Create a connection to GitHub Enterprise Server (CLI) - Developer Tools console

Create a connection to GitHub Enterprise Server (CLI)

You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a connection.

To do this, use the create-host and the create-connection commands.


A connection created through the AWS CLI or AWS CloudFormation is in PENDING status by default. After you create a connection with the CLI or AWS CloudFormation, use the console to edit the connection to make its status AVAILABLE.

Step 1: To create a host for GitHub Enterprise Server (CLI)
  1. Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the create-host command, specifying the --name, --provider-type, and --provider-endpoint for your connection. In this example, the third-party provider name is GitHubEnterpriseServer and the endpoint is

    aws codeconnections create-host --name MyHost --provider-type GitHubEnterpriseServer --provider-endpoint ""

    If successful, this command returns the host Amazon Resource Name (ARN) information similar to the following.

    { "HostArn": "arn:aws:codeconnections:us-west-2:account_id:host/My-Host-28aef605" }

    After this step, the host is in PENDING status.

  2. Use the console to complete the host setup and move the host to an Available status. For more information, see Set up a pending host.

Step 2: To set up a pending host in the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Developer Tools console at

  2. Use the console to complete the host setup and move the host to an Available status. See Set up a pending host.

Step 3: To create a connection for GitHub Enterprise Server (CLI)
  1. Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the create-connection command, specifying the --host-arn and --connection-name for your connection.

    aws codeconnections create-connection --host-arn arn:aws:codeconnections:us-west-2:account_id:host/MyHost-234EXAMPLE --connection-name MyConnection

    If successful, this command returns the connection ARN information similar to the following.

    { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:codeconnections:us-west-2:account_id:connection/aEXAMPLE-8aad" }
  2. Use the console to set up the pending connection. For more information, see Update a pending connection.

Step 4: To complete a connection for GitHub Enterprise Server in the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Developer Tools console at

  2. Use the console to set up the pending connection and move the connection to an Available status. For more information, see Update a pending connection.