Monitor Spark metrics with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus - Amazon EMR

Monitor Spark metrics with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

With Amazon EMR releases 7.1.0 and higher, you can integrate EMR Serverless with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to collect Apache Spark metrics for EMR Serverless jobs and applications. This integration is available when you submit a job or create an application using either the AWS console, the EMR Serverless API, or the AWS CLI.


Before you can deliver your Spark metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, you must complete the following prerequisites.

  • Create an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace. This workspace serves as an ingestion endpoint. Make a note of the URL displayed for Endpoint - remote write URL. You'll need to specify the URL when you create your EMR Serverless application.

  • To grant access of your jobs to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus for monitoring purposes, add the following policy to your job execution role.

    { "Sid": "AccessToPrometheus", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["aps:RemoteWrite"], "Resource": "arn:aws:aps:<AWS_REGION>:<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:workspace/<WORKSPACE_ID>" }


To use the AWS console to create an application that's integrated with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus
  1. See Getting started with Amazon EMR Serverless to create an application.

  2. While you're creating an application, choose Use custom settings, and then configure your application by specifying the information into the fields you want to configure.

  3. Under Application logs and metrics, choose Deliver engine metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, and then specify your remote write URL.

  4. Specify any other configuration settings you want, and then choose Create and start application.

Use the AWS CLI or EMR Serverless API

You can also use the AWS CLI or EMR Serverless API to integrate your EMR Serverless application with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus when you're running the create-application or the start-job-run commands.

aws emr-serverless create-application \ --release-label emr-7.1.0 \ --type "SPARK" \ --monitoring-configuration '{ "prometheusMonitoringConfiguration": { "remoteWriteUrl": "https://aps-workspaces.<AWS_REGION><WORKSPACE_ID>/api/v1/remote_write" } }'
aws emr-serverless start-job-run \ --application-id <APPPLICATION_ID> \ --execution-role-arn <JOB_EXECUTION_ROLE> \ --job-driver '{ "sparkSubmit": { "entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/", "entryPointArguments": ["10000"], "sparkSubmitParameters": "--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=10" } }' \ --configuration-overrides '{ "monitoringConfiguration": { "prometheusMonitoringConfiguration": { "remoteWriteUrl": "https://aps-workspaces.<AWS_REGION><WORKSPACE_ID>/api/v1/remote_write" } } }'

Including prometheusMonitoringConfiguration in your command indicates that EMR Serverless must run the Spark job with an agent that collects the Spark metrics and writes them to your remoteWriteUrl endpoint for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus. You can then use the Spark metrics in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus for visualization, alerts, and analysis.

Advanced configuration properties

EMR Serverless uses a component within Spark named PrometheusServlet to collect Spark metrics and translates performance data into data that's compatible with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus. By default, EMR Serverless sets default values in Spark and parses driver and executor metrics when you submit a job using PrometheusMonitoringConfiguration.

The following table describes all of the properties you can configure when submitting a Spark job that sends metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.

Spark property Default value Description


The class that Spark uses to send metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus. To override the default behavior, specify your own custom class.



The class Spark uses to collect and send crucial metrics from the underlying Java virtual machine. To stop collecting JVM metrics, disable this property by setting it to an empty string, such as "". To override the default behavior, specify your own custom class.



The distinct URL that Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus uses to collect metrics from the driver. To override the default behavior, specify your own path. To stop collecting driver metrics, disable this property by setting it to an empty string, such as "".



The distinct URL that Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus uses to collect metrics from the executor. To override the default behavior, specify your own path. To stop collecting executor metrics, disable this property by setting it to an empty string, such as "".

For more information about the Spark metrics, see Apache Spark metrics.

Considerations and limitations

When using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to collect metrics from EMR Serverless, consider the following considerations and limitations.

  • Support for using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus with EMR Serverless is available only in the AWS Regions where Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is generally available.

  • Running the agent to collect Spark metrics on Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus requires more resources from workers. If you choose a smaller worker size, such as one vCPU worker, your job run time might increase.

  • Support for using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus with EMR Serverless is available only for Amazon EMR releases 7.1.0 and higher.