Managed policies for Amazon EMR on EKS - Amazon EMR

Managed policies for Amazon EMR on EKS

View details about updates to AWS managed policies for Amazon EMR on EKS since March 1, 2021.

Change Description Date
AmazonEMRContainersServiceRolePolicy ‐ Added read permissions to list EKS pod identity associations in a cluster, and another read permission to return descriptive information about pod identity associations in a cluster. For more information, see AmazonEMRContainersServiceRolePolicy.

The following permissions are added to the policy: eks:ListPodIdentityAssociations, eks:DescribePodIdentityAssociation.

February 3, 2023
AmazonEMRContainersServiceRolePolicy ‐ Added permissions to describe and list Amazon EKS nodegroups, describe load balancer target groups, and describe load balancer target health.

The following permissions are added to the policy: eks:ListNodeGroups, eks:DescribeNodeGroup, elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups, elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth.

March 13, 2023
AmazonEMRContainersServiceRolePolicy ‐ Added permissions to import and delete certificates in AWS Certificate Manager.

The following permissions are added to the policy: acm:ImportCertificate, acm:AddTagsToCertificate, acm:DeleteCertificate.

Dec 3, 2021

Amazon EMR on EKS started tracking changes

Amazon EMR on EKS started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies.

March 1, 2021