Elastic network interface trunking - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Elastic network interface trunking


This feature is not available on Fargate.

Each Amazon ECS task that uses the awsvpc network mode receives its own elastic network interface (ENI), which is attached to the container instance that hosts it. There is a default limit to the number of network interfaces that can be attached to an Amazon EC2 instance, and the primary network interface counts as one. For example, by default a c5.large instance may have up to three ENIs attached to it. The primary network interface for the instance counts as one, so you can attach an additional two ENIs to the instance. Because each task using the awsvpc network mode requires an ENI, you can typically only run two such tasks on this instance type.

Amazon ECS supports launching container instances with increased ENI density using supported Amazon EC2 instance types. When you use these instance types and enable the awsvpcTrunking account setting, additional ENIs are available on newly launched container instances. This configuration allows you to place more tasks using the awsvpc network mode on each container instance. For information about the awsvpcTrunking account setting, see Accessing Amazon ECS features through account settings.

Using this feature, a c5.large instance with awsvpcTrunking enabled has an increased ENI limit of twelve. The container instance will have the primary network interface and Amazon ECS creates and attaches a "trunk" network interface to the container instance. So this configuration allows you to launch ten tasks on the container instance instead of the current two tasks.

The trunk network interface is fully managed by Amazon ECS and is deleted when you either terminate or deregister your container instance from the cluster. For more information, see Task networking for tasks on Amazon EC2 instances.


There are several things to consider when using the ENI trunking feature.

  • Only Linux variants of the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, or other Amazon Linux variants with version 1.28.1 or later of the container agent and version 1.28.1-2 or later of the ecs-init package, support the increased ENI limits. If you use the latest Linux variant of the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, these requirements will be met. Windows containers are not supported at this time.

  • Only new Amazon EC2 instances launched after enabling awsvpcTrunking receive the increased ENI limits and the trunk network interface. Previously launched instances do not receive these features regardless of the actions taken.

  • Amazon EC2 instances must have resource-based IPv4 DNS requests turned off. To disable this option, ensure the Enable resource-based IPV4 (A record) DNS requests option is deselected when creating a new instance using the Amazon EC2 console. To disable this option using the AWS CLI, use the following command.

    aws ec2 modify-private-dns-name-options --instance-id i-xxxxxxx --no-enable-resource-name-dns-a-record --no-dry-run
  • Amazon EC2 instances in shared subnets are not supported. They will fail to register to a cluster if they are used.

  • Your Amazon ECS tasks must use the awsvpc network mode and the EC2 launch type. Tasks using the Fargate launch type always received a dedicated ENI regardless of how many are launched, so this feature is not needed.

  • Your Amazon ECS tasks must be launched in the same Amazon VPC as your container instance. Your tasks will fail to start with an attribute error if they are not within the same VPC.

  • When launching a new container instance, the instance transitions to a REGISTERING status while the trunk elastic network interface is provisioned for the instance. If the registration fails, the instance transitions to a REGISTRATION_FAILED status. You can troubleshoot a failed registration by describing the container instance to view the statusReason field which describes the reason for the failure. The container instance then can be manually deregistered or terminated. Once the container instance is successfully deregistered or terminated, Amazon ECS will delete the trunk ENI.


    Amazon ECS emits container instance state change events which you can monitor for instances that transition to a REGISTRATION_FAILED state. For more information, see Amazon ECS container instance state change events.

  • Once the container instance is terminated, the instance transitions to a DEREGISTERING status while the trunk elastic network interface is deprovisioned. The instance then transitions to an INACTIVE status.

  • If a container instance in a public subnet with the increased ENI limits is stopped and then restarted, the instance loses its public IP address, and the container agent loses its connection.

  • When you enable awsvpcTrunking, container instances receive an additional ENI that uses the VPC's default security group, and is managed by Amazon ECS.


Before you launch a container instance with the increased ENI limits, the following prerequisites must be completed.

  • The service-linked role for Amazon ECS must be created. The Amazon ECS service-linked role provides Amazon ECS with the permissions to make calls to other AWS services on your behalf. This role is created for you automatically when you create a cluster, or if you create or update a service in the AWS Management Console. For more information, see Using service-linked roles for Amazon ECS. You can also create the service-linked role with the following AWS CLI command.

    aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name ecs.amazonaws.com
  • Your account or container instance IAM role must enable the awsvpcTrunking account setting. We recommend that you create 2 container instance roles (ecsInstanceRole). You can then enable the awsvpcTrunking account setting for one role and use that role for tasks that require ENI trunking. For information about the container instance role, see Amazon ECS container instance IAM role.

