How to wrap a Dell battery connector cable when installing
a LiDAR sensor
Fitting the Evo shell over a LiDAR sensor connected to an AWS DeepRacer vehicle using the extra long Dell USB-C to angle USB-C connector cable requires a specific cable wrapping technique.
To watch a video of this process, see AWS DeepRacer: Install LiDAR Sensor
and wrap Dell compute battery connector cable

The Dell compute battery connector cable has a barrel, a standard USB-C end, and an angle USB-C end.
To wrap a Dell battery cable around a LiDAR sensor to accommodate the Evo shell
Facing the rear of the AWS DeepRacer vehicle, plug the angle end of the compute battery connector cable into the compute battery USB-C port with the connector cable pointing to the left.
Turning the vehicle slightly to the left, find the opening to the space in between the LiDAR holder and the compute battery just below the rear stanchions and lace the cable through. Stop pulling the cable through when the barrel is inserted into this space. There should be a loop of slack cable to the left of the USB-C port.
Facing the rear of the AWS DeepRacer vehicle, wrap the cable counterclockwise around the base of the LiDAR sensor, using the cable clips to secure the cable to itself to ensure a snug fit.
Turn the vehicle slightly to the right and plug the standard USB-C end of the cable into the USB-C port.
Place the Evo shell on your AWS DeepRacer vehicle and fasten it with pins to test the fit. When the shell fits correctly, the LiDAR sensor is fully visible through the cutout in the shell, and you have access to the pin holes on the top of the stanchions. Remove the shell and adjust your cable as necessary.
Your LiDAR sensor is connected. You are ready to turn on your vehicle, drive, and experiment.