RedshiftDatabase - AWS Data Pipeline

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Defines an Amazon Redshift database. RedshiftDatabase represents the properties of the database used by your pipeline.


The following is an example of this object type.

{ "id" : "MyRedshiftDatabase", "type" : "RedshiftDatabase", "clusterId" : "myRedshiftClusterId", "username" : "user_name", "*password" : "my_password", "databaseName" : "database_name" }

By default, the object uses the Postgres driver, which requires the clusterId field. To use the Amazon Redshift driver, specify the Amazon Redshift database connection string from the Amazon Redshift console (starts with "jdbc:redshift:") in the connectionString field instead.


Required Fields Description Slot Type
*password The password to supply. String
username The user name to supply when connecting to the database. String

Required Group (One of the following is required) Description Slot Type
clusterId The identifier provided by the user when the Amazon Redshift cluster was created. For example, if the endpoint for your Amazon Redshift cluster is, the correct identifier is mydb. In the Amazon Redshift console, you can get this value from Cluster Identifier or Cluster Name. String
connectionString The JDBC endpoint for connecting to an Amazon Redshift instance owned by an account different than the pipeline. You can't specify both connectionString and clusterId. String

Optional Fields Description Slot Type
databaseName Name of the logical database to attach to. String
jdbcProperties Pairs of the form A=B to be set as properties on JDBC connections for this database. String
parent Parent of the current object from which slots are inherited. Reference Object, for example, "parent":{"ref":"myBaseObjectId"}
region The code for the region where the database exists. For example, us-east-1. Enumeration

Runtime Fields Description Slot Type
@version Pipeline version that the object was created with. String

System Fields Description Slot Type
@error Error describing the ill-formed object. String
@pipelineId ID of the pipeline to which this object belongs. String
@sphere The sphere of an object denotes its place in the lifecycle: Component Objects give rise to Instance Objects which execute Attempt Objects. String