Work with key value data - Amazon CloudFront

Work with key value data

This topic describes how to add key-value pairs to an existing key value store. To include key-value pairs when you initially create the key value stores, see Create a key value store.

Work with key-value pairs (console)

You can use the CloudFront console to work with your key-value pairs.

To work with key-value pairs
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Functions page in the CloudFront console at

  2. Choose the KeyValueStores tab.

  3. Select the key value store that you want to change.

  4. In the Key value pairs section, choose Edit.

  5. You can add a key-value pair, delete a key-value pair, or change the value for an existing key-value pair.

  6. When you're finished, choose Save changes.

About the CloudFront KeyValueStore


The CloudFront KeyValueStore API is a global service that uses Signature Version 4A (SigV4A) for authentication. Using temporary credentials with SigV4A requires version 2 session tokens. For more information, see Using temporary credentials with the CloudFront KeyValueStore API.

If you're using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or your own code to call the CloudFront KeyValueStore API, see the following sections.

When you work with a key value store and its key-value pairs, the service that you call depends on your use case:

  • To work with key-value pairs in an existing key value store, use the CloudFront KeyValueStore service.

  • To include key-value pairs in the key value store when you initially create the key value store, use the CloudFront service.

Both the CloudFront API and the CloudFront KeyValueStore API have a DescribeKeyValueStore operation. You call them for different reasons. To understand the differences, see the following table.

CloudFront DescribeKeyValueStore API CloudFront KeyValueStore DescribeKeyValueStore API
Data about the key value store

Returns data, such as the status and the date that the key value store itself was last modified.

Returns data about the contents of the storage resource – the key-value pairs in the store, and the size of the contents.

Data that identifies the key value store

Returns an ETag, the UUID, and the ARN of the key value store.

Returns an ETag and the ARN of the key value store.

  • Each DescribeKeyValueStore operation returns a different ETag. The ETags aren't interchangeable.

  • When you call an API operation to complete an action, you must specify the ETag from the appropriate API. For example, in the CloudFront KeyValueStore DeleteKey operation, you specify the ETag that you returned from the CloudFront KeyValueStore DescribeKeyValueStore operation.

Work with key-value pairs (AWS CLI)

You can run the following AWS Command Line Interface commands for CloudFront KeyValueStore.

List key-value pairs

To list key-value pairs in your key value store, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore list-keys \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example


{ "Items": [ { "Key": "key1", "Value": "value1" } ] }

Get key-value pairs

To get a key-value pair in your key value store, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore get-key \ --key=key1 \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example


{ "Key": "key1", "Value": "value1", "ItemCount": 1, "TotalSizeInBytes": 11 }

Describe a key value store

To describe a key value store, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore describe-key-value-store \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example


{ "ETag": "KV1F83G8C2ARO7P", "ItemCount": 1, "TotalSizeInBytes": 11, "KvsARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example", "Created": "2024-05-08T07:48:45.381000-07:00", "LastModified": "2024-08-05T13:50:58.843000-07:00", "Status": "READY" }

Create a key-value pair

To create a key-value pair in your key value store, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore put-key \ --if-match=KV1PA6795UKMFR9 \ --key=key2 \ --value=value2 \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example


{ "ETag": "KV13V1IB3VIYZZH", "ItemCount": 3, "TotalSizeInBytes": 31 }

Delete a key-value pair

To delete a key-value pair, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore delete-key \ --if-match=KV13V1IB3VIYZZH \ --key=key1 \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example


{ "ETag": "KV1VC38T7YXB528", "ItemCount": 2, "TotalSizeInBytes": 22 }

Update key-value pairs

You can use the update-keys command to update more than one key-value pair. For example, to delete an existing key-value pair and create another one, run the following command.

aws cloudfront-keyvaluestore update-keys \ --if-match=KV2EUQ1WTGCTBG2 \ --kvs-arn=arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/37435e19-c205-4271-9e5c-example \ --deletes '[{"Key":"key2"}]' \ --puts '[{"Key":"key3","Value":"value3"}]'


{ "ETag": "KV3AEGXETSR30VB", "ItemCount": 3, "TotalSizeInBytes": 28 }

Work with key-value pairs (API)

Follow this section to work with your key-value pairs programatically.

Get a reference to a key value store

When you use the CloudFront KeyValueStore API to call a write operation, you need to specify the ARN and the ETag of the key value store. To get this data, do the following:

To get a reference to a key value store
  1. Use the CloudFront ListKeyValueStores API operation to get a list of key value stores. Find the key value store that you want to change.

  2. Use the CloudFrontKeyValueStore DescribeKeyValueStore API operation and specify the key value store from the previous step.

    The response includes the ARN and the ETag of the key value store.

    • The ARN includes the AWS account number, the constant key-value-store, and the UUID, such as the following example:


    • An ETag that looks like the following example:


Change key-value pairs in a key value store

You can specify the key value store that contains the key-value pair that you want to update.

See the following CloudFront KeyValueStore API operations:

Example code for CloudFront KeyValueStore

The following code shows you how to call the DescribeKeyValueStore API operation for a key value store.

const { CloudFrontKeyValueStoreClient, DescribeKeyValueStoreCommand, } = require("@aws-sdk/client-cloudfront-keyvaluestore"); require("@aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt"); (async () => { try { const client = new CloudFrontKeyValueStoreClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); const input = { KvsARN: "arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:key-value-store/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", }; const command = new DescribeKeyValueStoreCommand(input); const response = await client.send(command); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } })();