Step 1: Verifying the input - MediaLive

Step 1: Verifying the input

You must speak to your upstream system to make sure that every input attached to the channel meets these requirements:

Supported input types

The channel can't include HLS inputs.

Requirement for embedded timecode

The input must include embedded timecode. These rules apply:

  • For both locking modes, the input must have an embedded timecode.

  • For epoch-locking mode, the embedded timecode must be within 2 minutes of epoch time. If the timecode is off by more than 2 minutes, MediaLive considers that the source doesn't meet the requirements for pipeline locking.

Frame rate requirements

The conversion between the input framerate (or framerates) and the desired output framerate must be simple, which means that one of these statements must apply:

  • The output framerate must be a whole number multiple of the input framerate. For example, the input framerate might be 45 FPS, and the output framerate might be 90 FPS.

  • The input framerate must be a whole number multiple of the output framerate. For example, the input framerate might be 60 FPS, and the output framerate might be 30 FPS.

Note that with these rules, it is possible for the framerates to be integers. For example, if the input framerate is 29.97 FPS and the output framerate is 59.94 FPS.

Following are examples of complex framerates. You can't use the input if one of these combinations applies to your channel:

  • Input FPS is 59.4, output FPS is 60.

  • Input FPS is 45, output FPS is 60.

  • Input FPS is 29.97 FPS, output FPS is 23.978.