After the prerequisites are met, you can launch a new container instance using one of the supported Amazon EC2 instance types, and the instance will have the increased ENI limits. For a list of supported instance types, see Supported Amazon EC2 instance types. The container instance must have version 1.28.1 or later of the container agent and version 1.28.1-2 or later of the ecs-init package. If you use the latest Linux variant of the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, these requirements will be met. For more information, see Launching an Amazon ECS Linux container instance.


Amazon EC2 instances must have resource-based IPv4 DNS requests turned off. To disable this option, ensure the Enable resource-based IPV4 (A record) DNS requests option is deselected when creating a new instance using the Amazon EC2 console. To disable this option using the AWS CLI, use the following command.

aws ec2 modify-private-dns-name-options --instance-id i-xxxxxxx --no-enable-resource-name-dns-a-record --no-dry-run
To view your container instances with increased ENI limits with the AWS CLI

Each container instance has a default network interface, referred to as a trunk network interface. Use the following command to list your container instances with increased ENI limits by querying for the ecs.awsvpc-trunk-id attribute, which indicates it has a trunk network interface.

  • list-attributes (AWS CLI)

    aws ecs list-attributes \ --target-type container-instance \ --attribute-name ecs.awsvpc-trunk-id \ --cluster cluster_name \ --region us-east-1
  • Get-ECSAttributeList (AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell)

    Get-ECSAttributeList -TargetType container-instance -AttributeName ecs.awsvpc-trunk-id -Region us-east-1

Supported Amazon EC2 instance types

The following shows the supported Amazon EC2 instance types and how many tasks using the awsvpc network mode can be launched on each instance type before and after enabling the awsvpcTrunking account setting. For the elastic network interface (ENI) limits on each instance type, add one to the current task limit, as the primary network interface counts against the limit, and add two to the new task limit, as both the primary network interface and the trunk network interface count again the limit.


Although other instance types are supported in the same instance family, the a1.metal, c5.metal, c5a.8xlarge, c5ad.8xlarge, c5d.metal, m5.metal, p3dn.24xlarge, r5.metal, r5.8xlarge, and r5d.metal instance types are not supported.

The c5n, d3, d3en, g3, g3s, g4dn, i3, i3en, inf1, m5dn, m5n, m5zn, mac1, r5b, r5n, r5dn, u-12tb1, u-6tb1, u-9tb1, and z1d instance families are not supported.

General purpose

Instance type Task limit without ENI trunking Task limit with ENI trunking
a1.medium 1 10
a1.large 2 10
a1.xlarge 3 20
a1.2xlarge 3 40
a1.4xlarge 7 60
m5.large 2 10
m5.xlarge 3 20
m5.2xlarge 3 40
m5.4xlarge 7 60
m5.8xlarge 7 60
m5.12xlarge 7 60
m5.16xlarge 14 120
m5.24xlarge 14 120
m5a.large 2 10
m5a.xlarge 3 20
m5a.2xlarge 3 40
m5a.4xlarge 7 60
m5a.8xlarge 7 60
m5a.12xlarge 7 60
m5a.16xlarge 14 120
m5a.24xlarge 14 120
m5ad.large 2 10
m5ad.xlarge 3 20
m5ad.2xlarge 3 40
m5ad.4xlarge 7 60
m5ad.8xlarge 7 60
m5ad.12xlarge 7 60
m5ad.16xlarge 14 120
m5ad.24xlarge 14 120
m5d.large 2 10
m5d.xlarge 3 20
m5d.2xlarge 3 40
m5d.4xlarge 7 60
m5d.8xlarge 7 60
m5d.12xlarge 7 60
m5d.16xlarge 14 120
m5d.24xlarge 14 120
m5d.metal 14 120
m5n.large 2 10
m5n.xlarge 3 20
m5n.2xlarge 3 40
m5n.4xlarge 7 60
m5n.8xlarge 7 60
m5n.12xlarge 7 60
m5n.16xlarge 14 120
m5zn.large 2 14
m5zn.xlarge 3 31
m5zn.2xlarge 3 64
m5zn.3xlarge 7 98
m5zn.6xlarge 7 120
m6a.large 2 10
m6a.xlarge 3 20
m6a.2xlarge 3 40
m6a.4xlarge 7 60
m6a.8xlarge 7 90
m6a.12xlarge 7 120
m6a.16xlarge 14 120
m6a.24xlarge 14 120
m6a.32xlarge 14 120
m6a.48xlarge 14 120
m6a.metal 14 120
m6g.medium 1 4
m6g.large 2 10
m6g.xlarge 3 20
m6g.2xlarge 3 40
m6g.4xlarge 7 60
m6g.8xlarge 7 60
m6g.12xlarge 7 60
m6g.16xlarge 14 120
m6g.metal 14 120
m6gd.medium 1 4
m6gd.large 2 10
m6gd.xlarge 3 20
m6gd.2xlarge 3 40
m6gd.4xlarge 7 60
m6gd.8xlarge 7 60
m6gd.12xlarge 7 60
m6gd.16xlarge 14 120
m6gd.metal 14 120
m6i.large 2 10
m6i.xlarge 3 20
m6i.2xlarge 3 40
m6i.4xlarge 7 60
m6i.8xlarge 7 90
m6i.12xlarge 7 120
m6i.16xlarge 14 120
m6i.24xlarge 14 120
m6i.32xlarge 14 120
m6i.metal 14 120
m6id.large 2 10
m6id.xlarge 3 20
m6id.2xlarge 3 40
m6id.4xlarge 7 60
m6id.8xlarge 7 90
m6id.12xlarge 7 120
m6id.16xlarge 14 120
m6id.24xlarge 14 120
m6id.32xlarge 14 120
m6id.metal 14 120
m6idn.large 2 10
m6idn.xlarge 3 20
m6idn.2xlarge 3 40
m6idn.4xlarge 7 60
m6idn.8xlarge 7 90
m6idn.12xlarge 7 120
m6idn.16xlarge 14 120
m6idn.24xlarge 14 120
m6idn.32xlarge 13 120
m6idn.metal 13 120
m6in.large 2 10
m6in.xlarge 3 20
m6in.2xlarge 3 40
m6in.4xlarge 7 60
m6in.8xlarge 7 90
m6in.12xlarge 7 120
m6in.16xlarge 14 120
m6in.24xlarge 14 120
m6in.32xlarge 13 120
m6in.metal 13 120
m7a.medium 1 4
m7a.large 2 10
m7a.xlarge 3 20
m7a.2xlarge 3 40
m7a.4xlarge 7 60
m7a.8xlarge 7 90
m7a.12xlarge 7 120
m7a.16xlarge 14 120
m7a.24xlarge 14 120
m7a.32xlarge 14 120
m7a.48xlarge 14 120
m7a.metal-48xl 14 120
m7g.medium 1 4
m7g.large 2 10
m7g.xlarge 3 20
m7g.2xlarge 3 40
m7g.4xlarge 7 60
m7g.8xlarge 7 60
m7g.12xlarge 7 60
m7g.16xlarge 14 120
m7g.metal 14 120
m7gd.medium 1 4
m7gd.large 2 10
m7gd.xlarge 3 20
m7gd.2xlarge 3 40
m7gd.4xlarge 7 60
m7gd.8xlarge 7 60
m7gd.12xlarge 7 60
m7gd.16xlarge 14 120
m7gd.metal 14 120
m7i.large 2 10
m7i.xlarge 3 20
m7i.2xlarge 3 40
m7i.4xlarge 7 60
m7i.8xlarge 7 90
m7i.12xlarge 7 120
m7i.16xlarge 14 120
m7i.24xlarge 14 120
m7i.48xlarge 14 120
m7i.metal-24xl 14 120
m7i.metal-48xl 14 120
m7i-flex.large 2 4
m7i-flex.xlarge 3 10
m7i-flex.2xlarge 3 20
m7i-flex.4xlarge 7 40
m7i-flex.8xlarge 7 60
mac2.metal 7 12
mac2-m2.metal 7 12
mac2-m2pro.metal 7 12

