Capturing data changes for ongoing replication from SQL Server - AWS Database Migration Service

Capturing data changes for ongoing replication from SQL Server

This topic describes how to set up CDC replication on a SQL Server source.

Capturing data changes for self-managed SQL Server on-premises or on Amazon EC2

To capture changes from a source Microsoft SQL Server database, make sure that the database is configured for full backups. Configure the database either in full recovery mode or bulk-logged mode.

For a self-managed SQL Server source, AWS DMS uses the following:


To capture changes for tables with primary keys. You can configure this automatically by giving sysadmin privileges to the AWS DMS endpoint user on the source SQL Server instance. Or you can follow the steps in this section to prepare the source and use a user that doesn't have sysadmin privileges for the AWS DMS endpoint.


To capture changes for tables without primary keys. Enable MS-CDC at the database level and for all of the tables individually.

When setting up a SQL Server database for ongoing replication (CDC), you can do one of the following:

  • Set up ongoing replication using the sysadmin role.

  • Set up ongoing replication to not use the sysadmin role.

Setting up ongoing replication on a self-managed SQL Server

This section contains information about setting up ongoing replication on a self-managed SQL server with or without using the sysadmin role.

Setting up ongoing replication on a self-managed SQL Server: Using sysadmin role

AWS DMS ongoing replication for SQL Server uses native SQL Server replication for tables with primary keys, and change data capture (CDC) for tables without primary keys.

Before setting up ongoing replication, see Prerequisites for using ongoing replication (CDC) from a SQL Server source.

For tables with primary keys, AWS DMS can generally configure the required artifacts on the source. However, for SQL Server source instances that are self-managed, make sure to first configure the SQL Server distribution manually. After you do so, AWS DMS source users with sysadmin permission can automatically create the publication for tables with primary keys.

To check if distribution has already been configured, run the following command.


If the result is NULL for column distribution, distribution isn't configured. You can use the following procedure to set up distribution.

To set up distribution
  1. Connect to your SQL Server source database using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) tool.

  2. Open the context (right-click) menu for the Replication folder, and choose Configure Distribution. The Configure Distribution wizard appears.

  3. Follow the wizard to enter the default values and create the distribution.

To set up CDC

AWS DMS version 3.4.7 and greater can set up MS CDC for your database and all of your tables automatically if you aren't using a read-only replica. To use this feature, set the SetUpMsCdcForTables ECA to true. For information about ECAs, see Endpoint settings.

For versions of AWS DMS earlier than 3.4.7, or for a read-only replica as a source, perform the following steps:

  1. For tables without primary keys, set up MS-CDC for the database. To do so, use an account that has the sysadmin role assigned to it, and run the following command.

    use [DBname] EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
  2. Next, set up MS-CDC for each of the source tables. For each table with unique keys but no primary key, run the following query to set up MS-CDC.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'schema_name', @source_name = N'table_name', @index_name = N'unique_index_name', @role_name = NULL, @supports_net_changes = 1 GO
  3. For each table with no primary key or no unique keys, run the following query to set up MS-CDC.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'schema_name', @source_name = N'table_name', @role_name = NULL GO

For more information on setting up MS-CDC for specific tables, see the SQL Server documentation.

Setting up ongoing replication on a standalone SQL Server: Without sysadmin role

This section describes how to set up ongoing replication for a standalone SQL Server database source that doesn't require the user account to have sysadmin privileges.


After running the steps in this section, the non-sysadmin DMS user will have permissions to do the following:

  • Read changes from the online transactions log file

  • Disk access to read changes from transactional log backup files

  • Add or alter the publication which DMS uses

  • Add articles to the publication

  1. Set up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication as described in Capturing data changes for ongoing replication from SQL Server.

  2. Enable MS-REPLICATION on the source database. This can either be done manually or by running the task once as a sysadmin user.

