Document history for User Guide - MediaConvert

Document history for User Guide

The following table describes important additions to the AWS Elemental MediaConvert documentation. We also update the documentation frequently to address the feedback that you send us.


Documentation update

Navigation updates to the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.

September 27, 2024

SPEKE Version 2.0

MediaConvert added support for SPEKE Version 2.0

September 20, 2024

Search jobs

With AWS Elemental MediaConvert, you can search for jobs with a specific input file name.

June 20, 2024

Dolby Vision

MediaConvert added SDR and HDR10 input support for Dolby Vision Profile 8.1 outputs.

June 14, 2024

Audio description mixing

MediaConvert now supports audio description mixing.

March 6, 2024

Dolby Vision

MediaConvert added SDR input support for Dolby Vision outputs.

March 1, 2024


MediaConvert added support for color conversion with 3D LUTs.

January 17, 2024

Video scaling behavior

MediaConvert added the following video scaling modes: Fit, Fit without upscaling, and Fill.

November 10, 2023

Accelerated transcoding

MediaConvert added Accelerated transcoding support for Matroska inputs.

October 20, 2023

Video overlays

MediaConvert added support for video overlays.

October 4, 2023

Supported output formats

Documentation update. Combined video and audio tables. Added crosslinks to containers and codecs reference tables.

October 4, 2023

Supported inputs and outputs

Added containers and codecs reference tables.

October 4, 2023

Supported input formats

Documentation update. Combined video and audio tables. Added crosslinks to containers and codecs reference tables.

October 4, 2023

Documentation update

Reorganized the User Guide.

September 19, 2023


Reorganized queues documentation, including updated procedures and AWS CLI examples.

July 19, 2023

Color warnings

MediaConvert added missing color metadata and sample range warnings.

July 17, 2023

Dolby Vision

MediaConvert added Image inserter support for HDR10+ inputs and Dolby Vision outputs.

June 30, 2023

AAC audio codec

We added a section that lists the supported combinations of coding mode, profile, sampling rate, and bitrate for the AAC codec.

May 31, 2023

MXF profile XDCAM RDD9

MediaConvert added support for MXF outputs with XDCAM RDD9 profiles.

May 19, 2023


MediaConvert API clients now require a minimum of TLS 1.2.

May 12, 2023

Encoding settings for video quality

Added additional job settings recommendations for optimized video quality.

April 25, 2023

Video passthrough

MediaConvert now supports video passthrough for I-frame only input videos.

April 24, 2023


AWS Elemental MediaConvert now returns warnings when transcoding jobs run into problems that do not prevent the job from completing. See the new Troubleshooting chapter for information about both warnings and errors.

April 5, 2023

Monitoring AWS Elemental MediaConvert

AWS Elemental MediaConvert now emits more Amazon EventBridge events and Amazon CloudWatch metrics. Use them to help identify trends, statistics, or issues with your jobs and outputs.

April 5, 2023

Animated GIF input

MediaConvert added support for animated GIF as an input format.

February 28, 2023

AWS Identity and Access Management

Updated guide to align with the IAM best practices. For more information, see Security best practices in IAM.

February 14, 2023

VFR WEBM and MKV inputs

MediaConvert added input support for WEBM and MKV containers with variable frame rates.

February 1, 2023

Create Dolby Vision outputs from HDR10 inputs

MediaConvert added support for Dolby Vision Profile 5 outputs that are created from HDR10 inputs.

June 23, 2022

Automated ABR rules

MediaConvert added rendition size restriction rules for Automated ABR.

May 24, 2022

Video generator

MediaConvert added support for generating black video.

April 29, 2022

Pad video

MediaConvert added support for padding video with black video frames.

April 29, 2022

Create audio-only outputs in a DASH container

MediaConvert added support for audio-only DASH outputs

April 29, 2022

Create Dolby Vision profile 8.1 outputs

MediaConvert now supports Dolby Vision Profile 8.1 outputs, which are compatible with both HDR10 and Dolby Vision players.

April 29, 2022

Encoding settings for video quality

Learn how to create AWS Elemental MediaConvert jobs with encoding settings that are automatically optimized for video quality.

November 15, 2021

Allow or disallow input location types

You can now allow or disallow input location types using an Input policy.