Compute optimized

Instance type Task limit without ENI trunking Task limit with ENI trunking
c5.large 2 10
c5.xlarge 3 20
c5.2xlarge 3 40
c5.4xlarge 7 60
c5.9xlarge 7 60
c5.12xlarge 7 60
c5.18xlarge 14 120
c5.24xlarge 14 120
c5a.large 2 10
c5a.xlarge 3 20
c5a.2xlarge 3 40
c5a.4xlarge 7 60
c5a.12xlarge 7 60
c5a.16xlarge 14 120
c5a.24xlarge 14 120
c5ad.large 2 10
c5ad.xlarge 3 20
c5ad.2xlarge 3 40
c5ad.4xlarge 7 60
c5ad.12xlarge 7 60
c5ad.16xlarge 14 120
c5ad.24xlarge 14 120
c5d.large 2 10
c5d.xlarge 3 20
c5d.2xlarge 3 40
c5d.4xlarge 7 60
c5d.9xlarge 7 60
c5d.12xlarge 7 60
c5d.18xlarge 14 120
c5d.24xlarge 14 120
c6a.large 2 10
c6a.xlarge 3 20
c6a.2xlarge 3 40
c6a.4xlarge 7 60
c6a.8xlarge 7 90
c6a.12xlarge 7 120
c6a.16xlarge 14 120
c6a.24xlarge 14 120
c6a.32xlarge 14 120
c6a.48xlarge 14 120
c6a.metal 14 120
c6g.medium 1 4
c6g.large 2 10
c6g.xlarge 3 20
c6g.2xlarge 3 40
c6g.4xlarge 7 60
c6g.8xlarge 7 60
c6g.12xlarge 7 60
c6g.16xlarge 14 120
c6g.metal 14 120
c6gd.medium 1 4
c6gd.large 2 10
c6gd.xlarge 3 20
c6gd.2xlarge 3 40
c6gd.4xlarge 7 60
c6gd.8xlarge 7 60
c6gd.12xlarge 7 60
c6gd.16xlarge 14 120
c6gd.metal 14 120
c6gn.medium 1 4
c6gn.large 2 10
c6gn.xlarge 3 20
c6gn.2xlarge 3 40
c6gn.4xlarge 7 60
c6gn.8xlarge 7 60
c6gn.12xlarge 7 60
c6gn.16xlarge 14 120
c6i.large 2 10
c6i.xlarge 3 20
c6i.2xlarge 3 40
c6i.4xlarge 7 60
c6i.8xlarge 7 90
c6i.12xlarge 7 120
c6i.16xlarge 14 120
c6i.24xlarge 14 120
c6i.32xlarge 14 120
c6i.metal 14 120
c6id.large 2 10
c6id.xlarge 3 20
c6id.2xlarge 3 40
c6id.4xlarge 7 60
c6id.8xlarge 7 90
c6id.12xlarge 7 120
c6id.16xlarge 14 120
c6id.24xlarge 14 120
c6id.32xlarge 14 120
c6id.metal 14 120
c6in.large 2 10
c6in.xlarge 3 20
c6in.2xlarge 3 40
c6in.4xlarge 7 60
c6in.8xlarge 7 90
c6in.12xlarge 7 120
c6in.16xlarge 14 120
c6in.24xlarge 14 120
c6in.32xlarge 13 120
c6in.metal 13 120
c7a.medium 1 4
c7a.large 2 10
c7a.xlarge 3 20
c7a.2xlarge 3 40
c7a.4xlarge 7 60
c7a.8xlarge 7 90
c7a.12xlarge 7 120
c7a.16xlarge 14 120
c7a.24xlarge 14 120
c7a.32xlarge 14 120
c7a.48xlarge 14 120
c7a.metal-48xl 14 120
c7g.medium 1 4
c7g.large 2 10
c7g.xlarge 3 20
c7g.2xlarge 3 40
c7g.4xlarge 7 60
c7g.8xlarge 7 60
c7g.12xlarge 7 60
c7g.16xlarge 14 120
c7g.metal 14 120
c7gd.medium 1 4
c7gd.large 2 10
c7gd.xlarge 3 20
c7gd.2xlarge 3 40
c7gd.4xlarge 7 60
c7gd.8xlarge 7 60
c7gd.12xlarge 7 60
c7gd.16xlarge 14 120
c7gd.metal 14 120
c7gn.medium 1 4
c7gn.large 2 10
c7gn.xlarge 3 20
c7gn.2xlarge 3 40
c7gn.4xlarge 7 60
c7gn.8xlarge 7 60
c7gn.12xlarge 7 60
c7gn.16xlarge 14 120
c7gn.metal 14 120
c7i.large 2 10
c7i.xlarge 3 20
c7i.2xlarge 3 40
c7i.4xlarge 7 60
c7i.8xlarge 7 90
c7i.12xlarge 7 120
c7i.16xlarge 14 120
c7i.24xlarge 14 120
c7i.48xlarge 14 120
c7i.metal-24xl 14 120
c7i.metal-48xl 14 120