  3. Create the awsdms schema on the source database using the following script:

    use master go create schema awsdms go -- Create the table valued function [awsdms].[split_partition_list] on the Master database, as follows: USE [master] GO set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go if (object_id('[awsdms].[split_partition_list]','TF')) is not null drop function [awsdms].[split_partition_list]; go create function [awsdms].[split_partition_list] ( @plist varchar(8000), —A delimited list of partitions @dlm nvarchar(1) —Delimiting character ) returns @partitionsTable table —Table holding the BIGINT values of the string fragments ( pid bigint primary key ) as begin declare @partition_id bigint; declare @dlm_pos integer; declare @dlm_len integer; set @dlm_len = len(@dlm); while (charindex(@dlm,@plist)>0) begin set @dlm_pos = charindex(@dlm,@plist); set @partition_id = cast( ltrim(rtrim(substring(@plist,1,@dlm_pos-1))) as bigint); insert into @partitionsTable (pid) values (@partition_id) set @plist = substring(@plist,@dlm_pos+@dlm_len,len(@plist)); end set @partition_id = cast (ltrim(rtrim(@plist)) as bigint); insert into @partitionsTable (pid) values ( @partition_id ); return end GO
  4. Create the [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] procedure on the Master database using the following script:

    use [MASTER] go if (object_id('[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog]','P')) is not null drop procedure [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog]; go set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on GO CREATE procedure [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] ( @start_lsn varchar(32), @seqno integer, @filename varchar(260), @partition_list varchar(8000), — A comma delimited list: P1,P2,... Pn @programmed_filtering integer, @minPartition bigint, @maxPartition bigint ) as begin declare @start_lsn_cmp varchar(32); — Stands against the GT comparator SET NOCOUNT ON — – Disable "rows affected display" set @start_lsn_cmp = @start_lsn; if (@start_lsn_cmp) is null set @start_lsn_cmp = '00000000:00000000:0000'; if (@partition_list is null) begin RAISERROR ('Null partition list waspassed',16,1); return end if (@start_lsn) is not null set @start_lsn = '0x'+@start_lsn; if (@programmed_filtering=0) SELECT [Current LSN], [operation], [Context], [Transaction ID], [Transaction Name], [Begin Time], [End Time], [Flag Bits], [PartitionID], [Page ID], [Slot ID], [RowLog Contents 0], [Log Record], [RowLog Contents 1] FROM fn_dump_dblog ( @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default) where [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and ( ( [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') ) or ( [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW') and ( ( [context] in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX' and (datalength([RowLog Contents 0]) in (0,1)))) and [PartitionID] in ( select * from master.awsdms.split_partition_list (@partition_list,',')) ) or ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL') ) else SELECT [Current LSN], [operation], [Context], [Transaction ID], [Transaction Name], [Begin Time], [End Time], [Flag Bits], [PartitionID], [Page ID], [Slot ID], [RowLog Contents 0], [Log Record], [RowLog Contents 1] — After Image FROM fn_dump_dblog ( @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default) where [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and ( ( [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') ) or ( [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW') and ( ( [context] in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX' and (datalength([RowLog Contents 0]) in (0,1)))) and ([PartitionID] is not null) and ([PartitionID] >= @minPartition and [PartitionID]<=@maxPartition) ) or ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL') ) SET NOCOUNT OFF — Re-enable "rows affected display" end GO
  5. Create the certificate on the Master database using the following script:

    Use [master] Go CREATE CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert] ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = N'@5trongpassword' WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_DUMP_DBLOG Permissions';
  6. Create the login from the certificate using the following script:

    Use [master] Go CREATE LOGIN awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_login FROM CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert];
  7. Add the login to the sysadmin server role using the following script:

    ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_login];
  8. Add the signature to [master].[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] using the certificate, using the following script:

    Use [master] GO ADD SIGNATURE TO [master].[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] BY CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert] WITH PASSWORD = '@5trongpassword';

    If you recreate the stored procedure, you need to add the signature again.