October 8, 2021

TTML style formatting

Learn about style formatting for TTML input captions.

September 16, 2021

New partner integration for Kantar SNAP watermarking

Learn about using AWS Elemental MediaConvert to encode Kantar audio watermarks.

May 10, 2021

Add support for HLS ingest

MediaConvert now supports HLS as an input format.

March 31, 2021

Refined automatic MXF profile selection for MPEG-2 outputs

MediaConvert default automatic MXF profile selection now chooses the SMPTE-386 D10 profile when the output's encoding settings allow for it. Otherwise, MediaConvert chooses XDCAM RDD9. Learn the details about the required encoding settings for D10.

February 9, 2021

New supported input audio container: WMA

AWS Elemental MediaConvert now supports WMA audio inputs.

February 9, 2021

Docs-only update: Remove HLS ingest support docs

This update corrects a documentation error that shows support for HLS ingest. MediaConvert will provide support for HLS ingest in an upcoming release.

February 9, 2021

AWS Elemental MediaConvert now supports HLS inputs

Learn about the package requirements, compatible features, and feature restrictions when you use an HLS package as input to MediaConvert.

February 9, 2021

HTTP inputs to AWS Elemental MediaConvert can now use redirects

See the updated requirements for providing your inputs to MediaConvert through HTTP.

January 7, 2021

AWS Elemental MediaConvert simplifies setting up permissions to use the service.

You can create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to grant permissions to the service, by following these steps within the MediaConvert console.

January 7, 2021

Learn about using the new automated ABR feature.

With automated ABR, AWS Elemental MediaConvert sets up your adaptive bitrate (ABR) stack for you, based on your input. The service creates the right number of renditions, at the appropriate resolutions and bitrates.

November 11, 2020

Support for additional MXF profiles and automatic profile selection

Learn about creating MXF outputs with MediaConvert.

October 7, 2020

New partner integration for Nielsen non-linear watermarking

Learn about using AWS Elemental MediaConvert to encode Nielsen audio watermarks.

October 7, 2020

Documentation-only update. New topics about frame rate conversion, telecine and inverse telecine, and scan type

Learn about the AWS Elemental MediaConvert settings for converting frame rate, adding and removing telecine, and converting scan type between progressive and interlaced.

October 7, 2020

New supported output container for VP8 and VP9 video

AWS Elemental MediaConvert now supports the VP8 and VP9 video codec in DASH package outputs, in addition to the previously existing support in WebM.

August 27, 2020

New supported input container for Opus audio

AWS Elemental MediaConvert now supports Opus audio inputs in the Matroska container, both as sidecar audio with a video output and as audio-only input. This is in addition to existing support of Opus inputs in the WebM container.

August 27, 2020

New supported output formats

Updated output codec and container reference table to reflect new format support. MediaConvert now supports WebM as an output container with VP8 and VP9 video codecs and Opus and Vorbis audio codecs.

June 3, 2020

Queue hopping

Learn about the AWS Elemental MediaConvert queue hopping feature. This feature lets you set up a job to automatically move to a different queue after waiting a specified length of time in the queue that you originally submitted it to.

April 8, 2020

You can now convert from HDR to SDR with automatic tone mapping

Learn about how AWS Elemental MediaConvert uses tone mapping to automatically convert from HDR formats to SDR color spaces.

March 6, 2020

8k output support in AWS Elemental MediaConvert

MediaConvert now supports up to 8k output resolution. Find more information about resolution maximums by output codec.

November 25, 2019

Use Accelerated transcoding with slow PAL

You can now use Accelerated transcoding for slow PAL jobs.

November 15, 2019

Set up access for other AWS accounts to your MediaConvert outputs

You can now grant cross-account access by writing your AWS Elemental MediaConvert outputs to an Amazon S3 bucket owned by another AWS account and applying a canned access control list (ACL) to your outputs. This chapter also provides information about the alternative method for setting up access—granting other accounts access to your output bucket in Amazon S3.

November 15, 2019

New supported input format

Updated reference tables to reflect new input format support. MediaConvert now supports HEVC (H.265) in QuickTime containers as input files.

