AWS service events delivered via AWS CloudTrail - Amazon EventBridge

AWS service events delivered via AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is a service that automatically records events such as AWS API calls. You can create EventBridge rules that use the information from CloudTrail. For more information about CloudTrail, see What is AWS CloudTrail?.

All events that are delivered by CloudTrail have AWS API Call via CloudTrail as the value for detail-type.

To record events with a detail-type value of AWS API Call via CloudTrail, a CloudTrail trail with logging enabled is required.

When using CloudTrail with Amazon S3, you need to configure CloudTrail to log data events. For more information, see Enabling CloudTrail event logging for S3 buckets and objects .

Some occurrences in AWS services can be reported to EventBridge both by the service itself and by CloudTrail. For example, an Amazon EC2 API call that starts or stops an instance generates EventBridge events as well as events through CloudTrail.

CloudTrail supports both API callers and resource owners to receive events in their Amazon S3 buckets by creating trails, and delivers events to API callers through EventBridge. Resource owners in addition to API callers can monitor cross-account API calls through EventBridge. CloudTrail’s integration with EventBridge provides a convenient way to set automated rules-based workflows in response to events.

You can't use AWS Put*Events API call events that are larger than 256 KB in size as event patterns because the maximum size of any Put*Events requests is 256 KB. For more information about the API calls that you can use, see CloudTrail supported services and integrations.