Viewing your collection of message templates - Amazon Pinpoint

Viewing your collection of message templates

The Message templates page displays a list of all the message templates for your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region. To browse the list or find specific templates quickly, you can sort and filter the list, choose which columns to display, and change other display settings for the list.

To view your collection of message templates
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Message templates. The Message templates page opens and displays the number of templates in your collection and a list of those templates.

  3. To customize the list or find a specific template quickly, choose any of the following options:

    • To sort the list by a specific type of value, select the column heading for that value. To change the sort order from ascending to descending or the other way around, select the column heading again.

    • To apply a filter that displays only a specific type of template, use the channel selector at the top of the page to choose the channel. To remove the filter, choose All message channels from the channel selector.

    • To apply a filter that displays only those templates whose names contain specific text, enter the text in the Search box above the list. To remove the filter, choose X in the Search box.

    • To change the number of templates that are displayed in the list, choose the settings icon at the top of the page. Then, for Page size, choose the number of templates that you want to display, and choose Save changes.

    • To add or remove columns from the list, choose the settings icon at the top of the page. Then, for Choose visible columns, turn each column on or off, and choose Save changes.