How to package an application when installation media is not available (Guided Reverse Packaging) - AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server

How to package an application when installation media is not available (Guided Reverse Packaging)

You can package your applications running on end-of-support Windows servers with guided assistance using Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP). GRP automates much of the process of creating a compatibility package using the EMP package builder. It also provides automated dependency recommendations to reduce the amount of manual discovery required to perform the packaging process. The output of the GRP process is an EMP package, which can run on the latest version of Windows Server.

Prerequisites for Guided Reverse Packaging

In order to use Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP), the following prerequisites must be met:

  • You must be able to access the source server with the application you want to package. The server can be on-premises or in the cloud.

  • You must install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder using Microsoft Installer (MSI). For more information, see Install AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder .

For limits and operating system requirements to use AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder, see AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server limitations and AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server System requirements.

How Guided Reverse Packaging works

The following high-level steps occur when EMP Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) is performed:

  1. Discovery — you provide entry points to the application, such as files and folders.

  2. Dependency discovery

    • Static analysis: GRP analyzes the file and folders that are provided, and captures the relevant dependencies of your application based on data such as dependent components, keywords, timestamps, and application paths. You can verify these dependencies using GRP by optionally removing dependencies that are not related to the applications.

    • Runtime analysis: You can start and stop runtime analysis in order to monitor the file and registry activity of running processes on the source server. The runtime analysis integration with GRP is supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems. To perform runtime analysis on Windows Server 2003 servers, see Get started with Guided Reverse Packaging.

  3. Package finalization — you create an EMP compatibility package of the application.

EMP Compatibility Package Builder GRP tabs and controls

This section describes the functions of the GRP tabs and controls.

GRP tabs
  • Selected files — permits you to select files and folders to include in the package.

  • Discovered files — displays files and folders identified by the discovery process. You can use the interface to remove any unwanted files and folders by choosing Exclude next to the item that you want to remove.

  • COM — displays discovered COM components.

  • Services — displays discovered services.

  • Registry — displays discovered registry keys. You can manually add or remove registry keys, if required. To add a new registry key, enter the path to the key that you want to add, and choose Add new key. The following formats for adding new keys are supported:

    • HKCU

    • HKLM



    GRP validates the existence of the key on the source server before adding it. To delete a key, choose Exclude next to the registry key that you want to remove. The key is moved to the Excluded Registry Keys section under the Exclusions tab.

  • Exclusions — displays excluded items. To include an item that was previously excluded, choose Include next to the item. You can use the interface to add new exclusions, for example a sub-folder of the application folder. You can use file extension exclusions with a wildcard, for example *.txt.


    Path wildcards are not supported. A wildcard (*) can only be used in place of a filename.

GRP controls
  • Change folder — allows you to select a different project folder than what you initially specified. You can switch between different GRP project folders without having to close and reopen GRP each time a different package requires updating.

  • Runtime analysis — allows you to start and stop runtime analysis, so that you can monitor the file and registry activity of running processes on the source server. The runtime analysis integration with GRP is supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems. To perform runtime analysis on Windows Server 2003 servers, see Get started with Guided Reverse Packaging.

  • Discover dependencies — allows you to perform GRP discovery with the data collected form the static and runtime analyses.

  • Create package — allows you to create an EMP package when GRP discovery is complete.

Get started with Guided Reverse Packaging

The following steps must be performed to create a compatibility package using GRP:
    1. Download the AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder to your source server from the EMP Tooling for End-of-Support Migration Program for Windows Server page.

    2. Run the MSI Installer to install the AWS EMP Compatibility Package Builder on the source server. If you have already installed a previous version of EMP, you can automatically upgrade using the latest MSI. For version history, see AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server version history.

    3. Double-click on the EMP QuickStart shortcut located on the Windows desktop or Windows Start menu and choose Start GRP.

    4. Choose an empty folder to start a new packaging project and choose OK. The EMP package will be created in this folder.

    5. You are taken to the Selected files tab, where you have access to other GRP tabs and controls located at the top of the page. For more information about each tab and control, see EMP Compatibility Package Builder GRP tabs and controls.

    6. On the Selected files tab, choose:

      • Add folder to select the folder where the application is located/installed.

      • Add files to add any additional files that have not been added with Add folder.

      GRP uses this data to scan the server for application dependencies. The quality of the dependency discovery is greater when more data is provided at this stage.

      If you are packaging an application for which you are initially unaware of the required application folders, we recommend that you perform a manual pre-discovery step, whereby you analyze other entry points of the application to trace back the required application installation directory. For example, if you know which application services are running in Windows services, check the properties of the application services that contain the application installation folders and files required by GRP.

      1. Windows Server 2008 and later — Choose Runtime analysis to perform typical workflows for the application. For example, launching the application from the Start menu to perform workflows, and restarting any Windows services. When you have completed your performance of typical workflows, choose Runtime analysis to stop monitoring.


        To capture high-quality application runtime dependencies, we recommend that you use the application as it is typically used in your environment. This includes running through common workflows performed by your users, and any workflows performed at the end of the month or quarter, such as reporting. This ensures that relevant runtime dependencies are captured in the GRP discovery and packaging cycle. If runtime analysis misses one or more dependencies because of not being able to perform a unique workflow, you may have to rerun the GRP process.

