Add, view, and edit tags for a new resource - AWS DeepRacer

Add, view, and edit tags for a new resource

Adding tags to a new car, RL model, or community races leaderboard can help you identify, organize, track cost allocation, and manage access to these resources. Add one or more tags (key-value pairs) to a model or leaderboard. For each resource, each tag key must be unique, and each tag key can have only one value, but one resource may have up to 50 tags.

Create and apply the tags one resource at a time in the AWS DeepRacer console or use the Tag Editor to add, edit, or delete multiple resources at once.


Editing tags for an RL model or community races leaderboard can impact access to those resources. Before you edit the name (key) or value of a tag, make sure to review any IAM policies that might use the key or value for a tag to control access to those resources.

To add, view, and edit tags for a new RL model

Use the AWS DeepRacer console to add, view, and edit tags to a new RL model.

  1. In Your models, choose Create model.

  2. On the Create model page, after filling out the Training details, expand the Tags heading.

  3. Under the Tags heading, choose Add new tag.

  4. In Key, enter a name for the tag. You can add an optional value for the tag in Value. For more information about naming tags, see the Best Practices for Naming Tags and Resources topic in the Tagging best practices whitepaper.

  5. (Optional) To add another tag, choose Add new tag again.

  6. (Optional) To remove an individual key or value, select the X next to it.

  7. (Optional) To remove a key-value pair, choose Remove.

  8. When you have finished adding tags, choose a track under Environment simulation and select Next.

After tagging and submitting a new model for training, you can manage its tags during or after training and evaluation under the Tags heading at the bottom of the page.

  1. Choose Manage tags.

  2. In the Manage tags pop up box, you can remove a tag you have created by selecting the Remove button next to the tag you want to remove or choose Add a new tag to add a new tag.

  3. If you choose to add a new tag, in Key, enter a name for the tag. You can add an optional value for the tag in Value. For more information about naming tags, see the Best Practices for Naming Tags and Resources topic in the Tagging best practices whitepaper.

  4. When you have finished removing and adding tags, choose Submit.

To add, view, and edit Tags for a new community races leaderboard

Use the AWS DeepRacer console to add, view, and edit tags to a new community races leaderboard.

  1. In Community races, choose Create race.

  2. On the Race details page, expand the Tags heading.

  3. Under the Tags heading, choose Add new tag.

  4. In Key, enter a name for the tag. You can add an optional value for the tag in Value. For more information about naming tags, see the Best Practices for Naming Tags and Resources topic in the Tagging best practices whitepaper.

  5. (Optional) To add another tag, choose Add new tag again.

  6. (Optional) To remove an individual key or value, select the X next to it.

  7. (Optional) To remove a key-value pair, choose Remove.

  8. When you have finished adding tags, choose a track under Environment simulation and select Next.