  9. Create the [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] on the Master database using the following script:

    use [master] if object_id('[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]','P') is not null DROP PROCEDURE [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]; go create procedure [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] ( @dbname sysname, -- Database name @seqno integer, -- Backup set sequence/position number within file @filename varchar(260), -- The backup filename @1stTimeStamp varchar(40) -- The timestamp to position by ) as begin SET NOCOUNT ON -- Disable "rows affected display" declare @firstMatching table ( cLsn varchar(32), bTim datetime ) declare @sql nvarchar(4000) declare @nl char(2) declare @tb char(2) declare @fnameVar nvarchar(254) = 'NULL' set @nl = char(10); -- New line set @tb = char(9) -- Tab separator if (@filename is not null) set @fnameVar = ''''+@filename +'''' set @sql='use ['+@dbname+'];'+@nl+ 'select top 1 [Current LSN],[Begin Time]'+@nl+ 'FROM fn_dump_dblog (NULL, NULL, NULL, '+ cast(@seqno as varchar(10))+','+ @fnameVar+','+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default)'+@nl+ 'where operation=''LOP_BEGIN_XACT''' +@nl+ 'and [Begin Time]>= cast('+''''+@1stTimeStamp+''''+' as datetime)'+@nl --print @sql delete from @firstMatching insert into @firstMatching exec sp_executesql @sql -- Get them all select top 1 cLsn as [matching LSN],convert(varchar,bTim,121) as [matching Timestamp] from @firstMatching; SET NOCOUNT OFF -- Re-enable "rows affected display" end GO
  10. Create the certificate on the Master database using the following script:

    Use [master] Go CREATE CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert] ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '@5trongpassword' WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_POSITION_1st_TIMESTAMP Permissions';
  11. Create the login from the certificate using the following script:

    Use [master] Go CREATE LOGIN awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login FROM CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert];
  12. Add the login to the sysadmin role using the following script:

    ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login];
  13. Add the signature to [master].[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] using the certificate, using the following script:

    Use [master] GO ADD SIGNATURE TO [master].[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] BY CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert] WITH PASSWORD = '@5trongpassword';
  14. Grant the DMS user execute access to the new stored procedure using the following script:

    use master go GRANT execute on [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] to dms_user;
  15. Create a user with the following permissions and roles in each of the following databases:


    You should create the dmsnosysadmin user account with the same SID on each replica. The following SQL query can help verify the dmsnosysadmin account SID value on each replica. For more information about creating a user, see CREATE USER (Transact-SQL) in the Microsoft SQL server documentation. For more information about creating SQL user accounts for Azure SQL database, see Active geo-replication .

    use master go grant select on sys.fn_dblog to [DMS_user] grant view any definition to [DMS_user] grant view server state to [DMS_user]—(should be granted to the login). grant execute on sp_repldone to [DMS_user] grant execute on sp_replincrementlsn to [DMS_user] grant execute on sp_addpublication to [DMS_user] grant execute on sp_addarticle to [DMS_user] grant execute on sp_articlefilter to [DMS_user] grant select on [awsdms].[split_partition_list] to [DMS_user] grant execute on [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] to [DMS_user]
    use MSDB go grant select on msdb.dbo.backupset to [DMS_user] grant select on msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily to [DMS_user] grant select on msdb.dbo.backupfile to [DMS_user]

    Run the following script on the source database:

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'DMS_user' use Source_DB go
  16. Lastly, add an Extra Connection Attribute (ECA) to the source SQL Server endpoint:


Setting up ongoing replication on a SQL Server in an availability group environment: Without sysadmin role

This section describes how to set up ongoing replication for a SQL Server database source in an availability group environment that doesn't require the user account to have sysadmin privileges.


After running the steps in this section, the non-sysadmin DMS user will have permissions to do the following:

  • Read changes from the online transactions log file

  • Disk access to read changes from transactional log backup files

  • Add or alter the publication which DMS uses

  • Add articles to the publication

To set up ongoing replication without using the sysadmin user in an Availability Group environment
  1. Set up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication as described in Capturing data changes for ongoing replication from SQL Server.

  2. Enable MS-REPLICATION on the source database. This can either be done manually or by running the task once using a sysadmin user.


    You should either configure the MS-REPLICATION distributor as local or in a way that allows access to non-sysadmin users via the associated linked server.

  3. If the Exclusively use sp_repldone within a single task endpoint option is enabled, stop the MS-REPLICATION Log Reader job.

