Using YuniKorn as a custom scheduler for Apache Spark on Amazon EMR on EKS - Amazon EMR

Using YuniKorn as a custom scheduler for Apache Spark on Amazon EMR on EKS

With Amazon EMR on EKS, you can use Spark operator or spark-submit to run Spark jobs with Kubernetes custom schedulers. This tutorial covers how to run Spark jobs with a YuniKorn scheduler on a custom queue and gang scheduling.


Apache YuniKorn can help manage Spark scheduling with app-aware scheduling so that you can have fine-grained control on resource quotas and priorities. With gang scheduling, YuniKorn schedules an app only when the minimal resource request for the app can be satisfied. For more information, see What is gang scheduling on the Apache YuniKorn documentation site.

Create your cluster and get set up for YuniKorn

Use the following steps to deploy an Amazon EKS cluster. You can change the AWS Region (region) and Availability Zones (availabilityZones).

  1. Define the Amazon EKS cluster:

    cat <<EOF >eks-cluster.yaml --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: emr-eks-cluster region: eu-west-1 vpc: clusterEndpoints: publicAccess: true privateAccess: true iam: withOIDC: true nodeGroups: - name: spark-jobs labels: { app: spark } instanceType: m5.xlarge desiredCapacity: 2 minSize: 2 maxSize: 3 availabilityZones: ["eu-west-1a"] EOF
  2. Create the cluster:

    eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml
  3. Create the namespace spark-job where you will execute the Spark job:

    kubectl create namespace spark-job
  4. Next, create a Kubernetes role and role binding. This is required for the service account that the Spark job run uses.

    1. Define the service account, role, and role binding for Spark jobs.

      cat <<EOF >emr-job-execution-rbac.yaml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: spark-sa namespace: spark-job automountServiceAccountToken: false --- apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: spark-role namespace: spark-job rules: - apiGroups: ["", "batch","extensions"] resources: ["configmaps","serviceaccounts","events","pods","pods/exec","pods/log","pods/portforward","secrets","services","persistentvolumeclaims"] verbs: ["create","delete","get","list","patch","update","watch"] --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: spark-sa-rb namespace: spark-job roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: spark-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: spark-sa namespace: spark-job EOF
    2. Apply the Kubernetes role and role binding definition with the following command:

      kubectl apply -f emr-job-execution-rbac.yaml

Install and set up YuniKorn

  1. Use the following kubectl command to create a namespace yunikornto deploy the Yunikorn scheduler:

    kubectl create namespace yunikorn
  2. To install the scheduler, execute the following Helm commands:

    helm repo add yunikorn
    helm repo update
    helm install yunikorn yunikorn/yunikorn --namespace yunikorn

Run a Spark application with YuniKorn scheduler with the Spark operator

  1. If you haven't already, complete the steps in the following sections to get set up:

    1. Create your cluster and get set up for YuniKorn

    2. Install and set up YuniKorn

    3. Setting up the Spark operator for Amazon EMR on EKS

    4. Install the Spark operator

      Include the following arguments when you run the helm install spark-operator-demo command:

      --set batchScheduler.enable=true --set webhook.enable=true
  2. Create a SparkApplication definition file spark-pi.yaml.

    To use YuniKorn as a scheduler for your jobs, you must add certain annotations and labels to your application definition. The annotations and labels specify the queue for your job and the scheduling strategy that you want to use.

    In the following example, the annotation schedulingPolicyParameters sets up gang scheduling for the application. Then, the example creates task groups, or "gangs" of tasks, to specify the minimum capacity that must be available before scheduling the pods to start the job execution. And finally, it specifies in the task group definition to use node groups with the "app": "spark" label, as defined in the Create your cluster and get set up for YuniKorn section.

