EMR clusters on AWS Local Zones - Amazon EMR

EMR clusters on AWS Local Zones

Beginning with Amazon EMR version 5.28.0, you can create and run Amazon EMR clusters on an AWS Local Zones subnet as a logical extension of an AWS Region that supports Local Zones. A Local Zone enables Amazon EMR features and a subset of AWS services, like compute and storage services, to be located closer to users to provide very low latency access to applications running locally. For a list of available Local Zones, see AWS Local Zones. For information about accessing available AWS Local Zones, see Regions, Availability Zones, and local zones.

Supported instance types

The following instance types are available for Amazon EMR clusters on Local Zones. Instance type availability may vary by Region.

Instance class Instance types
General purpose m5.xlarge | m5.2xlarge | m5.4xlarge | m5.12xlarge | m5.24xlarge | m5d.xlarge | m5d.2xlarge | m5d.4xlarge | m5d.12xlarge | m5d.24xlarge
Compute-optimized c5.xlarge | c5.2xlarge | c5.4xlarge | c5.9xlarge | c5.18xlarge | c5d.xlarge | c5d.2xlarge | c5d.4xlarge| c5d.9xlarge | c5d.18xlarge
Memory-optimized r5.xlarge | r5.2xlarge | r5.4xlarge | r5.12xlarge | r5d.xlarge | r5d.2xlarge | r5d.4xlarge | r5d.12xlarge | r5d.24xlarge
Storage-optimized i3en.xlarge | i3en.2xlarge | i3en.3xlarge | i3en.6xlarge | i3en.12xlarge | i3en.24xlarge

Creating an Amazon EMR cluster on Local Zones

Create an Amazon EMR cluster on AWS Local Zones by launching the Amazon EMR cluster into an Amazon VPC subnet that is associated with a Local Zone. You can access the cluster using the Local Zone name, such as us-west-2-lax-1a in the US West (Oregon) Console.

Local Zones don't currently support Amazon EMR Notebooks or connections directly to Amazon EMR using interface VPC endpoint (AWS PrivateLink).


We’ve redesigned the Amazon EMR console to make it easier to use. See Amazon EMR console to learn about the differences between the old and new console experiences.

New console
To create a cluster on a Local Zone with the new console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/emr.

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose Create cluster.

  3. Under Networking, select an EC2 subnet with a Local Zone ID in this format: subnet 123abc | us-west-2-lax-1a.

  4. Choose an instance type or add Amazon EBS storage volumes for uniform instance groups or instance fleets.

  5. Choose any other options that apply to your cluster.

  6. To launch your cluster, choose Create cluster.

Old console
To create a cluster on a Local Zone with the old console
  1. Navigate to the new Amazon EMR console and select Switch to the old console from the side navigation. For more information on what to expect when you switch to the old console, see Using the old console.

  2. Choose Create cluster.

  3. Choose Go to advanced options.

  4. Under Software Configuration, for Release, choose 5.28.0 or later.

  5. Under Hardware Configuration, for EC2 Subnet, select an EC2 subnet with a Local Zone ID in this format: subnet 123abc | us-west-2-lax-1a.

  6. Add Amazon EBS storage volumes for uniform instance groups or instance fleets and choose an instance type.

To create a cluster on a Local Zone with the AWS CLI
  • Use the create-cluster command, along with the SubnetId for the Local Zone as shown in the following example. Replace subnet-22XXXX1234567 with the Local Zone SubnetId and replace other options as necessary. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/emr/create-cluster.html.

    aws emr create-cluster \ --name "Local Zones cluster" \ --release-label emr-5.29.0 \ --applications Name=Spark \ --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey,SubnetId=subnet-22XXXX1234567 \ --instance-type m5.xlarge --instance-count 3 --use-default-roles