      2. Windows Server 2003 — GRP runtime analysis is supported for Windows Server 2003; however, the runtime analysis buttons are not supported for Windows Server 2003. To capture application runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003, perform the process described in Log runtime dependencies on Windows Server 2003 using Process Monitor. The outcome of performing this process is one or more CSV-formatted process monitor log files. To import the log file data into GRP, add the log files to a separate Procmon folder within your project folder (the one you use to launch GRP). For example, if C:\GRP is the project folder location, then you should add your Procmon CSV files to C:\GRP\Procmon.

        Multiple CSV files can be added to the Procmon folder. The GRP discover detection process, explained in the next step, processes the runtime data captured in these logs and displays them in the Discovered Files tab. The Discovery approach will be labelled Procmon.

    7. Discover dependencies will show an amber warning. Choose Discover dependencies to allow GRP to perform the automated discovery process. A progress bar displays the number of steps completed out of total number of steps in the discovery process. The amber warning clears when detection completes.

    8. (Optional) Verify the data captures in the Discovered files, COM, Services, and Registry tabs. Add or remove any required additional files or registry keys.


      If changes are made to the detected dependencies, then Discover dependencies will show an amber warning. Rerun Discover dependencies until the warning is cleared before you move to the next step. This ensures that your package is created with up-to-date discovery data.

    9. Choose Create package when you are satisfied with the list of included dependencies. Enter an application name and ID for the compatibility package, and choose Package app. GRP proceeds to create a package for the application.

    10. When the package creation is complete, choose Open package to navigate to the location of the newly created EMP package.

    Use GRP to monitor unspecified processes

    GRP only monitors processes that it discovers in the user Selected Files. To discover dependencies for processes that are not provided in these files, before you launch GRP, navigate to the GRPRules.json file in the GRP installation directory, and provide the AdditionalRuntimeProcessName or AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds of the processes to include in the capture.

    Discovering dependencies of unspecified processes can be useful when packaging IIS-based applications, where it is necessary to monitor the IIS worker process (w3wp.exe).

    Process ID example

    “AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames”: [], “AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds”: [1416]

    Process Name example

    “AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames”: [“w3wp.exe“, ”program.exe“], “AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds”: []

    This process applies for both runtime analysis captured as part of the GRP runtime analysis process, as well as for data captured using Process Monitor.

    Use GRP templates

    The purpose of a template is to automate the process of packaging and deploying predefined applications. GRP allows you to add customizations to the template, if required. A template consists of PowerShell scripts, JSON files, and other payloads required by the template.

    Two types of templates are available:

    • Application templates — Templates that provide data to successfully package entire applications. Application templates should be applied before the discovery process.

    • Component templates — Templates that provide data to package component dependencies required by applications. Component templates should be applied after the discovery process.


      After you apply component templates, you do not need to re-run the discovery unless you make additional manual changes to the package.

    Trusted templates are created, supported, and signed by AWS. When you first launch GRP and select a project folder, any existing application templates signed by AWS are evaluated. If any of the evaluated templates are applicable to your server, a template dialogue box will appear and list them. If any custom unsigned templates are in the EMP\Templates directory and are applicable to your server, the dialogue box will appear as well. These templates will be displayed as Untrusted. You can evaluate the untrusted templates individually or in bulk. For more information about creating custom GRP templates, see Create GRP templates.


    The templates run PowerShell scripts with administrator privileges.

    GRP allows you to add customizations to the template. For example, you may want to add a customization when you use a Microsoft SQL Server template as part of the process of packaging a custom application that is built on top of the database.

    Manage advanced configurations

    Guided Reverse Packaging (GRP) does not support automatic discovery and packaging for applications that use local users and groups/NTFS permissions. You can migrate applications that use local users and groups/NTFS permissions by using the DeploymentScript.xml program task. For local users and groups, identify the local users and groups to be migrated from the source server. Note the users added to these groups. Construct a script that creates these local users and groups on the target Windows server. Configure the DeploymentScript.xml file program task in the package to run this script during package deployment. For an example configuration, see Managing EMP custom configurations.

    Similar to the process for migrating local users and groups, for NTFS permissions, create a script that migrates the required NTFS permissions, and configure the DeploymentScript.xml file to run this script during the package deployment.

    To manually add side-by-side assemblies required by the application, see Add side-by-side (SXS) assemblies to an EMP compatibility package.

    To package an IIS-based application, see Package an IIS-based application.

    The GRPRules.json file in the installation directory contains predefined values to help you filter unwanted data. The file is customizable and can be changed according to your needs. The file has the following properties:

    • ExcludedKeywords — excludes keywords. This can be used for registry key and environment variable detection.

    • ExcludedKeys — excludes registry keys but allows child keys to be discovered.

    • ExcludedKeyTrees — excludes registry keys and child keys.

    • ExcludedAssemblyNames — excludes assemblies specified by name.

    • ExcludedFolders — excludes folders. To exclude folders recursively, add an asterisks (*) at the end of the path.

    • ExcludedFiles — excludes files. To exclude files inside a folder recursively add an asterisks (*) at the end of the path. To exclude files with a specific extension, use a wildcard, for example *.txt.

    • ExcludedEnvVariableNames — excludes environment variables.

    • AdditionalRuntimeProcessNames — processes will be included in the runtime analysis.

    • AdditionalRuntimeProcessIds — process IDs will be included in the runtime analysis.