Supported Regions and DB engines for Multi-AZ DB clusters in Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service

Supported Regions and DB engines for Multi-AZ DB clusters in Amazon RDS

A Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment in Amazon RDS provides a high availability deployment mode of Amazon RDS with two readable standby DB instances. A Multi-AZ DB cluster has a writer DB instance and two reader DB instances in three separate Availability Zones in the same Region. Multi-AZ DB clusters provide high availability, increased capacity for read workloads, and lower write latency when compared to Multi-AZ DB instance deployments. For more information, see Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments.

Multi-AZ DB clusters aren't available with the following engines:

  • RDS for Db2

  • RDS for MariaDB

  • RDS for Oracle

  • RDS for SQL Server

Multi-AZ DB clusters with RDS for MySQL

The following Regions and engine versions are available for Multi-AZ DB clusters with RDS for MySQL.

Region RDS for MySQL 8.0
US East (N. Virginia) All available versions
US East (Ohio) All available versions
US West (N. California) Not available
US West (Oregon) All available versions
Africa (Cape Town) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Osaka) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Seoul) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Singapore) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Sydney) All available versions
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) All available versions
Canada (Central) All available versions
Canada (Central) All available versions
Canada West (Calgary) All available versions
China (Beijing) All available versions
China (Ningxia) All available versions
Europe (Frankfurt) All available versions
Europe (Ireland) All available versions
Europe (London) All available versions
Europe (Milan) All available versions
Europe (Paris) All available versions
Europe (Spain) All available versions
Europe (Stockholm) All available versions
Europe (Zurich) All available versions
Israel (Tel Aviv) All available versions
Middle East (Bahrain) All available versions
Middle East (UAE) All available versions
South America (São Paulo) All available versions
AWS GovCloud (US-East) Not available
AWS GovCloud (US-West) Not available

You can list the available versions in a Region for a given DB instance class using the AWS CLI. Change the DB instance class to show the available engine versions for it.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options \ --engine mysql \ --db-instance-class db.r5d.large \ --query '*[]|[?SupportsClusters == `true`].[EngineVersion]' \ --output text

For Windows:

aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options ^ --engine mysql ^ --db-instance-class db.r5d.large ^ --query "*[]|[?SupportsClusters == `true`].[EngineVersion]" ^ --output text

Multi-AZ DB clusters with RDS for PostgreSQL

The following Regions and engine versions are available for Multi-AZ DB clusters with RDS for PostgreSQL.

Region RDS for PostgreSQL 16 RDS for PostgreSQL 15 RDS for PostgreSQL 14 RDS for PostgreSQL 13
US East (N. Virginia) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
US East (Ohio) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
US West (N. California) Not available Not available Not available Not available
US West (Oregon) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Africa (Cape Town) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Osaka) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Seoul) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Singapore) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Sydney) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Canada (Central) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Canada West (Calgary) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
China (Beijing) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
China (Ningxia) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Frankfurt) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Ireland) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (London) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Milan) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Paris) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Spain) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Stockholm) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Europe (Zurich) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Israel (Tel Aviv) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Middle East (Bahrain) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
Middle East (UAE) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
South America (São Paulo) All PostgreSQL 16 versions All PostgreSQL 15 versions Version 14.5 and higher Version 13.4 and version 13.7 and higher
AWS GovCloud (US-East) Not available Not available Not available Not available
AWS GovCloud (US-West) Not available Not available Not available Not available

You can list the available versions in a Region for a given DB instance class using the AWS CLI. Change the DB instance class to show the available engine versions for it.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options \ --engine postgres \ --db-instance-class db.r5d.large \ --query '*[]|[?SupportsClusters == `true`].[EngineVersion]' \ --output text

For Windows:

aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options ^ --engine postgres ^ --db-instance-class db.r5d.large ^ --query "*[]|[?SupportsClusters == `true`].[EngineVersion]" ^ --output text