Client-side field level encryption - Amazon DocumentDB

Client-side field level encryption

Amazon DocumentDB client-side field level encryption (FLE) allows you to encrypt sensitive data in your client applications before it is transferred to a Amazon DocumentDB cluster. Sensitive data remains encrypted when it is stored and processed in a cluster and is decrypted at the client application when retrieved.

Getting started

The initial configuration of client-side FLE in Amazon DocumentDB is a four-step process that includes creating an encryption key, associating a role to the application, configuring the application, and defining CRUD operation with encryption options.

Step 1: Create the encryption keys

Using AWS Key Management Service, create a symmetric key that is used for encrypting and decrypting the sensitive data field and provide it the necessary IAM usage permissions. AWS KMS stores the Customer Key (CK) which is used to encrypt Data Keys (DKs). We recommend storing the Customer Key in KMS to strengthen your security posture. The Data Key is the secondary key which is stored in an Amazon DocumentDB collection and is required to encrypt sensitive fields before storing the document in Amazon DocumentDB. The Customer Key encrypts the Data Key which in turn encrypts and decrypts your data. If you are using a global cluster, you can create a multi-region key that can be used by different service roles in different regions.

For more information about the AWS Key Management Service, including how to create a key, see the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Step 2: Associate a role with the application

Create an IAM policy with appropriate AWS KMS permissions. This policy allows IAM identities to which it is attached to encrypt and decrypt the KMS key specified in resource field. Your application assumes this IAM role to authenticate with AWS KMS.

The policy should look similar to this:

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["kms:Decrypt", "kms:Encrypt"], "Resource": "Customer Key ARN" }

Step 3: Configure the application

By now you defined a Customer Key in AWS KMS and created an IAM role and provided it the right IAM permissions to access the Customer Key. Import the required packages.

import boto3 import json import base64 from pymongo import MongoClient from pymongo.encryption import (Algorithm, ClientEncryption)
# create a session object: my_session = boto3.session.Session() # get access_key and secret_key programmatically using get_frozen_credentials() method: current_credentials = my_session.get_credentials().get_frozen_credentials()
  1. Specify ‘aws’ as KMS provider type and input your account credentials which were retrieved in the previous step.

    provider = "aws" kms_providers = { provider: { "accessKeyId": current_credentials.access_key, "secretAccessKey": current_credentials.secret_key } }
  2. Specify the customer key which is used to encrypt the data key:

    customer_key = { “region”: “AWS region of the customer_key”, “key”: “customer_key ARN” } key_vault_namespace = "encryption.dataKeys" key_alt_name = 'TEST_DATA_KEY'
  3. Configure the MongoClient object:

    client = MongoClient(connection_string) coll = client.test.coll coll.drop() client_encryption = ClientEncryption( kms_providers, # pass in the kms_providers variable from the previous step key_vault_namespace = key_vault_namespace, client, coll.codec_options )
  4. Generate your Data Key:

    data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(provider, customer_key, key_alt_name = [key_alt_name])
  5. Retrieve your existing Data Key:

    data_key = DataKey("aws", master_key = customer_key) key_id = data_key["_id"] data_key_id = client[key_vault_namespace].find_one({"_id": key_id})

Step 4: Define a CRUD operation

Define the CRUD operation with encryption options.

  1. Define the collection to write/read/delete a single document:

    coll = client.gameinfo.users
  2. Explicit Encryption - encrypt fields and insert:


    Exactly one of "key_id" or "key_alt_name" must be provided.

    encrypted_first_name = client_encryption.encrypt( "Jane", Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic, key_alt_name=data_key_id ) encrypted_last_name = client_encryption.encrypt( "Doe", Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic, key_alt_name=data_key_id ) encrypted_dob = client_encryption.encrypt( "1990-01-01", Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Random, key_alt_name=data_key_id ) coll.insert_one( {"gamerTag": "jane_doe90", "firstName": encrypted_first_name, "lastName": encrypted_last_name, "dateOfBirth":encrypted_dob, "Favorite_games":["Halo","Age of Empires 2","Medal of Honor"] })

Example: client-side field level encryption configuration file

In the following example, replace each user input placeholder with your own information.