November 15, 2019

New supported input captions format: SMPTE-TT

Updated reference tables reflect new captions support. MediaConvert now supports SMPTE-TT captions as input.

November 15, 2019

New supported captions format

Updated reference tables to reflect new captions support. IMSC sidecar output captions now available in CMAF, DASH ISO, and File group output groups. You can generate these from the following input captions formats: Ancillary, Embedded, IMSC, Teletext, TTML, SCC, SCTE-20, SMI, SRT, and STL.

November 15, 2019

ESAM support in DASH outputs

You can now specify ad insertion points in DASH outputs by including Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) XML documents as strings inside your AWS Elemental MediaConvert job settings.

November 15, 2019

Doc-only update: Synchronizing sidecar captions and audio in jobs that use input clipping and stitching

Learn how MediaConvert input and output timelines synchronize video, audio, captions, and overlays in assembly workflow jobs.

November 15, 2019

Creating additional manifests

You can now set up your ABR streaming packages in MediaConvert with additional top-level manifests that specify different subsets of your outputs.

November 15, 2019

Create Dolby Vision outputs

Learn how to create Dolby Vision outputs with MediaConvert.

November 15, 2019

Use integrated AWS tags on AWS Elemental MediaConvert resources

You can now use standard AWS tags with MediaConvert jobs the same way that you do with queues, templates, and presets. You can use these tags to sort your billing report for cost allocation purposes, to include your MediaConvert resources in resource groups with other AWS resources, and to control access to specific resources.

October 9, 2019

Use Accelerated transcoding with frame capture

You can now use Accelerated transcoding for jobs that include frame capture outputs.

October 9, 2019

Have AWS Elemental MediaConvert automatically choose Accelerated transcoding for jobs that are compatible

You can now set Accelerated transcoding to PREFERRED, to have the service fall back to standard transcoding when your inputs or job settings aren't compatible with Accelerated transcoding.

October 9, 2019

Doc-only update, use cases for Time delta

Learn about using the Time delta setting to synchronize sidecar captions with your video. See use case examples that illustrate common captions sync problems that you can fix with this setting.

September 6, 2019

Align sidecar captions with your video after using the Timecode source setting

When you use the input setting Timecode source to align your sidecar audio file with your video, make sure that your sidecar captions still line up. Learn which sidecar captions formats require adjustment and how to make any necessary adjustments.

September 6, 2019

Multi-system SPEKE DRM for CMAF

When you work with SPEKE-compliant DRM partners to enable DRM on your CMAF outputs, you can now signal up to three system IDs in your DASH manifest and one in your HLS manifest. Learn about setting up this SPEKE encryption parameter in your AWS Elemental MediaConvert job.

August 12, 2019

Export and import jobs

Learn how to export MediaConvert jobs and how to create new jobs by importing one.

August 9, 2019

Specify the priority of your jobs

Learn how to set the relative priority of your jobs when you create them.

July 30, 2019

Convert two SCC input files to embedded captions

Learn about converting dual SCC input captions to embedded format.

July 30, 2019

Create audio-only outputs

Learn how to create MediaConvert outputs that contain only audio, without video.

July 23, 2019

HTTP inputs to AWS Elemental MediaConvert

You can now specify an HTTP(S) URL for your primary inputs to MediaConvert transcoding jobs. Learn about HTTP(S) input requirements.

July 12, 2019

Monitor output file upload progress

Using CloudWatch Events, you can monitor the progress of your job with finer granularity. That's because now AWS Elemental MediaConvert reports percentage completion of the job phases PROBING, UPLOADING, and TRANSCODING. This is in addition to reporting overall job progress in percent completion.

May 7, 2019

Doc-only update, format identifiers

Learn how to use format identifiers as variables in your job settings. For example, you can use a format identifier to represent your input file name in a job template or output preset, so that AWS Elemental MediaConvert uses the input file name in the file path for your output.

April 24, 2019

You can now cancel an in-progress job

With AWS Elemental MediaConvert, you can cancel jobs that are already in progress.

March 13, 2019

Monitor job progress

With CloudWatch Events, you can now monitor AWS Elemental MediaConvert job progress by viewing the percentage of job completion. Monitoring your job's progress helps you maintain its reliability, availability, and performance.

March 13, 2019

Find information about the new rotate feature.