  4. Perform the following steps on each replica:

    1. Create the [awsdms][awsdms] schema in the master database:

      CREATE SCHEMA [awsdms]
    2. Create the [awsdms].[split_partition_list] table valued function on the Master database:

      USE [master] GO SET ansi_nulls on GO SET quoted_identifier on GO IF (object_id('[awsdms].[split_partition_list]','TF')) is not null DROP FUNCTION [awsdms].[split_partition_list]; GO CREATE FUNCTION [awsdms].[split_partition_list] ( @plist varchar(8000), --A delimited list of partitions @dlm nvarchar(1) --Delimiting character ) RETURNS @partitionsTable table --Table holding the BIGINT values of the string fragments ( pid bigint primary key ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @partition_id bigint; DECLARE @dlm_pos integer; DECLARE @dlm_len integer; SET @dlm_len = len(@dlm); WHILE (charindex(@dlm,@plist)>0) BEGIN SET @dlm_pos = charindex(@dlm,@plist); SET @partition_id = cast( ltrim(rtrim(substring(@plist,1,@dlm_pos-1))) as bigint); INSERT into @partitionsTable (pid) values (@partition_id) SET @plist = substring(@plist,@dlm_pos+@dlm_len,len(@plist)); END SET @partition_id = cast (ltrim(rtrim(@plist)) as bigint); INSERT into @partitionsTable (pid) values ( @partition_id ); RETURN END GO
    3. Create the [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] procedure on the Master database:

      USE [MASTER] GO IF (object_id('[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog]','P')) is not null DROP PROCEDURE [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog]; GO SET ansi_nulls on GO SET quoted_identifier on GO CREATE PROCEDURE [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] ( @start_lsn varchar(32), @seqno integer, @filename varchar(260), @partition_list varchar(8000), -- A comma delimited list: P1,P2,... Pn @programmed_filtering integer, @minPartition bigint, @maxPartition bigint ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @start_lsn_cmp varchar(32); -- Stands against the GT comparator SET NOCOUNT ON -- Disable "rows affected display" SET @start_lsn_cmp = @start_lsn; IF (@start_lsn_cmp) is null SET @start_lsn_cmp = '00000000:00000000:0000'; IF (@partition_list is null) BEGIN RAISERROR ('Null partition list was passed',16,1); return --set @partition_list = '0,'; -- A dummy which is never matched END IF (@start_lsn) is not null SET @start_lsn = '0x'+@start_lsn; IF (@programmed_filtering=0) SELECT [Current LSN], [operation], [Context], [Transaction ID], [Transaction Name], [Begin Time], [End Time], [Flag Bits], [PartitionID], [Page ID], [Slot ID], [RowLog Contents 0], [Log Record], [RowLog Contents 1] -- After Image FROM fn_dump_dblog ( @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default) WHERE [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -- This aims for implementing FN_DBLOG based on GT comparator. AND ( ( [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') ) OR ( [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW') AND ( ( [context] in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX') ) AND [PartitionID] in ( select * from master.awsdms.split_partition_list (@partition_list,',')) ) OR ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL') ) ELSE SELECT [Current LSN], [operation], [Context], [Transaction ID], [Transaction Name], [Begin Time], [End Time], [Flag Bits], [PartitionID], [Page ID], [Slot ID], [RowLog Contents 0], [Log Record], [RowLog Contents 1] -- After Image FROM fn_dump_dblog ( @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default) WHERE [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -- This aims for implementing FN_DBLOG based on GT comparator. AND ( ( [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') ) OR ( [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW') AND ( ( [context] in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX') ) AND ([PartitionID] is not null) and ([PartitionID] >= @minPartition and [PartitionID]<=@maxPartition) ) OR ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL') ) SET NOCOUNT OFF -- Re-enable "rows affected display" END GO
    4. Create a certificate on the Master Database:

      USE [master] GO CREATE CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert] ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = N'@hardpassword1' WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_DUMP_DBLOG Permissions'
    5. Create a login from the certificate:

      USE [master] GO CREATE LOGIN awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_login FROM CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert];
    6. Add the login to the sysadmin server role:

      ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_login];
    7. Add the signature to the [master].[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] procedure using the certificate:

      USE [master] GO ADD SIGNATURE TO [master].[awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] BY CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_dump_dblog_cert] WITH PASSWORD = '@hardpassword1';

      If you recreate the stored procedure, you need to add the signature again.

