Device Farm provides support for the XCTest UI testing framework. Specifically, Device Farm supports XCTest UI tests
written in both Objective-C and Swift
The XCTest UI framework enables UI testing in iOS development, built on top of XCTest. For more information, see User Interface Testing
For general information about testing in Device Farm, see Test frameworks and built-in tests in AWS Device Farm.
Use the following instructions to integrate Device Farm with the XCTest UI testing framework for iOS.
Prepare your iOS XCTest UI tests
You can either upload an .ipa
file or a .zip
file for your XCTEST_UI test package.
An .ipa
file is an application archive containing the iOS Runner app in bundle format. Additional files cannot be included inside the .ipa
If you upload a .zip
file, it can contain either the iOS Runner app directly or an .ipa
file. You can also include other files within the .zip
file if you want to use them during the tests. For example you can include files like .xctestrun
, .xcworkspace
or .xcodeproj
inside .zip
file to run XCUI Test Plans on device farm. Detailed instructions on how to run Test Plans are available in the default test specification file for the XCUI Test type.
Option 1: Creating an XCTest UI .ipa package
The bundle is produced by Xcode when you build your project for testing. It can be found in the Products directory for your project.
To create an .ipa file:
Create a directory called
. -
Add your app directory to the Payload directory.
Archive the Payload directory into a
file and then change the file extension to.ipa
The following folder structure shows how an example app named
would be packaged as an .ipa
└── my-project-nameUITest.ipa
└── Payload (directory)
Option 2: Creating an XCTest UI .zip package
Device Farm automatically generates a .xctestrun
file for you for running your full XCTest UI test suite. If you want to use your own .xctestrun
file on Device Farm, you can compress your .xctestrun
files and app directory into a .zip
file. If you already have a .ipa
file for your test package you can include that here instead of *
└── (directory)
├── [OR] my-project-nameUITest.ipa
├── SampleTestPlan_2.xctestrun
├── SampleTestPlan_1.xctestrun
└── (any other files)
If you want to run an Xcode test plan for your XCUI tests on Device Farm, you can create a zip containing your or my-project-nameUITest.ipa file and xcode source code files required to run XCTEST_UI with test plans, including either a .xcworkspace
or .xcodeproj
Here is a sample zip using a .xcodeproj
. └── (directory) ├── [OR] my-project-nameUITest.ipa ├── (any directory) └──
├── Testplan_1.xctestplan ├── Testplan_2.xctestplan └── (any other source code files created by xcode with .xcodeproj)
Here is a sample zip using a .xcworkspace
. └── (directory) ├── [OR] my-project-nameUITest.ipa └── (any directory) │ ├── SampleXcodeProject.xcodeproj │ ├── Testplan_1.xctestplan │ ├── Testplan_2.xctestplan | └── (any other source code files created by xcode with .xcodeproj) └──
└── contents.xcworkspacedata
Please ensure that you do not have a directory named "Payload" inside your XCTest UI .zip package.
Upload your iOS XCTest UI tests
Use the Device Farm console to upload your tests.
Sign in to the Device Farm console at
. -
On the Device Farm navigation panel, choose Mobile Device Testing, then choose Projects.
In the list of projects, choose the project that you want to upload your tests to.
You can use the search bar to filter the project list by name.
To create a project, follow the instructions in Creating a project in AWS Device Farm
If the Create a new run button is displayed, choose it.
On the Choose application page, select Choose File.
Browse to and choose your iOS app file. The file must be an .ipa file.
Make sure that your .ipa file is built for an iOS device and not for a simulator.
Choose Next.
On the Configure page, in the Setup test framework section, choose XCTest UI, and then select Choose File.
Browse to and choose the .ipa or .zip file that contains your iOS XCTest UI test runner.
Choose Next, and then complete the remaining instructions to select the devices to run your tests on and start the run.