel. Channels include voice, chat, task.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "MAX_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "channel" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.channel}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Last channel
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_last_channel", "DisplayName": "Last channel", "Description": "Returns customer's last communication channel. Channels include voice, chat, task.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "channel" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.channel}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Last agent identifier
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_last_agent_id", "DisplayName": "Last agent identifier", "Description": "Returns identifier of the last agent customer connected with.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "agent.id" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.agent.id}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Frequent caller
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_frequent_caller", "DisplayName": "Frequent caller", "Description": "Returns true or false based on the number of times a customer has called.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": { "Value": "5", "Operator": "GREATER_THAN" } }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "contactId" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.contactId}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Average hold duration
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_average_hold_time", "DisplayName": "Average hold time", "Description": "Returns customer's average hold time for voice calls.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "agent.customerHoldDurationMillis" }, { "Name": "queue.durationMillis" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.agent.customerHoldDurationMillis} + {CTR.queue.durationMillis}" }, "Tags": { } }
- Average call duration
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_average_call_duration", "DisplayName": "Average call duration", "Description": "Returns customer's average call duration for voice calls.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "disconnectTimestamp" }, { "Name": "initiationTimestamp" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.disconnectTimestamp} - {CTR.initiationTimestamp}" }, "Tags": { } }
Validierung berechneter Attributwerte in Amazon Connect Connect-Kundenprofilen mithilfe von APIs
Fehlerstatus und Fehlerbehebung in Amazon Connect Connect-Kundenprofilen