    8. Create the [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] procedure on the Master database:

      USE [master] IF object_id('[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]','P') is not null DROP PROCEDURE [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] ( @dbname sysname, -- Database name @seqno integer, -- Backup set sequence/position number within file @filename varchar(260), -- The backup filename @1stTimeStamp varchar(40) -- The timestamp to position by ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- Disable "rows affected display" DECLARE @firstMatching table ( cLsn varchar(32), bTim datetime ) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @nl char(2) DECLARE @tb char(2) DECLARE @fnameVar sysname = 'NULL' SET @nl = char(10); -- New line SET @tb = char(9) -- Tab separator IF (@filename is not null) SET @fnameVar = ''''+@filename +'''' SET @filename = ''''+@filename +'''' SET @sql='use ['+@dbname+'];'+@nl+ 'SELECT TOP 1 [Current LSN],[Begin Time]'+@nl+ 'FROM fn_dump_dblog (NULL, NULL, NULL, '+ cast(@seqno as varchar(10))+','+ @filename +','+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+ @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default)'+@nl+ 'WHERE operation=''LOP_BEGIN_XACT''' +@nl+ 'AND [Begin Time]>= cast('+''''+@1stTimeStamp+''''+' as datetime)'+@nl --print @sql DELETE FROM @firstMatching INSERT INTO @firstMatching exec sp_executesql @sql -- Get them all SELECT TOP 1 cLsn as [matching LSN],convert(varchar,bTim,121) AS[matching Timestamp] FROM @firstMatching; SET NOCOUNT OFF -- Re-enable "rows affected display" END GO
    9. Create a certificate on the Master database:

      USE [master] GO CREATE CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert] ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = N'@hardpassword1' WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_POSITION_1st_TIMESTAMP Permissions';
    10. Create a login from the certificate:

      USE [master] GO CREATE LOGIN awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login FROM CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert];
    11. Add the login to the sysadmin server role:

      ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login];
    12. Add the signature to the [master].[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] procedure using the certificate:

      USE [master] GO ADD SIGNATURE TO [master].[awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] BY CERTIFICATE [awsdms_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert] WITH PASSWORD = '@hardpassword1';

      If you recreate the stored procedure, you need to add the signature again.

    13. Create a user with the following permissions/roles in each of the following databases:


      You should create the dmsnosysadmin user account with the same SID on each replica. The following SQL query can help verify the dmsnosysadmin account SID value on each replica. For more information about creating a user, see CREATE USER (Transact-SQL) in the Microsoft SQL server documentation. For more information about creating SQL user accounts for Azure SQL database, see Active geo-replication .

      SELECT @@servername servername, name, sid, create_date, modify_date FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'dmsnosysadmin';
    14. Grant permissions on the master database on each replica:

      USE master GO GRANT select on sys.fn_dblog to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT view any definition to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT view server state to dmsnosysadmin -- (should be granted to the login). GRANT execute on sp_repldone to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on sp_replincrementlsn to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on sp_addpublication to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on sp_addarticle to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on sp_articlefilter to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT select on [awsdms].[split_partition_list] to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on [awsdms].[rtm_dump_dblog] to dmsnosysadmin; GRANT execute on [awsdms].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] to dmsnosysadmin;
    15. Grant permissions on the msdb database on each replica:

      USE msdb GO GRANT select on msdb.dbo.backupset to dmsnosysadmin GRANT select on msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily to dmsnosysadmin GRANT select on msdb.dbo.backupfile to dmsnosysadmin
    16. Add the db_owner role to dmsnosysadmin on the source database. Because the database is synchronized, you can add the role on the primary replica only.

      use <source DB> GO EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'dmsnosysadmin'

Setting up ongoing replication on a cloud SQL Server DB instance

This section describes how to set up CDC on a cloud-hosted SQL Server database instance. A cloud-hosted SQL server instance is an instance running on Amazon RDS for SQL Server, an Azure SQL Manged Instance, or any other managed cloud SQL Server instance. For information about limitations for ongoing replication for each database type, see Limitations on using SQL Server as a source for AWS DMS.

Before setting up ongoing replication, see Prerequisites for using ongoing replication (CDC) from a SQL Server source.

Unlike self-managed Microsoft SQL Server sources, Amazon RDS for SQL Server doesn't support MS-Replication. Therefore, AWS DMS needs to use MS-CDC for tables with or without primary keys.

Amazon RDS doesn't grant sysadmin privileges for setting replication artifacts that AWS DMS uses for ongoing changes in a source SQL Server instance. Make sure to turn on MS-CDC for the Amazon RDS instance (using master user privileges) as in the following procedure.

