Using Delta Lake with Amazon EMR on EKS - Amazon EMR

Using Delta Lake with Amazon EMR on EKS

Delta Lake is an open-source storage framework for building a Lakehouse architecture. The following shows how to set it up for use.

To use Delta Lake with Amazon EMR on EKS applications
  1. When you start a job run to submit a Spark job in the application configuration, include the Delta Lake JAR files:

    --job-driver '{"sparkSubmitJobDriver" : { "sparkSubmitParameters" : "--jars local:///usr/share/aws/delta/lib/delta-core.jar,local:///usr/share/aws/delta/lib/delta-storage.jar,local:///usr/share/aws/delta/lib/delta-storage-s3-dynamodb.jar"}}'

    Amazon EMR releases 7.0.0 and higher uses Delta Lake 3.0, which renames delta-core.jar to delta-spark.jar. If you use Amazon EMR releases 7.0.0 or higher, be sure to use the correct file name, such as in the following example:

    --jars local:///usr/share/aws/delta/lib/delta-spark.jar
  2. Include Delta Lake additional configuration and use AWS Glue Data Catalog as your metastore.

    --configuration-overrides '{ "applicationConfiguration": [ { "classification" : "spark-defaults", "properties" : { "spark.sql.extensions" : "", "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog":"", "spark.hadoop.hive.metastore.client.factory.class":"com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSGlueDataCatalogHiveClientFactory" } }]}'