Step 2: Setting up for locking - MediaLive

Step 2: Setting up for locking

Pipeline locking is always enabled. But you must set up the channel to make sure that MediaLive can successfully perform pipeline locking in your output groups.


All the procedures in this section assume that you are familiar with the general steps for creating a channel, as described Creating a channel from scratch.

Setting the mode

You can configure the channel to perform pipeline locking using one of these modes:

  • Pipeline locking: lock the two pipelines to each other

  • Epoch locking: lock the pipelines using the Unix epoch as the reference.

Configure the pipeline locking mode
  1. In the channel that you are creating, in the navigation pane, choose General settings. Then choose Global configuration.

  2. Choose Enable global configuration.

  3. In Output locking mode, choose the mode—PIPELINE_LOCKING or EPOCH_LOCKING. For details about the options, choose the Info link next to the field.

Setting up an HLS, MediaPackage, or Microsoft Smooth output group

In an HLS output group or Microsoft Smooth output group, you must set up the framerate for each video encode.

Set up for pipeline locking
  1. In the channel that you are creating, in the navigation pane, choose the HLS or Microsoft Smooth output group. If necessary, create the outputs and video encodes in each output.

  2. In each output that contains a video encode, choose the video encode. In the Codec settings field, choose the codec. More fields appear.

  3. Choose the Frame rate section and set the following fields:

    • Framerate control: We recommend you choose Specified. The option Initialize_from_source doesn't work well with pipeline locking.

    • Framerate numerator and Framerate denominator: Set the desired resolution for the output. Make sure that the conversion from input framerate to output framerate meets the requirements.

  4. Repeat, to setup of the frame rate in the video encode in every output.

Setting up a UDP output group

In a UDP output group, you must obtain information about segmentation markers, and set up the segmentation markers for framerate for each video encode.

Set up for pipeline locking
  1. You need information about the how to configure segmentation in the outputs. This information is contained in fields on the Create channel page on the console. To display the fields, in the navigation pane choose Archive group. Then choose an output and choose Network settings. Choose the Info link next to each of the following fields:

    • Segmentation markers

    • Segmentation time

    • EBP lookahead msec

    • Fragment time

    • Segmentation style

    • EBP placement

    • EBP audio interval

  2. Speak to your contact at the downstream system to obtain recommended values for these fields.

  3. In the channel that you are creating, in the navigation pane, choose the Archive output group. If necessary, create the outputs. Then in the Output settings, choose Network settings. More fields appear.

  4. Choose Container settings and set values for the segmentation fields listed in step 1. It's possible that some of the fields don't apply to the segmentation markers you choose.

  5. If necessary, create the video encode in the output, then choose the video encode. In the Codec settings field, choose the codec. More fields appear.

  6. Choose the Frame rate section and set the following fields:

    • Framerate control: We recommend you choose Specified. The option Initialize_from_source doesn't work well with pipeline locking.

    • Framerate numerator and Framerate denominator: Set the desired framerate for the output. Make sure that the conversion from input framerate to output framerate meets the requirements.