AvailabilityZoneInfo - Amazon OpenSearch Service


Information about an Availability Zone on a domain.



The name of the Availability Zone.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 15.

Required: No


The number of data nodes active in the Availability Zone.

Type: String

Pattern: ^((\d+)|(NotAvailable))$

Required: No


The total number of data nodes configured in the Availability Zone.

Type: String

Pattern: ^((\d+)|(NotAvailable))$

Required: No


The total number of primary and replica shards in the Availability Zone.

Type: String

Pattern: ^((\d+)|(NotAvailable))$

Required: No


The total number of primary and replica shards that aren't allocated to any of the nodes in the Availability Zone.

Type: String

Pattern: ^((\d+)|(NotAvailable))$

Required: No


The current state of the Availability Zone. Current options are Active and StandBy.

  • Active - Data nodes in the Availability Zone are in use.

  • StandBy - Data nodes in the Availability Zone are in a standby state.

  • NotAvailable - Unable to retrieve information.

Type: String

Valid Values: Active | StandBy | NotAvailable

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: