WEB_TRAFFIC Domain - Amazon Forecast


Use the WEB_TRAFFIC domain to forecast web traffic to a web property or a set of web properties. It supports the following dataset types. The relevant topics describe required and optional fields the dataset type supports. For information about how to map these fields to columns in your training data see Dataset Domains and Dataset Types.

Target Time Series Dataset Type

The following fields are required:

  • item_id (string) – A unique identifier for each web property being forecast.

  • timestamp (timestamp)

  • value (float) – This is the target field for which Amazon Forecast generates a forecast.

Ideally, only these required fields should be included. Other additional time series information should be included in a related time series dataset.

The following fields are required:

  • item_id (string)

  • timestamp (timestamp)

In addition to the required fields, your training data can include other fields. To include other fields in the dataset, provide the fields in a schema when you create the dataset.

Item Metadata Dataset Type

The following field is required:

  • item_id (string)

The following field is optional and might be useful in improving forecast results:

  • category (string)

In addition to the required and suggested optional fields, your training data can include other fields. To include other fields in the dataset, provide the fields in a schema when you create the dataset.