Use monitoring configuration to monitor Flink Kubernetes operator and Flink jobs - Amazon EMR

Use monitoring configuration to monitor Flink Kubernetes operator and Flink jobs

Monitoring configuration lets you easily set up log archiving of your Flink application and operator logs to S3 and/or CloudWatch (you can choose either one or both). Doing so adds a FluentD sidecar to your JobManager and TaskManager pods and subsequently forwards these components' logs to your configured sinks.


You must set up IAM Roles for the service account for your Flink operator and your Flink job (Service Accounts) to be able to use this feature, as it requires interacting with other AWS services. You must set this up using IRSA in Setting up the Flink Kubernetes operator for Amazon EMR on EKS.

You can define this configuration in the following way.

apiVersion: kind: FlinkDeployment metadata: name: basic-example spec: image: FLINK IMAGE TAG imagePullPolicy: Always flinkVersion: v1_17 flinkConfiguration: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "2" executionRoleArn: JOB EXECUTION ROLE jobManager: resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1 taskManager: resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1 job: jarURI: local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/StateMachineExample.jar monitoringConfiguration: s3MonitoringConfiguration: logUri: S3 BUCKET cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration: logGroupName: LOG GROUP NAME logStreamNamePrefix: LOG GROUP STREAM PREFIX sideCarResources: limits: cpuLimit: 500m memoryLimit: 250Mi containerLogRotationConfiguration: rotationSize: 2GB maxFilesToKeep: 10

The following are configuration options.

  • s3MonitoringConfiguration – configuration key to set up forwarding to S3

    • logUri (required) – the S3 bucket path of where you want to store your logs.

    • The path on S3 once the logs are uploaded will look like the following.

      • No log rotation enabled:

        s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/STDOUT or STDERR.gz
      • Log rotation is enabled. You can use both a rotated file and a current file (one without the date stamp).

        s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/STDOUT or STDERR.gz

        The following format is an incrementing number.

        s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/stdout_YYYYMMDD_index.gz
    • The following IAM permissions are required to use this forwarder.

      { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": [ "S3_BUCKET_URI/*", "S3_BUCKET_URI" ] }
  • cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration – configuration key to set up forwarding to CloudWatch.

    • logGroupName (required) – nameof the CloudWatch log group that you want to send logs to (automatically creates the group if it doesn't exist).

    • logStreamNamePrefix (optional) – name of the log stream that you want to send logs into. Default value is an empty string. The format is as follows:

      ${logStreamNamePrefix}/${POD NAME}/STDOUT or STDERR
    • The following IAM permissions are required to use this forwarder.

      { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:REGION:ACCOUNT-ID:log-group:{YOUR_LOG_GROUP_NAME}:*", "arn:aws:logs:REGION:ACCOUNT-ID:log-group:{YOUR_LOG_GROUP_NAME}" ] }
  • sideCarResources (optional) – the configuration key to set resource limits on the launched Fluentbit sidecar container.

    • memoryLimit (optional) – the default value is 512Mi. Adjust according to your needs.

    • cpuLimit (optional) – this option doesn't have a default. Adjust according to your needs.

  • containerLogRotationConfiguration (optional) – controls the container log rotation behavior. It is enabled by default.

    • rotationSize (required) – specifies the file size for the log rotation. The range of possible values is from 2KB to 2GB. The numeric unit portion of the rotationSize parameter is passed as an integer. Since decimal values aren't supported, you can specify a rotation size of 1.5GB, for example, with the value 1500MB. The default is 2GB.

    • maxFilesToKeep (required) – specifies the maximum number of files to retain in container after rotation has taken place. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 50. The default is 10.

We can also enable log archiving for the operator by using the following options in the values.yaml file in your helm chart installation. You can enable S3, CloudWatch, or both.

monitoringConfiguration: s3MonitoringConfiguration: logUri: "S3-BUCKET" totalFileSize: "1G" uploadTimeout: "1m" cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration: logGroupName: "flink-log-group" logStreamNamePrefix: "example-job-prefix-test-2" sideCarResources: limits: cpuLimit: 1 memoryLimit: 800Mi memoryBufferLimit: 700M

The following are the available configuration options under monitoringConfiguration.

  • s3MonitoringConfiguration – set this option to archive to S3.

  • logUri (required) – The S3 bucket path where you want to store your logs.

  • The following are formats of what the S3 bucket paths might look like once the logs are uploaded.

    • No log rotation enabled.

      s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/OPERATOR or WEBHOOK/STDOUT or STDERR.gz
    • Log rotation is enabled. You can use both a rotated file and a current file (one without the date stamp).

      s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/OPERATOR or WEBHOOK/STDOUT or STDERR.gz

      The following format index is an incrementing number.

      s3://${logUri}/${POD NAME}/OPERATOR or WEBHOOK/stdout_YYYYMMDD_index.gz
  • cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration – the configuration key to set up forwarding to CloudWatch.

    • logGroupName (required) – name of the CloudWatch log group that you want to send logs to. The group automatically gets created if it doesn't exist.

    • logStreamNamePrefix (optional) – name of the log stream that you want to send logs into. The default value is an empty string. The format in CloudWatch is as follows:

      ${logStreamNamePrefix}/${POD NAME}/STDOUT or STDERR
  • sideCarResources (optional) – the configuration key to set resource limits on the launched Fluentbit sidecar container.

    • memoryLimit (optional) – the memory limit. Adjust according to your needs. The default is 512Mi.

    • cpuLimit – the CPU limit. Adjust according to your needs. No default value.

  • containerLogRotationConfiguration (optional): – controls the container log rotation behavior. It is enabled by default.

    • rotationSize (required) – specifies file size for the log rotation. The range of possible values is from 2KB to 2GB. The numeric unit portion of the rotationSize parameter is passed as an integer. Since decimal values aren't supported, you can specify a rotation size of 1.5GB, for example, with the value 1500MB. The default is 2GB.

    • maxFilesToKeep (required) – specifies the maximum number of files to retain in container after rotation has taken place. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 50. The default is 10.