Deploy the solution - Security Automations for AWS WAF

Deploy the solution

This solution uses AWS CloudFormation templates and stacks to automate its deployment. The CloudFormation templates specify the AWS resources included in this solution and their properties. The CloudFormation stack provisions the resources that are described in the templates.

Deployment process overview

Before you launch the CloudFormation template, review the architectural and configuration considerations discussed in this guide. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account.

Time to deploy: Approximately 15 minutes.


If you have previously deployed this solution, see Update the solution for update instructions.


  • Configure a CloudFront distribution

  • Configure an ALB

Step 1. Launch the stack

  • Launch the CloudFormation template into your AWS account.

  • Enter values for the required parameters: Stack Name and Application Access Log Bucket Name.

  • Review the other template parameters, and adjust if necessary.

Step 2. Associate the web ACL with your web application

  • Associate your CloudFront web distribution(s) or ALB(s) with the web ACL that this solution generates. You can associate as many distributions or load balancers as you want.

Step 3. Configure web access logging

  • Turn on web access logging for your CloudFront web distribution(s) or ALB(s), and send log files to the appropriate Amazon S3 bucket. Save logs in a folder matching the user-defined prefix. If no user-defined prefix is used, save logs to AWSLogs (default log prefix AWSLogs/). See the Application Access Log Bucket Prefix parameter in Step 1. Launch the stack for more information.