GET List: Get a List of Redundancy Groups - Conductor Live

GET List: Get a List of Redundancy Groups

Get a list of all redundancy groups, including the attributes of each group.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

GET http://<Conductor IP address>/redundancy_groups

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.


The response is XML content consisting of one redundancy_groups element with the following .

  • An HREF attribute that specifies the product and version installed on the Conductor Live node.

  • Zero or more redundancy_group elements, one for each group found. Each redundancy_group element contains several elements.

Element Value Description
id Integer

The ID of this redundancy group.

name String The name you assigned to the group.
product_name String The software type running on the nodes of the redundancy group. Values are “live” or “statmux.”


The response to this request shows two redundancy groups named “2.5 nodes” (intended for AWS Elemental Live nodes running version 2.5.x) and “2.4 nodes” (intended for AWS Elemental Live nodes running version 2.4.x).

GET ------------------------------------------ Content-type:application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=3.3.0 ------------------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <redundancy_groups href="/redundancy_groups" product="AWS Elemental Conductor Live" version="3.3.43776"> <redundancy_group> <id>1</id> <name>2.5 nodes</name> <product_name>live</product_name> </redundancy_group> <id>3</id> <name>2.4 nodes</name> <product_name>live</product_name> </redundancy_group> </redundancy_groups>