Ejemplos de datos de eventos que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS - Amazon Simple Email Service

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Ejemplos de datos de eventos que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS

En esta sección se proporcionan ejemplos de los tipos de registros de evento de envío de correo electrónico que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.


En los siguientes ejemplos en los que se utiliza un campo tag, se emplea la publicación de eventos a través de un conjunto de configuración para el que SES admite la publicación de etiquetas para todos los tipos de eventos. Si se utilizan las notificaciones de respuesta directamente en la identidad, SES no publica las etiquetas. Consulte cómo agregar etiquetas al crear un conjunto de configuración o modificar un conjunto de configuración.

Registro Bounce

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Bounce que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Bounce", "bounce":{ "bounceType":"Permanent", "bounceSubType":"General", "bouncedRecipients":[ { "emailAddress":"recipient@example.com", "action":"failed", "status":"5.1.1", "diagnosticCode":"smtp; 550 5.1.1 user unknown" } ], "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z", "feedbackId":"01000157c44f053b-61b59c11-9236-11e6-8f96-7be8aexample-000000", "reportingMTA":"dsn; mta.example.com" }, "mail":{ "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:40:02.012Z", "source":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "headers":[ { "name":"From", "value":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>" }, { "name":"To", "value":"recipient@example.com" }, { "name":"Subject", "value":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name":"MIME-Version", "value":"1.0" }, { "name":"Content-Type", "value":"multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_Part_7307378_1629847660.1516840721503\"" } ], "commonHeaders":{ "from":[ "Sender Name <sender@example.com>" ], "to":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip":[ "" ], "ses:from-domain":[ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity":[ "ses_user" ] } } }

Registro Complaint

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Complaint que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Complaint", "complaint": { "complainedRecipients":[ { "emailAddress":"recipient@example.com" } ], "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z", "feedbackId":"01000157c44f053b-61b59c11-9236-11e6-8f96-7be8aexample-000000", "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36", "complaintFeedbackType":"abuse", "arrivalDate":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z" }, "mail":{ "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:40:01.123Z", "source":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "headers":[ { "name":"From", "value":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>" }, { "name":"To", "value":"recipient@example.com" }, { "name":"Subject", "value":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name":"MIME-Version","value":"1.0" }, { "name":"Content-Type", "value":"multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_Part_7298998_679725522.1516840859643\"" } ], "commonHeaders":{ "from":[ "Sender Name <sender@example.com>" ], "to":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip":[ "" ], "ses:from-domain":[ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity":[ "ses_user" ] } } }

Registro Delivery

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Delivery que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Delivery", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-19T23:20:52.240Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/html; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "value": "7bit" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "ses:outgoing-ip": [ "" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "delivery": { "timestamp": "2016-10-19T23:21:04.133Z", "processingTimeMillis": 11893, "recipients": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "smtpResponse": "250 2.6.0 Message received", "reportingMTA": "mta.example.com" } }

Registro Send

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Send que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS. Algunos campos no siempre están presentes. Por ejemplo, con un correo electrónico con plantilla, el asunto se representa más tarde y se incluye en eventos posteriores.

{ "eventType": "Send", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-14T05:02:16.645Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----=_Part_0_716996660.1476421336341\"" }, { "name": "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value": "myCustomTag1=myCustomTagValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomTagValue2" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "send": {} }

Registro Reject

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Reject que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Reject", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-14T17:38:15.211Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "sender@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"qMm9M+Fa2AknHoGS\"" }, { "name": "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value": "myCustomTag1=myCustomTagValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomTagValue2" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "reject": { "reason": "Bad content" } }

Registro Open

El siguiente es un ejemplo de un registro de evento Open que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Open", "mail": { "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES", "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ] }, "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headers": [ { "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET", "value": "ConfigSet" }, { "name":"X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value":"myCustomTag1=myCustomValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomValue2" }, { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"XBoundary\"" } ], "headersTruncated": false, "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "source": "sender@example.com", "tags": { "myCustomTag1":[ "myCustomValue1" ], "myCustomTag2":[ "myCustomValue2" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "IAM_user_or_role_name" ], "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T21:59:49.927Z" }, "open": { "ipAddress": "", "timestamp": "2017-08-09T22:00:19.652Z", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60" } }

Registro Click

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Click que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Click", "click": { "ipAddress": "", "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-smtp.html", "linkTags": { "samplekey0": [ "samplevalue0" ], "samplekey1": [ "samplevalue1" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T23:51:25.570Z", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36" }, "mail": { "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES", "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ] }, "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headers": [ { "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET", "value": "ConfigSet" }, { "name":"X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value":"myCustomTag1=myCustomValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomValue2" }, { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"XBoundary\"" }, { "name": "Message-ID", "value": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000" } ], "headersTruncated": false, "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "source": "sender@example.com", "tags": { "myCustomTag1":[ "myCustomValue1" ], "myCustomTag2":[ "myCustomValue2" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T23:50:05.795Z" } }

Registro Rendering Failure

El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento Rendering Failure que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Rendering Failure", "mail":{ "timestamp":"2018-01-22T18:43:06.197Z", "source":"sender@example.com", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ] } }, "failure":{ "errorMessage":"Attribute 'attributeName' is not present in the rendering data.", "templateName":"MyTemplate" } }


El siguiente es el ejemplo de un registro de evento DeliveryDelay que Amazon SES publica en Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "DeliveryDelay", "mail":{ "timestamp":"2020-06-16T00:15:40.641Z", "source":"sender@example.com", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ] } }, "deliveryDelay": { "timestamp": "2020-06-16T00:25:40.095Z", "delayType": "TransientCommunicationFailure", "expirationTime": "2020-06-16T00:25:40.914Z", "delayedRecipients": [{ "emailAddress": "recipient@example.com", "status": "4.4.1", "diagnosticCode": "smtp; 421 4.4.1 Unable to connect to remote host" }] } }

Registro de suscripción

El siguiente es un ejemplo de un registro de Subscription eventos que Amazon SES publica en Firehose.

{ "eventType": "Subscription", "mail": { "timestamp": "2022-01-12T01:00:14.340Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLEe4bccb684-777bc8de-afa7-4970-92b0-f515137b1497-000000", "destination": ["recipient@example.com"], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/html; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "value": "7bit" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": ["sender@example.com"], "to": ["recipient@example.com"], "messageId": "EXAMPLEe4bccb684-777bc8de-afa7-4970-92b0-f515137b1497-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:operation": ["SendEmail"], "ses:configuration-set": ["ConfigSet"], "ses:source-ip": [""], "ses:from-domain": ["example.com"], "ses:caller-identity": ["ses_user"], "myCustomTag1": ["myCustomValue1"], "myCustomTag2": ["myCustomValue2"] } }, "subscription": { "contactList": "ContactListName", "timestamp": "2022-01-12T01:00:17.910Z", "source": "UnsubscribeHeader", "newTopicPreferences": { "unsubscribeAll": true, "topicSubscriptionStatus": [ { "topicName": "ExampleTopicName", "subscriptionStatus": "OptOut" } ] }, "oldTopicPreferences": { "unsubscribeAll": false, "topicSubscriptionStatus": [ { "topicName": "ExampleTopicName", "subscriptionStatus": "OptOut" } ] } } }