Informationen zu Custom Metrics für Amazon abrufen CloudWatch - AWS SDK für Ruby

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Informationen zu Custom Metrics für Amazon abrufen CloudWatch

Das folgende Codebeispiel:

  1. Fügt Datenpunkte zu einer benutzerdefinierten Metrik in hinzu. CloudWatch

  2. Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Metriken für einen Metrik-Namespace in an. CloudWatch

# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # The following example shows how to: # 1. Add a datapoint to a metric in Amazon CloudWatch. # 2. List available metrics for a metric namespace in Amazon CloudWatch. require 'aws-sdk-cloudwatch' # Adds a datapoint to a metric in Amazon CloudWatch. # # @param cloudwatch_client [Aws::CloudWatch::Client] # An initialized CloudWatch client. # @param metric_namespace [String] The namespace of the metric to add the # datapoint to. # @param metric_name [String] The name of the metric to add the datapoint to. # @param dimension_name [String] The name of the dimension to add the # datapoint to. # @param dimension_value [String] The value of the dimension to add the # datapoint to. # @param metric_value [Float] The value of the datapoint. # @param metric_unit [String] The unit of measurement for the datapoint. # @return [Boolean] # @example # exit 1 unless datapoint_added_to_metric?( # 'us-east-1'), # 'SITE/TRAFFIC', # 'UniqueVisitors', # 'SiteName', # '', # 5_885.0, # 'Count' # ) def datapoint_added_to_metric?( cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace, metric_name, dimension_name, dimension_value, metric_value, metric_unit ) cloudwatch_client.put_metric_data( namespace: metric_namespace, metric_data: [ { metric_name: metric_name, dimensions: [ { name: dimension_name, value: dimension_value } ], value: metric_value, unit: metric_unit } ] ) puts "Added data about '#{metric_name}' to namespace " \ "'#{metric_namespace}'." return true rescue StandardError => e puts "Error adding data about '#{metric_name}' to namespace " \ "'#{metric_namespace}': #{e.message}" return false end # Lists available metrics for a metric namespace in Amazon CloudWatch. # # @param cloudwatch_client [Aws::CloudWatch::Client] # An initialized CloudWatch client. # @param metric_namespace [String] The namespace of the metric. # @example # list_metrics_for_namespace( # 'us-east-1'), # 'SITE/TRAFFIC' # ) def list_metrics_for_namespace(cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace) response = cloudwatch_client.list_metrics(namespace: metric_namespace) if response.metrics.count.positive? response.metrics.each do |metric| puts " Metric name: #{metric.metric_name}" if metric.dimensions.count.positive? puts ' Dimensions:' metric.dimensions.each do |dimension| puts " Name: #{}, Value: #{dimension.value}" end else puts 'No dimensions found.' end end else puts "No metrics found for namespace '#{metric_namespace}'. " \ 'Note that it could take up to 15 minutes for recently-added metrics ' \ 'to become available.' end end # Full example call: def run_me metric_namespace = 'SITE/TRAFFIC' region = 'us-east-1' cloudwatch_client = region) # Add three datapoints. puts 'Continuing...' unless datapoint_added_to_metric?( cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace, 'UniqueVisitors', 'SiteName', '', 5_885.0, 'Count' ) puts 'Continuing...' unless datapoint_added_to_metric?( cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace, 'UniqueVisits', 'SiteName', '', 8_628.0, 'Count' ) puts 'Continuing...' unless datapoint_added_to_metric?( cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace, 'PageViews', 'PageURL', 'example.html', 18_057.0, 'Count' ) puts "Metrics for namespace '#{metric_namespace}':" list_metrics_for_namespace(cloudwatch_client, metric_namespace) end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__