Creating access points - Amazon Elastic File System

Creating access points

You can create and delete Amazon EFS access points using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and the Amazon EFS API and SDKs. You cannot modify an access point once it is created. A file system can have a maximum of 10,000 access points unless you request an increase.


If multiple requests to create access points on the same file system are sent in quick succession, and the file system is nearing the access points limit, you may experience a throttling response for these requests. This is to ensure that the file system does not exceed the stated access point quota.

For more information about EFS access points, see Working with Amazon EFS access points.

  1. Open the Amazon Elastic File System console at

  2. Choose Access points to open the Access points window.

  3. Choose Create access point to display the Create access point page.

    You can also open the Create access point page by choosing File Systems. Choose a file system Name or File system ID and then choose Access points and Create access point to create an access point for that file system.

    1. Enter the following information in the Details panel:

      • File system – Enter a file system name or ID and choose the matching file system. You can also choose the file system from the list that appears when you choose the input field.

      • (Optional) Name – Enter a name for the access point.

      • (Optional) Root directory path – You can specify a root directory for the access point; the default access point root is /. To enter a root directory path, use the format /foo/bar. For more information, see Enforcing a root directory with an access point.

    2. (Optional) In the POSIX user panel, you can specify the full POSIX identity to use to enforce user and group information for all file operations by NFS clients that are using the access point. For more information, see Enforcing a user identity using an access point.

      • User ID – Enter a numeric POSIX user ID for the user.

      • Group ID – Enter a numeric POSIX group ID for the user.

      • Secondary group IDs – Enter an optional comma-separated list of secondary group IDs.

    3. (Optional) For Root directory creation permissions, you can specify the permissions to use when Amazon EFS creates the root directory path, if specified and the root directory doesn't already exist. For more information, see Enforcing a root directory with an access point.


      If you don't specify any root directory ownership and permissions, and the root directory does not already exist, EFS will not create the root directory. Any attempts to mount the file system by using the access point will fail.

      • Owner user ID – Enter the numeric POSIX user ID to use as the root directory owner.

      • Owner group ID – Enter the numeric POSIX group ID to use as the root directory owner group.

      • Permissions – Enter the Unix mode of the directory. A common configuration is 755. Ensure that the execute bit is set for the access point user so that they are able to mount.

  4. Choose Create access point to create the access point by using this configuration.

In the following example, the create-access-point CLI command creates an access point for an EFS file system. The equivalent API command is CreateAccessPoint.

aws efs create-access-point --file-system-id fs-abcdef0123456789a --client-token 010102020-3 \ --root-directory “Path=/efs/mobileapp/east,CreationInfo={OwnerUid=0,OwnerGid=11,Permissions=775}” \ --posix-user “Uid=22,Gid=4” \ --tags Key=Name,Value=east-users

If the request is successful, the CLI responds with the access point description.

{ "ClientToken": "010102020-3", "Name": "east-users", "AccessPointId": "fsap-abcd1234ef5678901", "AccessPointArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:us-east-2:111122223333:access-point/fsap-abcd1234ef5678901", "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "LifeCycleState": "creating", "OwnerId": "111122223333", "PosixUser": { "Gid": 4, "Uid": 22 }, "RootDirectory": { "CreationInfo": { "OwnerGid": 0, "OwnerUid": 11, "Permissions": "775" }, "Path": "/efs/mobileapp/east", }, "Tags": [] }

If multiple requests to create access points on the same file system are sent in quick succession, and the file system is nearing the access points limit, you may experience a throttling response for these requests. This is to ensure that the file system does not exceed the stated access point quota.