GET: Get the Attributes of a Node - Conductor Live

GET: Get the Attributes of a Node

Get the attributes on the specified node.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

GET http://<Conductor IP address>/nodes/<ID of node>

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication .


The response is XML content consisting of one node element, containing the same elements as the response for GET Node List above.


This request gets the attributes for the node that has the ID 3.

GET ------------------------------------------ Content-type:application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=3.3.0 ------------------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <node> <id>3</id> <hostname>ecle-22334455</hostname> <ip_addr></ip_addr> <status>active</status> <product_name>Live</product_name> <version></version> <channels>3</channels> <inflight_channels type="integer">0</inflight_channels> <mptses type="integer">0</mptses> <active_alerts type="integer">0</active_alerts> <recent_error_messages type="integer">0</recent_error_messages> <redundancy_group nil="true"/> <authentication> <user_id type="integer">1</user_id> </authentication> </node>