    apiVersion: "" kind: SparkApplication metadata: name: spark-pi namespace: spark-job spec: type: Scala mode: cluster image: "" imagePullPolicy: Always mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi mainApplicationFile: "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar" sparkVersion: "3.3.1" restartPolicy: type: Never volumes: - name: "test-volume" hostPath: path: "/tmp" type: Directory driver: cores: 1 coreLimit: "1200m" memory: "512m" labels: version: 3.3.1 annotations: "placeholderTimeoutSeconds=30 gangSchedulingStyle=Hard" "spark-driver" |- [{ "name": "spark-driver", "minMember": 1, "minResource": { "cpu": "1200m", "memory": "1Gi" }, "nodeSelector": { "app": "spark" } }, { "name": "spark-executor", "minMember": 1, "minResource": { "cpu": "1200m", "memory": "1Gi" }, "nodeSelector": { "app": "spark" } }] serviceAccount: spark-sa volumeMounts: - name: "test-volume" mountPath: "/tmp" executor: cores: 1 instances: 1 memory: "512m" labels: version: 3.3.1 annotations: "spark-executor" volumeMounts: - name: "test-volume" mountPath: "/tmp"
  3. Submit the Spark application with the following command. This also creates a SparkApplication object called spark-pi:

    kubectl apply -f spark-pi.yaml
  4. Check events for the SparkApplication object with the following command:

    kubectl describe sparkapplication spark-pi --namespace spark-job

    The first pod event will show that YuniKorn has scheduled the pods:

    Type    Reason            Age   From                          Message
    ----    ------            ----  ----                          -------
    Normal Scheduling        3m12s yunikorn   spark-operator/org-apache-spark-examples-sparkpi-2a777a88b98b8a95-driver is queued and waiting for allocation
    Normal GangScheduling    3m12s yunikorn   Pod belongs to the taskGroup spark-driver, it will be scheduled as a gang member
    Normal Scheduled         3m10s yunikorn   Successfully assigned spark
    Normal PodBindSuccessful 3m10s yunikorn   Pod spark-operator/
    Normal TaskCompleted     2m3s  yunikorn   Task spark-operator/
    Normal Pulling           3m10s kubelet    Pulling

Run a Spark application with YuniKorn scheduler with spark-submit

  1. First, complete the steps in the Setting up spark-submit for Amazon EMR on EKS section.

  2. Set the values for the following environment variables:

    export SPARK_HOME=spark-home export MASTER_URL=k8s://Amazon-EKS-cluster-endpoint
  3. Submit the Spark application with the following command:

    In the following example, the annotation schedulingPolicyParameters sets up gang scheduling for the application. Then, the example creates task groups, or "gangs" of tasks, to specify the minimum capacity that must be available before scheduling the pods to start the job execution. And finally, it specifies in the task group definition to use node groups with the "app": "spark" label, as defined in the Create your cluster and get set up for YuniKorn section.

    $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \ --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \ --master $MASTER_URL \ --conf \ --conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark-sa \ --deploy-mode cluster \ --conf spark.kubernetes.namespace=spark-job \ --conf \ --conf"placeholderTimeoutSeconds=30 gangSchedulingStyle=Hard" \ --conf"spark-driver" \ --conf"spark-executor" \ --conf'[{ "name": "spark-driver", "minMember": 1, "minResource": { "cpu": "1200m", "memory": "1Gi" }, "nodeSelector": { "app": "spark" } }, { "name": "spark-executor", "minMember": 1, "minResource": { "cpu": "1200m", "memory": "1Gi" }, "nodeSelector": { "app": "spark" } }]' \ local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar 20
  4. Check events for the SparkApplication object with the following command:

    kubectl describe pod spark-driver-pod --namespace spark-job

    The first pod event will show that YuniKorn has scheduled the pods:

    Type    Reason           Age   From                          Message
    ----    ------           ----  ----                          -------
    Normal Scheduling        3m12s yunikorn   spark-operator/org-apache-spark-examples-sparkpi-2a777a88b98b8a95-driver is queued and waiting for allocation
    Normal GangScheduling    3m12s yunikorn   Pod belongs to the taskGroup spark-driver, it will be scheduled as a gang member
    Normal Scheduled         3m10s yunikorn   Successfully assigned spark
    Normal PodBindSuccessful 3m10s yunikorn   Pod spark-operator/
    Normal TaskCompleted     2m3s  yunikorn   Task spark-operator/
    Normal Pulling           3m10s kubelet    Pulling