Set up a load balancer in Elastic Load Balancing for CodeDeploy Amazon EC2 deployments - AWS CodeDeploy

Set up a load balancer in Elastic Load Balancing for CodeDeploy Amazon EC2 deployments

Before you run any blue/green deployment, or an in-place deployment for which you want to specify an optional load balancer in the deployment group, you must have created at least one Classic Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer, or Network Load Balancer in Elastic Load Balancing. For blue/green deployments, you use that load balancer to register the instances that make up your replacement environment. Instances in your original environment can optionally be registered with this same load balancer. For in-place deployments, the load balancer is used to deregister instances that are being worked on by CodeDeploy, and reregister them when the work is complete.

CodeDeploy supports blue/green and in-place deployment to Amazon EC2 instances behind muliple load balancers. For example, assume you have 200 Amazon EC2 instances, where 100 of them are registered with 2 Classic Load Balancers, and another 100 of them are registered with 4 target groups in 2 Application Load Balancers. In this scenario, CodeDeploy will allow you to do blue/green and in-place deployments to all 200 instances, even though they're spread across 2 Classic Load Balancers, 2 Application Load Balancers, and 4 target groups.

CodeDeploy supports up to 10 Classic Load Balancers and 10 target groups, for a total of 20 items.

To configure one or more Classic Load Balancers, follow the instructions in Tutorial: Create a Classic Load Balancer in User Guide for Classic Load Balancers. Note the following:

  • In Step 2: Define Load Balancer, in Create LB Inside, choose the same VPC you selected when you created your instances.

  • In Step 5: Register EC2 Instances with Your Load Balancer, select the instances currently in your deployment group (in-place deployments) or that you have designated to be in your original environment (blue/green deployments).

  • In Step 7: Create and Verify Your Load Balancer, make a note of the DNS address of your load balancer.

    For example, if you named your load balancer my-load-balancer, your DNS address appears in a format such as

To configure one or more Application Load Balancers, follow the instructions in one of the following topics:

To configure one or more Network Load Balancers, follow the instructions in one of the following topics: