Enabling logging for an AWS WAF policy in Firewall Manager - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Enabling logging for an AWS WAF policy in Firewall Manager

The following procedure describes how to enable logging for an AWS WAF policy in the Firewall Manager console.

To enable logging for an AWS WAF policy
  1. Before you can enable logging, you must configure your logging destination resources as the following:

    • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams - Create an Amazon Data Firehose using your Firewall Manager administrator account. Use a name starting with the prefix aws-waf-logs-. For example, aws-waf-logs-firewall-manager-central. Create the data firehose with a PUT source and in the Region that you are operating. If you are capturing logs for Amazon CloudFront, create the firehose in US East (N. Virginia). Before you use it, test your delivery stream to be sure that it has enough throughput to accommodate your organization's logs. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream.

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service buckets - Create an Amazon S3 bucket according to the guidelines in the Amazon Simple Storage Service topic in the AWS WAF Developer Guide. You must also configure your Amazon S3 bucket with the permissions listed in Permissions to publish logs to an Amazon S3 bucket .

  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your Firewall Manager administrator account, and then open the Firewall Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/wafv2/fmsv2. For information about setting up a Firewall Manager administrator account, see AWS Firewall Manager prerequisites.


    For information about setting up a Firewall Manager administrator account, see AWS Firewall Manager prerequisites.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Security Policies.

  4. Choose the AWS WAF policy that you want to enable logging for. For more information about AWS WAF logging, see Logging AWS WAF web ACL traffic.

  5. On the Policy details tab, in the Policy rules section, choose Edit.

  6. For Logging configuration, choose Enable logging to turn on logging. Logging provides detailed information about traffic that is analyzed by your web ACL. Choose the Logging destination, and then choose the logging destination that you configured. You must choose a logging destination whose name begins with aws-waf-logs-. For information about configuring a AWS WAF logging destination, see Using AWS WAF policies with Firewall Manager.

  7. (Optional) If you don't want certain fields and their values included in the logs, redact those fields. Choose the field to redact, and then choose Add. Repeat as necessary to redact additional fields. The redacted fields appear as REDACTED in the logs. For example, if you redact the URI field, the URI field in the logs will be REDACTED.

  8. (Optional) If you don't want to send all requests to the logs, add your filtering criteria and behavior. Under Filter logs, for each filter that you want to apply, choose Add filter, then choose your filtering criteria and specify whether you want to keep or drop requests that match the criteria. When you finish adding filters, if needed, modify the Default logging behavior. For more information, see Finding your web ACL records in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

  9. Choose Next.

  10. Review your settings, then choose Save to save your changes to the policy.