Automatically mounting EFS file systems - Amazon Elastic File System

Automatically mounting EFS file systems

You can use the EFS mount helper or NFS to configure an EC2 instance to automatically mount an EFS file system when the instance starts.

  • Using the EFS mount helper:

    • Attach an EFS file system when you create a new EC2 Linux instance using the EC2 Launch Instance Wizard.

    • Update the EC2 /etc/fstab file with an entry for the EFS file system.

  • Using NFS without the EFS mount helper to update the EC2 /etc/fstab file, for EC2 Linux and Mac instances.


The EFS mount helper does not support automatic mounting on Amazon EC2 Mac instances running macOS Big Sur or Monterey. Instead, you can use NFS to configure the /etc/fstab file on an EC2 Mac instance to automatically mount an EFS file system.