To turn on MS-CDC for a cloud SQL Server DB instance
  1. Run one of the following queries at the database level.

    For an RDS for SQL Server DB instance, use this query.

    exec msdb.dbo.rds_cdc_enable_db 'DB_name'

    For an Azure SQL managed DB instance, use this query.

    USE DB_name GO EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db GO
  2. For each table with a primary key, run the following query to turn on MS-CDC.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'schema_name', @source_name = N'table_name', @role_name = NULL, @supports_net_changes = 1 GO

    For each table with unique keys but no primary key, run the following query to turn on MS-CDC.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'schema_name', @source_name = N'table_name', @index_name = N'unique_index_name', @role_name = NULL, @supports_net_changes = 1 GO

    For each table with no primary key nor unique keys, run the following query to turn on MS-CDC.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'schema_name', @source_name = N'table_name', @role_name = NULL GO
  3. Set the retention period:

    • For RDS for SQL Server instances that are replicating using DMS version 3.5.3 and above, make sure that the retention period is set to the default value of 5 seconds. If you’re upgrading or moving from DMS 3.5.2 and below to DMS 3.5.3 and above, change the polling interval value after the tasks are running on the new or upgraded instance. The following script sets the retention period to 5 seconds:

      use dbname EXEC sys.sp_cdc_change_job @job_type = 'capture' ,@pollinginterval = 5 exec sp_cdc_stop_job 'capture' exec sp_cdc_start_job 'capture'
    • For Azure SQL MI and RDS for SQL Server instances that are replicating using DMS version 3.5.2 and below, use the following commands:

      use dbname EXEC sys.sp_cdc_change_job @job_type = 'capture' ,@pollinginterval = 86399 exec sp_cdc_stop_job 'capture' exec sp_cdc_start_job 'capture'

      The parameter @pollinginterval is measured in seconds with a recommended value set to 86399. This means that the transaction log retains changes for 86,399 seconds (one day) when @pollinginterval = 86399. The procedure exec sp_cdc_start_job 'capture' initiates the settings.


      With some versions of SQL Server, if the value of pollinginterval is set to more than 3599 seconds, the value resets to the default five seconds. When this happens, T-Log entries are purged before AWS DMS can read them. To determine which SQL Server versions are affected by this known issue, see this Microsoft KB article.

      If you are using Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ, make sure that you also set your secondary to have the right values in case of failover.

      exec rdsadmin..rds_set_configuration 'cdc_capture_pollinginterval' , <5 or 86399>
To maintain the retention period when an AWS DMS replication task is stopped for more than one hour

The following steps aren’t needed for a RDS for SQL Server source replicating using DMS 3.5.3 and above.

  1. Stop the job truncating the transaction logs by using the following command.

    exec sp_cdc_stop_job 'capture'
  2. Find your task on the AWS DMS console and resume the task.

  3. Choose the Monitoring tab, and check the CDCLatencySource metric.

  4. After the CDCLatencySource metric equals 0 (zero) and stays there, restart the job truncating the transaction logs using the following command.

    exec sp_cdc_start_job 'capture'

Remember to start the job that truncates SQL Server transaction logs. Otherwise, storage on your SQL Server instance might fill up.

Recommended settings when using RDS for SQL Server as a source for AWS DMS

For AWS DMS 3.5.3 and above


The initial release of the RDS for SQL Server log backup feature is enabled by default for endpoints that you created or modified after the release of DMS version 3.5.3. To use this feature for existing endpoints, modify the endpoint without making any changes.

AWS DMS version 3.5.3 introduces support for reading from log backups. DMS primarily relies on reading from the active transaction logs to replicate events. If a transaction is backed up before DMS can read it from the active log, the task accesses the RDS backups on-demand and reads from the subsequent backup logs until it catches up to the active transaction log. To ensure that DMS has access to log backups, set the RDS automated backup retention period to at least one day. For information about setting the automated backup retention period, see Backup retention period in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

A DMS task accessing log backups utilizes storage on the RDS instance. Note that the task only accesses the log backups needed for replication. Amazon RDS removes these downloaded backups in a couple of hours. This removal doesn't affect the Amazon RDS backups retained in Amazon S3, or Amazon RDS RESTORE DATABASE functionality. It is advisable to allocate additional storage on your RDS for SQL Server source if you intend to replicate using DMS. One way to estimate the amount of storage needed is to identify the backup from which DMS will start or resume replicating from, and add up the file sizes of all the subsequent backups using the RDS tlog backup metadata function. For more information about the tlog backup function, see Listing available transaction log backups in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Alternately, you may choose to enable storage autoscaling and/ or trigger storage scaling based on the CloudWatch FreeStorageSpace metric for your Amazon RDS instance.

