Bias drift for models in production - Amazon SageMaker

Bias drift for models in production

Amazon SageMaker Clarify bias monitoring helps data scientists and ML engineers monitor predictions for bias on a regular basis. As the model is monitored, customers can view exportable reports and graphs detailing bias in SageMaker Studio and configure alerts in Amazon CloudWatch to receive notifications if bias beyond a certain threshold is detected. Bias can be introduced or exacerbated in deployed ML models when the training data differs from the data that the model sees during deployment (that is, the live data). These kinds of changes in the live data distribution might be temporary (for example, due to some short-lived, real-world events) or permanent. In either case, it might be important to detect these changes. For example, the outputs of a model for predicting home prices can become biased if the mortgage rates used to train the model differ from current, real-world mortgage rates. With bias detection capabilities in Model Monitor, when SageMaker detects bias beyond a certain threshold, it automatically generates metrics that you can view in SageMaker Studio and through Amazon CloudWatch alerts.

In general, measuring bias only during the train-and-deploy phase might not be sufficient. It is possible that after the model has been deployed, the distribution of the data that the deployed model sees (that is, the live data) is different from data distribution in the training dataset. This change might introduce bias in a model over time. The change in the live data distribution might be temporary (for example, due to some short-lived behavior like the holiday season) or permanent. In either case, it might be important to detect these changes and take steps to reduce the bias when appropriate.

To detect these changes, SageMaker Clarify provides functionality to monitor the bias metrics of a deployed model continuously and raise automated alerts if the metrics exceed a threshold. For example, consider the DPPL bias metric. Specify an allowed range of values A=(amin​,amax​), for instance an interval of (-0.1, 0.1), that DPPL should belong to during deployment. Any deviation from this range should raise a bias detected alert. With SageMaker Clarify, you can perform these checks at regular intervals.

For example, you can set the frequency of the checks to 2 days. This means that SageMaker Clarify computes the DPPL metric on data collected during a 2-day window. In this example, Dwin​ is the data that the model processed during last 2-day window. An alert is issued if the DPPL value bwin​ computed on Dwin​ falls outside of an allowed range A. This approach to checking if bwin​ is outside of A can be somewhat noisy. Dwin​ might consist of very few samples and might not be representative of the live data distribution. The small sample size means that the value of bias bwin​ computed over Dwin​ might not be a very robust estimate. In fact, very high (or low) values of bwin​ may be observed purely due to chance. To ensure that the conclusions drawn from the observed data Dwin​ are statistically significant, SageMaker Clarify makes use of confidence intervals. Specifically, it uses the Normal Bootstrap Interval method to construct an interval C=(cmin​,cmax​) such that SageMaker Clarify is confident that the true bias value computed over the full live data is contained in C with high probability. Now, if the confidence interval C overlaps with the allowed range A, SageMaker Clarify interprets it as “it is likely that the bias metric value of the live data distribution falls within the allowed range”. If C and A are disjoint, SageMaker Clarify is confident that the bias metric does not lie in A and raises an alert.

Model Monitor Sample Notebook

Amazon SageMaker Clarify provides the following sample notebook that shows how to capture inference data for a real-time endpoint, create a baseline to monitor evolving bias against, and inspect the results:

This notebook has been verified to run in Amazon SageMaker Studio only. If you need instructions on how to open a notebook in Amazon SageMaker Studio, see Create or Open an Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic Notebook. If you're prompted to choose a kernel, choose Python 3 (Data Science). The following topics contain the highlights from the last two steps, and they contain code examples from the example notebook.