Retrieve IAM information about an Amazon EKS add-on - Amazon EKS

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Retrieve IAM information about an Amazon EKS add-on

Before you create an add-on, use the AWS CLI to determine:

  • If the add-on requires IAM permissions

  • The suggested IAM policy to use

Retrieve IAM info about an Amazon EKS Add-on (AWS CLI)
  1. Determine the name of the add-on you want to install, and the Kubernetes version of your cluster. For more information about add-ons, see Amazon EKS add-ons.

  2. Use the AWS CLI to determine if the add-on requires IAM permissions.

    aws eks describe-addon-versions \ --addon-name <addon-name> \ --kubernetes-version <kubernetes-version>

    For example:

    aws eks describe-addon-versions \ --addon-name aws-ebs-csi-driver \ --kubernetes-version 1.30

    Review the following sample output. Note that requiresIamPermissions is true, and the default add-on version. You need to specify the add-on version when retrieving the recommended IAM policy.

    { "addons": [ { "addonName": "aws-ebs-csi-driver", "type": "storage", "addonVersions": [ { "addonVersion": "v1.31.0-eksbuild.1", "architecture": [ "amd64", "arm64" ], "compatibilities": [ { "clusterVersion": "1.30", "platformVersions": [ "*" ], "defaultVersion": true } ], "requiresConfiguration": false, "requiresIamPermissions": true }, [...]
  3. If the add-on requires IAM permissions, use the AWS CLI to retrieve a recommended IAM policy.

    aws eks describe-addon-configuration \ --query podIdentityConfiguration \ --addon-name <addon-name> \ --addon-version <addon-version>

    For example:

    aws eks describe-addon-configuration \ --query podIdentityConfiguration \ --addon-name aws-ebs-csi-driver \ --addon-version v1.31.0-eksbuild.1

    Review the following output. Note the recommendedManagedPolicies.

    [ { "serviceAccount": "ebs-csi-controller-sa", "recommendedManagedPolicies": [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy" ] } ]
  4. Create an IAM role and attach the recommended Managed Policy. Alternatively, review the managed policy and scope down the permissions as appropriate. For more information see Creating the EKS Pod Identity association.