Enabling and disabling the email channel - Amazon Pinpoint

Enabling and disabling the email channel

To send email for campaigns and journeys in the current project, you first have to enable the email channel for the project. If you don't plan to send email for any campaigns or journeys in a project, you can disable the email channel for the project.

Note that you don't need to enable the email channel to send transactional emails, which are emails that are typically sent only once in response to a specific action. For information about sending transactional email, see Sending email in Amazon Pinpoint.

To enable the email channel for a project
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/.

  2. On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to enable the email channel for.

  3. In the navigation pane, under Settings, choose Email.

  4. On the Identities tab, choose Edit.

  5. Select Enable the email channel for this project.

  6. If you haven't verified an email identity yet, complete the appropriate procedure in Verifying email identities. Otherwise, choose the identity that you want to use.

  7. Choose Save.

The process for disabling the email channel is similar. If you disable the email channel, you can't send emails for any campaigns or journeys in the project. However, you can send transactional emails from your Amazon Pinpoint account.

To disable the email channel
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/.

  2. On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to disable the email channel for.

  3. In the navigation pane, under Settings, choose Email.

  4. On the Identities tab, choose Edit.

  5. Clear Enable the email channel for this project, and then choose Save.