Abrufen von Informationen zu Regionen und Availability Zones für Amazon EC2 - AWS SDK für Ruby

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Abrufen von Informationen zu Regionen und Availability Zones für Amazon EC2

Das folgende Beispiel:

  1. Zeigt eine Liste von AWS-Regionen für Amazon EC2 an, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen.

  2. Zeigt eine Liste der Amazon EC2 Availability Zones an, die AWS-Region Ihnen je nach Amazon EC2 EC2-Client zur Verfügung stehen.

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX - License - Identifier: Apache - 2.0 require 'aws-sdk-ec2' # Displays a list of AWS Regions for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) # that are available to you. # # @param ec2_client [Aws::EC2::Client] An initialized EC2 client. # @example # list_regions_endpoints(Aws::EC2::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1')) def list_regions_endpoints(ec2_client) result = ec2_client.describe_regions # Enable pretty printing. max_region_string_length = 16 max_endpoint_string_length = 33 # Print header. print 'Region' print ' ' * (max_region_string_length - 'Region'.length) print " Endpoint\n" print '-' * max_region_string_length print ' ' print '-' * max_endpoint_string_length print "\n" # Print Regions and their endpoints. result.regions.each do |region| print region.region_name.to_s print ' ' * (max_region_string_length - region.region_name.length) print ' ' print region.endpoint.to_s print "\n" end end # Displays a list of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) # Availability Zones available to you depending on the AWS Region # of the Amazon EC2 client. # # @param ec2_client [Aws::EC2::Client] An initialized EC2 client. # @example # list_availability_zones(Aws::EC2::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1')) def list_availability_zones(ec2_client) result = ec2_client.describe_availability_zones # Enable pretty printing. max_region_string_length = 16 max_zone_string_length = 18 max_state_string_length = 9 # Print header. print 'Region' print ' ' * (max_region_string_length - 'Region'.length) print ' Zone' print ' ' * (max_zone_string_length - 'Zone'.length) print " State\n" print '-' * max_region_string_length print ' ' print '-' * max_zone_string_length print ' ' print '-' * max_state_string_length print "\n" # Print Regions, Availability Zones, and their states. result.availability_zones.each do |zone| print zone.region_name print ' ' * (max_region_string_length - zone.region_name.length) print ' ' print zone.zone_name print ' ' * (max_zone_string_length - zone.zone_name.length) print ' ' print zone.state # Print any messages for this Availability Zone. if zone.messages.count.positive? print "\n" puts ' Messages for this zone:' zone.messages.each do |message| print " #{message.message}\n" end end print "\n" end end # Full example call: def run_me region = '' # Print usage information and then stop. if ARGV[0] == '--help' || ARGV[0] == '-h' puts 'Usage: ruby ec2-ruby-example-regions-availability-zones.rb REGION' puts 'Example: ruby ec2-ruby-example-regions-availability-zones.rb us-east-1' exit 1 # If no values are specified at the command prompt, use these default values. elsif ARGV.count.zero? region = 'us-east-1' # Otherwise, use the values as specified at the command prompt. else region = ARGV[0] end ec2_client = Aws::EC2::Client.new(region: region) puts 'AWS Regions for Amazon EC2 that are available to you:' list_regions_endpoints(ec2_client) puts "\n\nAmazon EC2 Availability Zones that are available to you for AWS Region '#{region}':" list_availability_zones(ec2_client) end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__