Get a reference to a key value store - Amazon CloudFront

Get a reference to a key value store

To work with the key value stores programmatically, you need the ETag and the name of the key value store.

To get both values, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the CloudFront API.

To get the key value store reference
  1. To return a list of key value stores, run the following command Find the name of the key value store that you want to change.

    aws cloudfront list-key-value-stores
  2. From the response, find the name of the key value store that you want.


    { "KeyValueStoreList": { "Items": [ { "Name": "keyvaluestore3", "Id": "37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example3", "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example3", "Status": "READY", "LastModifiedTime": "2024-05-08T14:50:18.876000+00:00" }, { "Name": "keyvaluestore2", "Id": "47970d59-6408-474d-b850-example2", "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/47970d59-6408-474d-b850-example2", "Status": "READY", "LastModifiedTime": "2024-05-30T21:06:22.113000+00:00" }, { "Name": "keyvaluestore1", "Id": "8aa76c93-3198-462c-aaf6-example", "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/8aa76c93-3198-462c-aaf6-example", "Status": "READY", "LastModifiedTime": "2024-08-06T22:19:30.510000+00:00" } ] } }
  3. Run the following command to return the ETag for the specified key value store.

    aws cloudfront describe-key-value-store \ --name=keyvaluestore1


    { "ETag": "E3UN6WX5RRO2AG", "KeyValueStore": { "Name": "keyvaluestore1", "Id": "8aa76c93-3198-462c-aaf6-example", "Comment": "This is an example KVS", "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/8aa76c93-3198-462c-aaf6-example", "Status": "READY", "LastModifiedTime": "2024-08-06T22:19:30.510000+00:00" } }
To get the key value store reference
  1. Use the CloudFront ListKeyValueStores API operation to return a list of key value stores. Find the name of the key value store that you want to change.

  2. Use the CloudFront DescribeKeyValueStore API operation and specify the name of the key value store that you returned from the previous step.

The response includes a UUID, the ARN of the key value store, and the ETag of the key value store.

  • An ETag, such as E3UN6WX5RRO2AG

  • The UUID is 128 bits, such as 8aa76c93-3198-462c-aaf6-example

  • The ARN includes the AWS account number, the constant key-value-store, and the UUID, like the following example:


For more information about the DescribeKeyValueStore operation, see About the CloudFront KeyValueStore.