Troubleshooting - Amazon EMR


Inputting your own Livy and Spark configurations while installing Livy

You can configure any Apache Livy or Apache Spark environment variable with the env.* Helm property. Follow the steps below to convert the example configuration example.config.with-dash.withUppercase to a supported environment variable format.

  1. Replace uppercase letters with a 1 and a lowercase of the letter. For example, example.config.with-dash.withUppercase becomes example.config.with-dash.with1uppercase.

  2. Replace dashes (-) with 0. For example, example.config.with-dash.with1uppercase becomes example.config.with0dash.with1uppercase

  3. Replace dots (.) with underscores (_). For example, example.config.with0dash.with1uppercase becomes example_config_with0dash_with1uppercase.

  4. Replace all lowercase letters with uppercase letters.

  5. Add the prefix LIVY_ to the variable name.

  6. Use the variable while installing Livy through the helm chart using the format --set env.YOUR_VARIABLE_NAME.value=yourvalue

For example, to set the Livy and Spark configurations livy.server.recovery.state-store = filesystem and spark.kubernetes.executor.podNamePrefix = my-prefix, use these Helm properties: