Monitor, update and delete Amazon EMR Studio resources - Amazon EMR

Monitor, update and delete Amazon EMR Studio resources

This section includes instructions to help you monitor, update, or delete an EMR Studio resource. For information about assigning users or updating user permissions, see Assign and manage EMR Studio users.

View Studio details

To view details about an EMR Studio with the new console
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR Studio on the left navigation, choose Studios.

  3. Select the Studio from the Studios list to open the Studio detail page. The Studio detail page includes Studio setting information, such as the Studio Description, VPC, and Subnets.


To retrieve details for an EMR Studio by Studio ID using the AWS CLI

Use the following describe-studio AWS CLI command to fetch detailed information about a particular EMR Studio. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

aws emr describe-studio \ --studio-id <id-of-studio-to-describe> \

To retrieve a list of EMR Studios using the AWS CLI

Use the following list-studios AWS CLI command. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

aws emr list-studios

The following is an example return value for the list-studios command in JSON format.

{ "Studios": [ { "AuthMode": "IAM", "VpcId": "vpc-b21XXXXX", "Name": "example-studio-name", "Url": "", "CreationTime": 1605672582.781, "StudioId": "es-7HWP74SNGDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "Description": "example studio description" } ] }

Monitor Amazon EMR Studio actions

View EMR Studio and API activity

EMR Studio is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, by an IAM role, or by another AWS service in EMR Studio. CloudTrail captures API calls for EMR Studio as events. You can view events using the CloudTrail console at

EMR Studio events provide information such as which Studio or IAM user makes a request, and what kind of request it is.


On-cluster actions such as running notebook jobs do not emit AWS CloudTrail.

You can also create a trail for continuous delivery of EMR Studio CloudTrail events to an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

Example CloudTrail Event: a user Calls the DescribeStudio API

The following is an example AWS CloudTrail event that is created when a user, admin, calls the DescribeStudio API. CloudTrail records the user name as admin.


To protect Studio details, the EMR Studio API event for DescribeStudio excludes a value for responseElements.

{ "eventVersion":"1.08", "userIdentity":{ "type":"IAMUser", "principalId":"AIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "arn":"arn:aws:iam::653XXXXXXXXX:user/admin", "accountId":"653XXXXXXXXX", "accessKeyId":"AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "userName":"admin" }, "eventTime":"2021-01-07T19:13:58Z", "eventSource":"", "eventName":"DescribeStudio", "awsRegion":"us-east-1", "sourceIPAddress":"72.XX.XXX.XX", "userAgent":"aws-cli/1.18.188 Python/3.8.5 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/1.19.28", "requestParameters":{ "studioId":"es-9O5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "responseElements":null, "requestID":"0fxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "eventID":"b0xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "readOnly":true, "eventType":"AwsApiCall", "managementEvent":true, "eventCategory":"Management", "recipientAccountId":"653XXXXXXXXX" }

View Spark user and job activity

To view Spark job activity by Amazon EMR Studio users, you can configure user impersonation on a cluster. With user impersonation, each Spark job that is submitted from a Workspace is associated with the Studio user who ran the code.

When user impersonation is enabled, Amazon EMR creates an HDFS user directory on the cluster's primary node for each user that runs code in the Workspace. For example, if user runs code, you can connect to the primary node and see that hadoop fs -ls /user has a directory for

To set up Spark user impersonation, set the following properties in the following configuration classifications:

  • core-site

  • livy-conf

[ { "Classification": "core-site", "Properties": { "hadoop.proxyuser.livy.groups": "*", "hadoop.proxyuser.livy.hosts": "*" } }, { "Classification": "livy-conf", "Properties": { "livy.impersonation.enabled": "true" } } ]

To view history server pages, see Debug applications and jobs with EMR Studio. You can also connect to the primary node of the cluster using SSH to view application web interfaces. For more information, see View web interfaces hosted on Amazon EMR clusters.

Update an Amazon EMR Studio

After you create an EMR Studio, you can update the following attributes using the AWS CLI:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Default S3 location

  • Subnets

To update an EMR Studio using the AWS CLI

Use the update-studio AWS CLI command to update an EMR Studio. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.


You can associated a Studio with a maximum of 5 subnets. These subnets must belong to the same VPC as the Studio. The list of subnet IDs that you submit to the update-studio command can include new subnet IDs, but must also include all of the subnet IDs that you already associated with the Studio. You can't remove subnets from a Studio.

aws emr update-studio \ --studio-id <example-studio-id-to-update> \ --name <example-new-studio-name> \ --subnet-ids <old-subnet-id-1 old-subnet-id-2 old-subnet-id-3 new-subnet-id> \

To verify the changes, use the describe-studio AWS CLI command and specify your Studio ID. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

aws emr describe-studio \ --studio-id <id-of-updated-studio> \

Delete an Amazon EMR Studio and Workspaces

When you delete a Studio, EMR Studio deletes all of the IAM Identity Center user and group assignments that are associated with the Studio.


When you delete a Studio, Amazon EMR does not delete the Workspaces associated with that Studio. You must delete the Workspaces in your Studio separately.

Delete Workspaces


Since each EMR Studio Workspace is an EMR notebook instance, you can use the Amazon EMR management console to delete Workspaces. You can delete Workspaces using the Amazon EMR console before or after you delete your Studio

To delete a Workspace using the Amazon EMR console
  1. Navigate to the new Amazon EMR console and select Switch to the old console from the side navigation. For more information on what to expect when you switch to the old console, see Using the old console.

  2. Choose Notebooks.

  3. Select the Workspace(s) that you want to delete.

  4. Choose Delete, then choose Delete again to confirm.

  5. Follow the instructions for Deleting objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide to remove the notebook files associated with the deleted Workspace from Amazon S3.

EMR Studio UI
From the Workspace UIFrom the Workspaces list
From the Workspace UI
Delete a Workspace and its associated backup files from EMR Studio
  1. Log in to your EMR Studio with your Studio access URL and choose Workspaces from the left navigation.

  2. Find your Workspace in the list, then select the check box next to its name. You can select multiple Workspaces to delete at the same time.

  3. Choose Delete in the upper right of the Workspaces list and confirm that you want to delete the selected Workspaces. Choose Delete to confirm.

  4. If you want to remove the notebook files that were associated with the deleted Workspace from Amazon S3, follow the instructions for Deleting objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide. If you did not create the Studio, consult your Studio administrator to determine the Amazon S3 backup location for the deleted Workspace.

From the Workspaces list
Delete a Workspace and its associated backup files from the Workspaces list
  1. Navigate to the Workspaces list in the console.

  2. Select the Workspace that you want to delete from the list and then choose Actions.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. If you want to remove the notebook files that were associated with the deleted Workspace from Amazon S3, follow the instructions for Deleting objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide. If you did not create the Studio, consult your Studio administrator to determine the Amazon S3 backup location for the deleted Workspace.

Delete an EMR Studio

To delete an EMR Studio with the new console
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR Studio on the left navigation, choose Studios.

  3. Select the Studio from the Studios list with the toggle to the left of the Studio name . Choose Delete.

Old console
To delete an EMR Studio with the old console
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Choose EMR Studio from the left navigation.

  3. Select the Studio from the Studios list and choose Delete.


To delete an EMR Studio with the AWS CLI

Use the delete-studio AWS CLI command to delete an EMR Studio. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

aws emr delete-studio --studio-id <id-of-studio-to-delete>