Memory optimized

Instance type Task limit without ENI trunking Task limit with ENI trunking
r5.large 2 10
r5.xlarge 3 20
r5.2xlarge 3 40
r5.4xlarge 7 60
r5.12xlarge 7 60
r5.16xlarge 14 120
r5.24xlarge 14 120
r5a.large 2 10
r5a.xlarge 3 20
r5a.2xlarge 3 40
r5a.4xlarge 7 60
r5a.8xlarge 7 60
r5a.12xlarge 7 60
r5a.16xlarge 14 120
r5a.24xlarge 14 120
r5ad.large 2 10
r5ad.xlarge 3 20
r5ad.2xlarge 3 40
r5ad.4xlarge 7 60
r5ad.8xlarge 7 60
r5ad.12xlarge 7 60
r5ad.16xlarge 14 120
r5ad.24xlarge 14 120
r5b.16xlarge 14 120
r5d.large 2 10
r5d.xlarge 3 20
r5d.2xlarge 3 40
r5d.4xlarge 7 60
r5d.8xlarge 7 60
r5d.12xlarge 7 60
r5d.16xlarge 14 120
r5d.24xlarge 14 120
r5dn.16xlarge 14 120
r6a.large 2 10
r6a.xlarge 3 20
r6a.2xlarge 3 40
r6a.4xlarge 7 60
r6a.8xlarge 7 90
r6a.12xlarge 7 120
r6a.16xlarge 14 120
r6a.24xlarge 14 120
r6a.32xlarge 14 120
r6a.48xlarge 14 120
r6a.metal 14 120
r6g.medium 1 4
r6g.large 2 10
r6g.xlarge 3 20
r6g.2xlarge 3 40
r6g.4xlarge 7 60
r6g.8xlarge 7 60
r6g.12xlarge 7 60
r6g.16xlarge 14 120
r6g.metal 14 120
r6gd.medium 1 4
r6gd.large 2 10
r6gd.xlarge 3 20
r6gd.2xlarge 3 40
r6gd.4xlarge 7 60
r6gd.8xlarge 7 60
r6gd.12xlarge 7 60
r6gd.16xlarge 14 120
r6gd.metal 14 120
r6i.large 2 10
r6i.xlarge 3 20
r6i.2xlarge 3 40
r6i.4xlarge 7 60
r6i.8xlarge 7 90
r6i.12xlarge 7 120
r6i.16xlarge 14 120
r6i.24xlarge 14 120
r6i.32xlarge 14 120
r6i.metal 14 120
r6idn.large 2 10
r6idn.xlarge 3 20
r6idn.2xlarge 3 40
r6idn.4xlarge 7 60
r6idn.8xlarge 7 90
r6idn.12xlarge 7 120
r6idn.16xlarge 14 120
r6idn.24xlarge 14 120
r6idn.32xlarge 13 120
r6idn.metal 13 120
r6in.large 2 10
r6in.xlarge 3 20
r6in.2xlarge 3 40
r6in.4xlarge 7 60
r6in.8xlarge 7 90
r6in.12xlarge 7 120
r6in.16xlarge 14 120
r6in.24xlarge 14 120
r6in.32xlarge 13 120
r6in.metal 13 120
r6id.large 2 10
r6id.xlarge 3 20
r6id.2xlarge 3 40
r6id.4xlarge 7 60
r6id.8xlarge 7 90
r6id.12xlarge 7 120
r6id.16xlarge 14 120
r6id.24xlarge 14 120
r6id.32xlarge 14 120
r6id.metal 14 120
r7a.medium 1 4
r7a.large 2 10
r7a.xlarge 3 20
r7a.2xlarge 3 40
r7a.4xlarge 7 60
r7a.8xlarge 7 90
r7a.12xlarge 7 120
r7a.16xlarge 14 120
r7a.24xlarge 14 120
r7a.32xlarge 14 120
r7a.48xlarge 14 120
r7a.metal-48xl 14 120
r7g.medium 1 4
r7g.large 2 10
r7g.xlarge 3 20
r7g.2xlarge 3 40
r7g.4xlarge 7 60
r7g.8xlarge 7 60
r7g.12xlarge 7 60
r7g.16xlarge 14 120
r7g.metal 14 120
r7gd.medium 1 4
r7gd.large 2 10
r7gd.xlarge 3 20
r7gd.2xlarge 3 40
r7gd.4xlarge 7 60
r7gd.8xlarge 7 60
r7gd.12xlarge 7 60
r7gd.16xlarge 14 120
r7gd.metal 14 120
r7i.large 2 10
r7i.xlarge 3 20
r7i.2xlarge 3 40
r7i.4xlarge 7 60
r7i.8xlarge 7 90
r7i.12xlarge 7 120
r7i.16xlarge 14 120
r7i.24xlarge 14 120
r7i.48xlarge 14 120
r7i.metal-24xl 14 120
r7i.metal-48xl 14 120
r7iz.large 2 10
r7iz.xlarge 3 20
r7iz.2xlarge 3 40
r7iz.4xlarge 7 60
r7iz.8xlarge 7 90
r7iz.12xlarge 7 120
r7iz.16xlarge 14 120
r7iz.32xlarge 14 120
r7iz.metal-16xl 14 120
r7iz.metal-32xl 14 120
u-3tb1.56xlarge 7 12
u-6tb1.56xlarge 14 12
u-18tb1.112xlarge 14 12
u-18tb1.metal 14 12
u-24tb1.112xlarge 14 12
u-24tb1.metal 14 12
x2gd.medium 1 10
x2gd.large 2 10
x2gd.xlarge 3 20
x2gd.2xlarge 3 40
x2gd.4xlarge 7 60
x2gd.8xlarge 7 60
x2gd.12xlarge 7 60
x2gd.16xlarge 14 120
x2gd.metal 14 120
x2idn.16xlarge 14 120
x2idn.24xlarge 14 120
x2idn.32xlarge 14 120
x2idn.metal 14 120
x2iedn.xlarge 3 13
x2iedn.2xlarge 3 29
x2iedn.4xlarge 7 60
x2iedn.8xlarge 7 120
x2iedn.16xlarge 14 120
x2iedn.24xlarge 14 120
x2iedn.32xlarge 14 120
x2iedn.metal 14 120
x2iezn.2xlarge 3 64
x2iezn.4xlarge 7 120
x2iezn.6xlarge 7 120
x2iezn.8xlarge 7 120
x2iezn.12xlarge 14 120
x2iezn.metal 14 120

