CloudWatch Metrics for Bias Drift Analysis - Amazon SageMaker

CloudWatch Metrics for Bias Drift Analysis

This guide shows CloudWatch metrics and their properties that you can use for bias drift analysis in SageMaker Clarify. Bias drift monitoring jobs compute both pre-training bias metrics and post-training bias metrics, and publish them to the following CloudWatch namespace:

  • For real-time endpoints: aws/sagemaker/Endpoints/bias-metrics

  • For batch transform jobs: aws/sagemaker/ModelMonitoring/bias-metrics

The CloudWatch metric name appends the metric's short name to bias_metric.

For example, bias_metric_CI is the bias metric for class imbalance (CI).


+/- infinity is published as the floating point number +/- 2.348543e108, and errors including null values are not published.

Each metric has the following properties:

  • Endpoint: The name of the monitored endpoint, if applicable.

  • MonitoringScheduleThe name of the schedule for the monitoring job.

  • BiasStage: The name of the stage of the bias drift monitoring job. Choose either Pre-training or Post-Training.

  • Label: The name of the target feature, provided by the monitoring job analysis configuration label.

  • LabelValue: The value of the target feature, provided by the monitoring job analysis configuration label_values_or_threshold.

  • Facet: The name of the facet, provided by the monitoring job analysis configuration facet name_of_index.

  • FacetValue: The value of the facet, provided by the monitoring job analysis configuration facet nvalue_or_threshold.

To stop the monitoring jobs from publishing metrics, set publish_cloudwatch_metrics to Disabled in the Environment map of model bias job definition.