# import python packages: import boto3 import json import base64 from pymongo import MongoClient from pymongo.encryption import (Algorithm, ClientEncryption) def main(): # create a session object: my_session = boto3.session.Session() # get aws_region from session object: aws_region = my_session.region_name # get access_key and secret_key programmatically using get_frozen_credentials() method: current_credentials = my_session.get_credentials().get_frozen_credentials() provider = "aws" # define the kms_providers which is later used to create the Data Key: kms_providers = { provider: { "accessKeyId": current_credentials.access_key, "secretAccessKey": current_credentials.secret_key } } # enter the kms key ARN. Replace the example ARN value. kms_arn = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789:key/abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop" customer_key = { "region": aws_region, "key":kms_arn } # secrets manager is used to strore and retrieve user credentials for connecting to an Amazon DocumentDB cluster. # retrieve the secret using the secret name. Replace the example secret key. secret_name = "/dev/secretKey" docdb_credentials = json.loads(my_session.client(service_name = 'secretsmanager', region_name = "us-east-1").get_secret_value(SecretId = secret_name)['SecretString']) connection_params = '/?tls=true&tlsCAFile=global-bundle.pem&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false' conn_str = 'mongodb://' + docdb_credentials["username"] + ':' + docdb_credentials["password"] + '@' + docdb_credentials["host"] + ':' + str(docdb_credentials["port"]) + connection_params client = MongoClient(conn_str) coll = client.test.coll coll.drop() # store the encryption data keys in a key vault collection (having naming convention as db.collection): key_vault_namespace = "encryption.dataKeys" key_vault_db_name, key_vault_coll_name = key_vault_namespace.split(".", 1) # set up the key vault (key_vault_namespace) for this example: key_vault = client[key_vault_db_name][key_vault_coll_name] key_vault.drop() key_vault.create_index("keyAltNames", unique=True) client_encryption = ClientEncryption( kms_providers, key_vault_namespace, client, coll.codec_options) # create a new data key for the encrypted field: data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(provider, master_key=customer_key, key_alt_names=["some_key_alt_name"], key_material = None) # explicitly encrypt a field: encrypted_first_name = client_encryption.encrypt( "Jane", Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic, key_id=data_key_id ) coll.insert_one( {"gamerTag": "jane_doe90", "firstName": encrypted_first_name }) doc = coll.find_one() print('Encrypted document: %s' % (doc,)) # explicitly decrypt the field: doc["encryptedField"] = client_encryption.decrypt(doc["encryptedField"]) print('Decrypted document: %s' % (doc,)) # cleanup resources: client_encryption.close() client.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Querying in client-side FLE

Amazon DocumentDB supports point equality queries with client-side FLE. Inequality and comparison queries can return inaccurate results. Read and write operations may have unexpected or incorrect behavior as compared to issuing that same operation against the decrypted value.

For example, to query filters for documents where gamerscore is greater than 500:

db.users.find( { "gamerscore" : { $gt : 500 } })

The client uses an explicit encryption method to encrypt the query value:

encrypted_gamerscore_filter = client_encryption.encrypt( 500, Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic, key_alt_name=data_key_id ) db.users.find( { "gamerscore" : { $gt : encrypted_gamerscore_filter } } )

In the find operation, Amazon DocumentDB compares the encrypted value of 500 to the encrypted field values stored in each document using the greater than inequality check. The inequality check in the find operation may return a different result when performed using decrypted data and value, even though the operation succeeds in generating results.


The following limitations apply to Amazon DocumentDB client-side field level encrytion:

  • Amazon DocumentDB supports only point equality queries. Inequality and comparison queries can return inaccurate results. Read and write operations may have unexpected or incorrect behavior as compared to issuing that same operation against the decrypted value. To query filters for documents where gamerscore is greater than 500.

    db.users.find( { "gamerscore" : { $gt : 500 } })

    The client uses an explicit encryption method to encrypt the query value.

    encrypted_gamerscore_filter = client_encryption.encrypt( 500, Algorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic, key_alt_name=data_key_id ) db.users.find({ "gamerscore" : { $gt : encrypted_gamerscore_filter } })

    In the find operation, Amazon DocumentDB compares the encrypted value of 500 to the encrypted field values stored in each document using the greater than inequality check. The inequality check in the find operation may return a different result when performed using decrypted data and value, even though the operation succeeds in generating results.

  • Amazon DocumentDB does not support explicit client-side FLE from the Mongo Shell. However, the feature works with any of our supported drivers.