We strongly recommend that you don’t start or resume from a point too far back in the transaction log backups, as it might lead to storage on your SQL Server instance filling up. In such cases, it is advisable to start a full load. Replicating from the transaction log backup is slower than reading from the active transaction logs. For more information, see Transaction log backup processing for RDS for SQL Server.

Note that accessing the log backups requires additional privileges. For more information, see as detailed in Set up permissions for ongoing replication from a cloud SQL Server database Make sure that you grant these privileges before the task starts replicating.

For AWS DMS 3.5.2 and below

When you work with Amazon RDS for SQL Server as a source, the MS-CDC capture job relies on the parameters maxscans and maxtrans. These parameters govern the maximum number of scans that the MS-CDC capture does on the transaction log and the number of transactions that are processed for each scan.

For databases, where a number of transactions is greater than maxtrans*maxscans, increasing the polling_interval value can cause an accumulation of active transaction log records. In turn, this accumulation can lead to an increase in the size of the transaction log.

Note that AWS DMS does not rely on the MS-CDC capture job. The MS-CDC capture job marks the transaction log entries as having been processed. This allows the transaction log backup job to remove the entries from the transaction log.

We recommend that you monitor the size of the transaction log and the success of the MS-CDC jobs. If the MS-CDC jobs fail, the transaction log could grow excessively and cause AWS DMS replication failures. You can monitor MS-CDC capture job errors using the sys.dm_cdc_errors dynamic management view in the source database. You can monitor the transaction log size using the DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE) management command.

To address the transaction log increase that is caused by MS-CDC
  1. Check the Log Space Used % for the database AWS DMS is replicating from and validate that it increases continuously.

  2. Identify what is blocking the transaction log backup process.

    Select log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc, name from sys.databases where name = db_name();

    If the log_reuse_wait_desc value equals REPLICATION, the log backup retention is caused by the latency in MS-CDC.

  3. Increase the number of events processed by the capture job by increasing the maxtrans and maxscans parameter values.

    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_change_job @job_type = 'capture' ,@maxtrans = 5000, @maxscans = 20 exec sp_cdc_stop_job 'capture' exec sp_cdc_start_job 'capture'

To address this issue, set the values of maxscans and maxtrans so that maxtrans*maxscans is equal to the average number of events generated for tables that AWS DMS replicates from the source database for each day.

If you set these parameters higher than the recommended value, the capture jobs process all events in the transaction logs. If you set these parameters below the recommended value, MS-CDC latency increases and your transaction log grows.

Identifying appropriate values for maxscans and maxtrans can be difficult because changes in workload produce varying number of events. In this case, we recommend that you set up monitoring on MS-CDC latency. For more information, see Monitor the process in SQL Server documentation. Then configure maxtrans and maxscans dynamically based on the monitoring results.

If the AWS DMS task is unable to find the log sequence numbers (LSNs) needed to resume or continue the task, the task may fail and require a complete reload.


When using AWS DMS to replicate data from an RDS for SQL Server source, you may encounter errors when trying to resume replication after a stop-start event of the Amazon RDS instance. This is due to the SQL Server Agent process restarting the capture job process when it restarts after the stop-start event. This bypasses the MS-CDC polling interval.

Because of this, on databases with transaction volumes lower than the MS-CDC capture job processing, this can cause data to be processed or marked as replicated and backed up before AWS DMS can resume from where it stopped, resulting in the following error:

[SOURCE_CAPTURE ]E: Failed to access LSN '0000dbd9:0006f9ad:0003' in the backup log sets since BACKUP/LOG-s are not available. [1020465] (sqlserver_endpoint_capture.c:764)

To mitigate this issue, set the maxtrans and maxscans values as recommended prior.