For most inputs, you can now use the rotate feature to specify how the service rotates your video from input to output. You can also specify whether the service follows any rotation metadata in the input. Find information and instructions for setting rotation.

February 19, 2019

ESAM support

You can now specify ad insertion points by including Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) XML documents as strings inside your AWS Elemental MediaConvert job settings.

February 13, 2019

Code examples, example workflows, and other related information

Find links to code examples, tutorials, and other helpful information for getting started with AWS Elemental MediaConvert.

February 13, 2019

New supported captions formats

Updated reference tables to reflect new support for the following captions formats. On input: SMI, SCTE-20. On output: SCTE-20 + embedded, Embedded + SCTE-20, SMI.

November 19, 2018

Find information about the new image inserter features

You can now use the image inserter for still image overlays on individual inputs and outputs and for motion image overlays in AWS Elemental MediaConvert. This guide shows you how.

November 19, 2018

Added content key encryption to DRM encryption

Added the option to encrypt content keys. Prior to this, AWS Elemental MediaConvert supported plaintext key delivery only. To use content key encryption, your DRM key provider must support encrypted content keys. If you enable this feature for a key provider that doesn't handle content key encryption, the operation fails.

November 19, 2018

Reserved queues

Learn about the new pricing option, reserved queues, in AWS Elemental MediaConvert. With reserved queues, you pay for the transcoding capacity of the entire queue, regardless of how much or how little you use it. If you continuously or frequently run transcoding jobs, a reserved queue can help reduce costs.

September 27, 2018

Find output file names and paths in EventBridge notifications

You can receive output file names and paths, including manifest and media file outputs, by using Amazon EventBridge with AWS Elemental MediaConvert jobs.

September 18, 2018

Set up cost allocation reports to sort your AWS bill by the tags that you apply to AWS Elemental MediaConvert resources

You can use the tags you apply to AWS Elemental MediaConvert queues, job templates, and output presets as cost allocation tags. First activate them in the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard, and then set up a billing report to view your AWS charges by resource.

September 7, 2018

Quality-defined variable bitrate (QVBR) mode now available

You can now use the QVBR rate control mode to get better video quality for the same file size, or to reduce your file sizes while maintaining video quality. Get information about how to set it up.

August 13, 2018

Use AWS Elemental MediaConvert tags for cost allocation through tagging

You can now activate tags on AWS Elemental MediaConvert queues, job templates, and output presets in the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard, and then set up a monthly cost allocation report.

July 31, 2018

Tagging AWS Elemental MediaConvert resources on the console

You can now work with tags on existing AWS Elemental MediaConvert queues, job templates, and output presets in the MediaConvert console.

July 31, 2018

Tagging AWS Elemental MediaConvert resources initial release

You can now tag MediaConvert resources when you create them using the MediaConvert console, the MediaConvert API, or the AWS CLI. You can list the tags on an existing MediaConvert resource, and add and remove tags on existing MediaConvert resources, through the MediaConvert API and AWS CLI.

July 16, 2018

CMAF support

MediaConvert adds support for common media application format (CMAF) outputs.

May 4, 2018

New MediaConvert service release

Initial documentation for the MediaConvert service.

November 27, 2017

  • The AWS Media Services are not designed or intended for use with applications or in situations requiring fail‐safe performance, such as life safety operations, navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, or life support machines in which the unavailability, interruption or failure of the services could lead to death, personal injury, property damage or environmental damage.

  • A component of MediaConvert is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license for the personal and non-commercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video in compliance with the AVC standard ("AVC video") and/or (ii) decode AVC video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. A component of MediaConvert is licensed under the mpeg-4 patent portfolio license for the personal and non-commercial use of a consumer for (i) encoding video in compliance with the mpeg-4 visual standard (“mpeg-4 video”) and/or (ii) decoding mpeg-4 video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be obtained from MPEG-LA, LLC. See

  • MediaConvert may contain Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus, which are protected under international and U.S. copyright laws as unpublished works. Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus are confidential and proprietary to Dolby Laboratories. Their reproduction or disclosure, in whole or in part, or the production of derivative works therefrom without the express permission of Dolby Laboratories is prohibited. © Copyright 2003-2015 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.