Storage optimized

Instance type Task limit without ENI trunking Task limit with ENI trunking
i4g.large 2 10
i4g.xlarge 3 20
i4g.2xlarge 3 40
i4g.4xlarge 7 60
i4g.8xlarge 7 60
i4g.16xlarge 14 120
i4i.xlarge 3 8
i4i.2xlarge 3 28
i4i.4xlarge 7 58
i4i.8xlarge 7 118
i4i.12xlarge 7 118
i4i.16xlarge 14 248
i4i.24xlarge 14 118
i4i.32xlarge 14 498
i4i.metal 14 498
im4gn.large 2 10
im4gn.xlarge 3 20
im4gn.2xlarge 3 40
im4gn.4xlarge 7 60
im4gn.8xlarge 7 60
im4gn.16xlarge 14 120
is4gen.medium 1 4
is4gen.large 2 10
is4gen.xlarge 3 20
is4gen.2xlarge 3 40
is4gen.4xlarge 7 60
is4gen.8xlarge 7 60

Accelerated computing

Instance type Task limit without ENI trunking Task limit with ENI trunking
dl1.24xlarge 59 120
dl2q.24xlarge 14 120
g4ad.xlarge 1 12
g4ad.2xlarge 1 12
g4ad.4xlarge 2 12
g4ad.8xlarge 3 12
g4ad.16xlarge 7 12
g5.xlarge 3 6
g5.2xlarge 3 19
g5.4xlarge 7 40
g5.8xlarge 7 90
g5.12xlarge 14 120
g5.16xlarge 7 120
g5.24xlarge 14 120
g5.48xlarge 6 120
g5g.xlarge 3 20
g5g.2xlarge 3 40
g5g.4xlarge 7 60
g5g.8xlarge 7 60
g5g.16xlarge 14 120
g5g.metal 14 120
g6.xlarge 3 20
g6.2xlarge 3 40
g6.4xlarge 7 60
g6.8xlarge 7 90
g6.12xlarge 7 120
g6.16xlarge 14 120
g6.24xlarge 14 120
g6.48xlarge 14 120
gr6.4xlarge 7 60
gr6.8xlarge 7 90
inf2.xlarge 3 20
inf2.8xlarge 7 90
inf2.24xlarge 14 120
inf2.48xlarge 14 120
p4d.24xlarge 59 120
p4de.24xlarge 59 120
p5.48xlarge 63 242
trn1.2xlarge 3 19
trn1.32xlarge 39 120
trn1n.32xlarge 79 242
vt1.3xlarge 3 40
vt1.6xlarge 7 60
vt1.24xlarge 14 120